desc 'Update each post with latest markdown' task 'posts:rebake' => :environment do ENV['RAILS_DB'] ? rebake_posts : rebake_posts_all_sites end desc 'Update each post with latest markdown and refresh oneboxes' task 'posts:refresh_oneboxes' => :environment do ENV['RAILS_DB'] ? rebake_posts(invalidate_oneboxes: true) : rebake_posts_all_sites(invalidate_oneboxes: true) end desc 'Rebake all posts with a quote using a letter_avatar' task 'posts:fix_letter_avatars' => :environment do return unless SiteSetting.external_system_avatars_enabled search = Post.where("user_id <> -1") .where("raw LIKE '%/letter\_avatar/%' OR cooked LIKE '%/letter\_avatar/%'") rebaked = 0 total = search.count search.find_each do |post| rebake_post(post) print_status(rebaked += 1, total) end puts "", "#{rebaked} posts done!", "" end desc 'Rebake all posts matching string/regex and optionally delay the loop' task 'posts:rebake_match', [:pattern, :type, :delay] => [:environment] do |_,args| pattern = args[:pattern] type = args[:type] type = type.downcase if type delay = args[:delay].to_i if args[:delay] if !pattern puts "ERROR: Expecting rake posts:rebake_match[pattern,type,delay]" exit 1 elsif delay && delay < 1 puts "ERROR: delay parameter should be an integer and greater than 0" exit 1 end if type == "regex" search = Post.where("raw ~ ?", pattern) elsif type == "string" || !type search = Post.where("raw ILIKE ?", "%#{pattern}%") else puts "ERROR: Expecting rake posts:rebake_match[pattern,type] where type is string or regex" exit 1 end rebaked = 0 total = search.count search.find_each do |post| rebake_post(post) print_status(rebaked += 1, total) sleep(delay) if delay end puts "", "#{rebaked} posts done!", "" end def rebake_posts_all_sites(opts = {}) RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do |db| rebake_posts(opts) end end def rebake_posts(opts = {}) puts "Rebaking post markdown for '#{RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db}'" disable_edit_notifications = SiteSetting.disable_edit_notifications SiteSetting.disable_edit_notifications = true total = Post.count rebaked = 0 Post.find_each do |post| rebake_post(post, opts) print_status(rebaked += 1, total) end SiteSetting.disable_edit_notifications = disable_edit_notifications puts "", "#{rebaked} posts done!", "-" * 50 end def rebake_post(post, opts = {}) post.rebake!(opts) rescue => e puts "", "Failed to rebake (topic_id: #{post.topic_id}, post_id: #{})", e, e.backtrace.join("\n") end def print_status(current, max) print "\r%9d / %d (%5.1f%%)" % [current, max, ((current.to_f / max.to_f) * 100).round(1)] end desc 'normalize all markdown so
 is not used and instead backticks'
task 'posts:normalize_code' => :environment do
  lang = ENV['CODE_LANG'] || ''
  require 'import/normalize'

  puts "Normalizing"
  i = 0
  Post.where("raw like '%
%%'").each do |p|
    normalized = Import::Normalize.normalize_code_blocks(p.raw, lang)
    if normalized != p.raw
      p.revise(Discourse.system_user, { raw: normalized })
      putc "."
      i += 1

  puts "#{i} posts normalized!"

def remap_posts(find, replace="")
  i = 0
  Post.where("raw LIKE ?", "%#{find}%").each do |p|
    new_raw = p.raw.dup
    new_raw = new_raw.gsub!(/#{Regexp.escape(find)}/, replace) || new_raw

    if new_raw != p.raw
      p.revise(Discourse.system_user, { raw: new_raw }, { bypass_bump: true, skip_revision: true })
      putc "."
      i += 1

desc 'Remap all posts matching specific string'
task 'posts:remap', [:find, :replace] => [:environment] do |_,args|

  find = args[:find]
  replace = args[:replace]
  if !find
    puts "ERROR: Expecting rake posts:remap['find','replace']"
    exit 1
  elsif !replace
    puts "ERROR: Expecting rake posts:remap['find','replace']. Want to delete a word/string instead? Try rake posts:delete_word['word-to-delete']"
    exit 1

  puts "Remapping"
  total = remap_posts(find, replace)
  puts "", "#{total} posts remapped!", ""

desc 'Delete occurrence of a word/string'
task 'posts:delete_word', [:find] => [:environment] do |_,args|
  require 'highline/import'

  find = args[:find]
  if !find
    puts "ERROR: Expecting rake posts:delete_word['word-to-delete']"
    exit 1
    confirm_replace = ask("Are you sure you want to remove all occurrences of '#{find}'? (Y/n)  ")
    exit 1 unless (confirm_replace == "" || confirm_replace.downcase == 'y')

  puts "Processing"
  total = remap_posts(find)
  puts "", "#{total} posts updated!", ""

desc 'Delete all likes'
task 'posts:delete_all_likes' => :environment do

  post_actions = PostAction.where(post_action_type_id: PostActionType.types[:like])

  likes_deleted = 0
  total = post_actions.count

  post_actions.each do |post_action|
      print_status(likes_deleted += 1, total)
      # skip

  UserStat.update_all(likes_given: 0, likes_received: 0) # clear user likes stats
  DirectoryItem.update_all(likes_given: 0, likes_received: 0) # clear user directory likes stats
  puts "", "#{likes_deleted} likes deleted!", ""