Discourse.Report = Discourse.Model.extend({ reportUrl: function() { return("/admin/reports/" + this.get('type')); }.property('type'), valueAt: function(numDaysAgo) { if (this.data) { var wantedDate = moment().subtract('days', numDaysAgo).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); var item = this.data.find( function(d, i, arr) { return d.x === wantedDate; } ); if (item) { return item.y; } } return 0; }, sumDays: function(startDaysAgo, endDaysAgo) { if (this.data) { var earliestDate = moment().subtract('days', endDaysAgo).startOf('day'); var latestDate = moment().subtract('days',startDaysAgo).startOf('day'); var d, sum = 0; _.each(this.data,function(datum){ d = moment(datum.x); if(d >= earliestDate && d <= latestDate) { sum += datum.y; } }); return sum; } }, todayCount: function() { return this.valueAt(0); }.property('data'), yesterdayCount: function() { return this.valueAt(1); }.property('data'), lastSevenDaysCount: function() { return this.sumDays(1,7); }.property('data'), lastThirtyDaysCount: function() { return this.sumDays(1,30); }.property('data'), sevenDaysAgoCount: function() { return this.valueAt(7); }.property('data'), thirtyDaysAgoCount: function() { return this.valueAt(30); }.property('data'), yesterdayTrend: function() { var yesterdayVal = this.valueAt(1); var twoDaysAgoVal = this.valueAt(2); if ( yesterdayVal > twoDaysAgoVal ) { return 'trending-up'; } else if ( yesterdayVal < twoDaysAgoVal ) { return 'trending-down'; } else { return 'no-change'; } }.property('data'), sevenDayTrend: function() { var currentPeriod = this.sumDays(1,7); var prevPeriod = this.sumDays(8,14); if ( currentPeriod > prevPeriod ) { return 'trending-up'; } else if ( currentPeriod < prevPeriod ) { return 'trending-down'; } else { return 'no-change'; } }.property('data'), thirtyDayTrend: function() { if( this.get('prev30Days') ) { var currentPeriod = this.sumDays(1,30); if( currentPeriod > this.get('prev30Days') ) { return 'trending-up'; } else if ( currentPeriod < this.get('prev30Days') ) { return 'trending-down'; } } return 'no-change'; }.property('data', 'prev30Days'), icon: function() { switch( this.get('type') ) { case 'flags': return 'icon-flag'; case 'likes': return 'icon-heart'; default: return null; } }.property('type'), percentChangeString: function(val1, val2) { var val = ((val1 - val2) / val2) * 100; if( isNaN(val) || !isFinite(val) ) { return null; } else if( val > 0 ) { return '+' + val.toFixed(0) + '%'; } else { return val.toFixed(0) + '%'; } }, changeTitle: function(val1, val2, prevPeriodString) { var title = ''; var percentChange = this.percentChangeString(val1, val2); if( percentChange ) { title += percentChange + ' change. '; } title += 'Was ' + val2 + ' ' + prevPeriodString + '.'; return title; }, yesterdayCountTitle: function() { return this.changeTitle( this.valueAt(1), this.valueAt(2),'two days ago'); }.property('data'), sevenDayCountTitle: function() { return this.changeTitle( this.sumDays(1,7), this.sumDays(8,14), 'two weeks ago'); }.property('data'), thirtyDayCountTitle: function() { return this.changeTitle( this.sumDays(1,30), this.get('prev30Days'), 'in the previous 30 day period'); }.property('data') }); Discourse.Report.reopenClass({ find: function(type) { var model = Discourse.Report.create({type: type}); Discourse.ajax("/admin/reports/" + type).then(function (json) { // Add a percent field to each tuple var maxY = 0; json.report.data.forEach(function (row) { if (row.y > maxY) maxY = row.y; }); if (maxY > 0) { json.report.data.forEach(function (row) { row.percentage = Math.round((row.y / maxY) * 100); }); } model.mergeAttributes(json.report); model.set('loaded', true); }); return(model); } });