# frozen_string_literal: true require "mobile_detection" require "crawler_detection" require "guardian" require "http_language_parser" module Middleware class AnonymousCache def self.cache_key_segments @@cache_key_segments ||= { m: "key_is_mobile?", c: "key_is_crawler?", o: "key_is_old_browser?", d: "key_is_modern_mobile_device?", b: "key_has_brotli?", t: "key_cache_theme_ids", ca: "key_compress_anon", l: "key_locale", } end # Compile a string builder method that will be called to create # an anonymous cache key def self.compile_key_builder method = +"def self.__compiled_key_builder(h)\n \"" cache_key_segments.each do |k, v| raise "Invalid key name" unless k =~ /\A[a-z]+\z/ raise "Invalid method name" unless v =~ /\Akey_[a-z_\?]+\z/ method << "|#{k}=#\{h.#{v}}" end method << "\"\nend" eval(method) # rubocop:disable Security/Eval @@compiled = true end def self.build_cache_key(helper) compile_key_builder unless defined?(@@compiled) __compiled_key_builder(helper) end def self.anon_cache(env, duration) env["ANON_CACHE_DURATION"] = duration end def self.clear_all_cache! if Rails.env.production? raise "for perf reasons, clear_all_cache! cannot be used in production." end Discourse.redis.keys("ANON_CACHE_*").each { |k| Discourse.redis.del(k) } end def self.disable_anon_cache @@disabled = true end def self.enable_anon_cache @@disabled = false end # This gives us an API to insert anonymous cache segments class Helper RACK_SESSION = "rack.session" USER_AGENT = "HTTP_USER_AGENT" ACCEPT_ENCODING = "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" DISCOURSE_RENDER = "HTTP_DISCOURSE_RENDER" REDIS_STORE_SCRIPT = DiscourseRedis::EvalHelper.new <<~LUA local current = redis.call("incr", KEYS[1]) redis.call("expire",KEYS[1],ARGV[1]) return current LUA def initialize(env, request = nil) @env = env @request = request || Rack::Request.new(@env) end def blocked_crawler? @request.get? && !@request.xhr? && !@request.path.ends_with?("robots.txt") && !@request.path.ends_with?("srv/status") && @request[Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider::API_KEY].nil? && @env[Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider::USER_API_KEY].nil? && @env[Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider::HEADER_API_KEY].nil? && CrawlerDetection.is_blocked_crawler?(@env[USER_AGENT]) end def is_mobile=(val) @is_mobile = val ? :true : :false end def is_mobile? @is_mobile ||= begin session = @env[RACK_SESSION] # don't initialize params until later # otherwise you get a broken params on the request params = {} MobileDetection.resolve_mobile_view!(@env[USER_AGENT], params, session) ? :true : :false end @is_mobile == :true end alias_method :key_is_mobile?, :is_mobile? def key_has_brotli? @has_brotli ||= begin @env[ACCEPT_ENCODING].to_s =~ /br/ ? :true : :false end @has_brotli == :true end def key_locale if locale = Discourse.anonymous_locale(@request) locale else "" # No need to key, it is the same for all anon users end end def is_crawler? @is_crawler ||= begin user_agent = @env[USER_AGENT] if @env[DISCOURSE_RENDER] == "crawler" || CrawlerDetection.crawler?(user_agent, @env["HTTP_VIA"]) :true else if user_agent.downcase.include?("discourse") && !user_agent.downcase.include?("mobile") :true else :false end end end @is_crawler == :true end alias_method :key_is_crawler?, :is_crawler? def key_is_modern_mobile_device? MobileDetection.modern_mobile_device?(@env[USER_AGENT]) if @env[USER_AGENT] end def key_is_old_browser? CrawlerDetection.show_browser_update?(@env[USER_AGENT]) if @env[USER_AGENT] end def cache_key return @cache_key if defined?(@cache_key) @cache_key = +"ANON_CACHE_#{@env["HTTP_ACCEPT"]}_#{@env[Rack::RACK_URL_SCHEME]}_#{@env["HTTP_HOST"]}#{@env["REQUEST_URI"]}" @cache_key << AnonymousCache.build_cache_key(self) @cache_key end def key_cache_theme_ids theme_ids.join(",") end def key_compress_anon GlobalSetting.compress_anon_cache end def theme_ids ids, _ = @request.cookies["theme_ids"]&.split("|") id = ids&.split(",")&.map(&:to_i)&.first if id && Guardian.new.allow_themes?([id]) Theme.transform_ids(id) else [] end end def cache_key_count @cache_key_count ||= "#{cache_key}_count" end def cache_key_body @cache_key_body ||= "#{cache_key}_body" end def cache_key_other @cache_key_other || "#{cache_key}_other" end def get? @env["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET" end def has_auth_cookie? CurrentUser.has_auth_cookie?(@env) end def no_cache_bypass request = Rack::Request.new(@env) request.cookies["_bypass_cache"].nil? && (request.path != "/srv/status") && request[Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider::API_KEY].nil? && @env[Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider::HEADER_API_KEY].nil? && @env[Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider::USER_API_KEY].nil? end def force_anonymous! @env[Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider::USER_API_KEY] = nil @env[Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider::HEADER_API_KEY] = nil @env["HTTP_COOKIE"] = nil @env["HTTP_DISCOURSE_LOGGED_IN"] = nil @env["rack.request.cookie.hash"] = {} @env["rack.request.cookie.string"] = "" @env["_bypass_cache"] = nil request = Rack::Request.new(@env) request.delete_param("api_username") request.delete_param("api_key") end def logged_in_anon_limiter @logged_in_anon_limiter ||= RateLimiter.new( nil, "logged_in_anon_cache_#{@env["HTTP_HOST"]}/#{@env["REQUEST_URI"]}", GlobalSetting.force_anonymous_min_per_10_seconds, 10, ) end def check_logged_in_rate_limit! !logged_in_anon_limiter.performed!(raise_error: false) end MIN_TIME_TO_CHECK = 0.05 ADP = "action_dispatch.request.parameters" def should_force_anonymous? if (queue_time = @env["REQUEST_QUEUE_SECONDS"]) && get? if queue_time > GlobalSetting.force_anonymous_min_queue_seconds return check_logged_in_rate_limit! elsif queue_time >= MIN_TIME_TO_CHECK return check_logged_in_rate_limit! if !logged_in_anon_limiter.can_perform? end end false end def cacheable? !!( GlobalSetting.anon_cache_store_threshold > 0 && !has_auth_cookie? && get? && no_cache_bypass ) end def compress(val) if val && GlobalSetting.compress_anon_cache require "lz4-ruby" if !defined?(LZ4) LZ4.compress(val) else val end end def decompress(val) if val && GlobalSetting.compress_anon_cache require "lz4-ruby" if !defined?(LZ4) LZ4.uncompress(val) else val end end def cached(env = {}) if body = decompress(Discourse.redis.get(cache_key_body)) if other = Discourse.redis.get(cache_key_other) other = JSON.parse(other) if req_params = other[1].delete(ADP) env[ADP] = req_params end [other[0], other[1], [body]] end end end def cache_duration @env["ANON_CACHE_DURATION"] end # NOTE in an ideal world cache still serves out cached content except for one magic worker # that fills it up, this avoids a herd killing you, we can probably do this using a job or redis tricks # but coordinating this is tricky def cache(result, env = {}) return result if GlobalSetting.anon_cache_store_threshold == 0 status, headers, response = result if status == 200 && cache_duration if GlobalSetting.anon_cache_store_threshold > 1 count = REDIS_STORE_SCRIPT.eval(Discourse.redis, [cache_key_count], [cache_duration]) # technically lua will cast for us, but might as well be # prudent here, hence the to_i if count.to_i < GlobalSetting.anon_cache_store_threshold headers["X-Discourse-Cached"] = "skip" return status, headers, response end end headers_stripped = headers.dup.delete_if { |k, _| %w[Set-Cookie X-MiniProfiler-Ids].include? k } headers_stripped["X-Discourse-Cached"] = "true" parts = [] response.each { |part| parts << part } if req_params = env[ADP] headers_stripped[ADP] = { "action" => req_params["action"], "controller" => req_params["controller"], } end Discourse.redis.setex(cache_key_body, cache_duration, compress(parts.join)) Discourse.redis.setex(cache_key_other, cache_duration, [status, headers_stripped].to_json) headers["X-Discourse-Cached"] = "store" else parts = response end [status, headers, parts] end def clear_cache Discourse.redis.del(cache_key_body) Discourse.redis.del(cache_key_other) end end def initialize(app, settings = {}) @app = app end PAYLOAD_INVALID_REQUEST_METHODS = %w[GET HEAD] def call(env) return @app.call(env) if defined?(@@disabled) && @@disabled if PAYLOAD_INVALID_REQUEST_METHODS.include?(env[Rack::REQUEST_METHOD]) && env[Rack::RACK_INPUT].size > 0 return 413, { "Cache-Control" => "private, max-age=0, must-revalidate" }, [] end helper = Helper.new(env) force_anon = false if helper.blocked_crawler? env["discourse.request_tracker.skip"] = true return 403, {}, ["Crawler is not allowed!"] end if helper.should_force_anonymous? force_anon = env["DISCOURSE_FORCE_ANON"] = true helper.force_anonymous! end if (env["HTTP_DISCOURSE_BACKGROUND"] == "true") && (queue_time = env["REQUEST_QUEUE_SECONDS"]) max_time = GlobalSetting.background_requests_max_queue_length.to_f if max_time > 0 && queue_time.to_f > max_time return [ 429, { "content-type" => "application/json; charset=utf-8" }, [ { errors: I18n.t("rate_limiter.slow_down"), extras: { wait_seconds: 5 + (5 * rand).round(2), }, }.to_json, ] ] end end result = if helper.cacheable? helper.cached(env) || helper.cache(@app.call(env), env) else @app.call(env) end result[1]["Set-Cookie"] = "dosp=1; Path=/" if force_anon result end end end