# frozen_string_literal: true class OptimizedImage < ActiveRecord::Base include HasUrl belongs_to :upload # BUMP UP if optimized image algorithm changes VERSION = 2 URL_REGEX ||= %r{(/optimized/\dX[/\.\w]*/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[\.\w]*)} def self.lock(upload_id, width, height) @hostname ||= Discourse.os_hostname # note, the extra lock here ensures we only optimize one image per machine on webs # this can very easily lead to runaway CPU so slowing it down is beneficial and it is hijacked # # we can not afford this blocking in Sidekiq cause it can lead to starvation if Sidekiq.server? DistributedMutex.synchronize("optimized_image_#{upload_id}_#{width}_#{height}") { yield } else DistributedMutex.synchronize("optimized_image_host_#{@hostname}") do DistributedMutex.synchronize("optimized_image_#{upload_id}_#{width}_#{height}") { yield } end end end def self.create_for(upload, width, height, opts = {}) return if width <= 0 || height <= 0 return if upload.try(:sha1).blank? # no extension so try to guess it upload.fix_image_extension if (!upload.extension) if !upload.extension.match?(IM_DECODERS) && upload.extension != "svg" if !opts[:raise_on_error] # nothing to do ... bad extension, not an image return else raise InvalidAccess end end # prefer to look up the thumbnail without grabbing any locks thumbnail = find_by(upload_id: upload.id, width: width, height: height) # correct bad thumbnail if needed if thumbnail && (thumbnail.url.blank? || thumbnail.version != VERSION) thumbnail.destroy! thumbnail = nil end return thumbnail if thumbnail # create the thumbnail otherwise original_path = Discourse.store.path_for(upload) if original_path.blank? # download is protected with a DistributedMutex external_copy = begin Discourse.store.download(upload) rescue StandardError nil end original_path = external_copy.try(:path) end lock(upload.id, width, height) do # may have been generated since we got the lock thumbnail = find_by(upload_id: upload.id, width: width, height: height) # return the previous thumbnail if any return thumbnail if thumbnail if original_path.blank? Rails.logger.error("Could not find file in the store located at url: #{upload.url}") else # create a temp file with the same extension as the original extension = ".#{opts[:format] || upload.extension}" return nil if extension.length == 1 temp_file = Tempfile.new(["discourse-thumbnail", extension]) temp_path = temp_file.path target_quality = upload.target_image_quality(original_path, SiteSetting.image_preview_jpg_quality) opts = opts.merge(quality: target_quality) if target_quality opts = opts.merge(upload_id: upload.id) if upload.extension == "svg" FileUtils.cp(original_path, temp_path) resized = true elsif opts[:crop] resized = crop(original_path, temp_path, width, height, opts) else resized = resize(original_path, temp_path, width, height, opts) end if resized thumbnail = OptimizedImage.create!( upload_id: upload.id, sha1: Upload.generate_digest(temp_path), extension: extension, width: width, height: height, url: "", filesize: File.size(temp_path), version: VERSION, ) # store the optimized image and update its url File.open(temp_path) do |file| url = Discourse.store.store_optimized_image(file, thumbnail, nil, secure: upload.secure?) if url.present? thumbnail.url = url thumbnail.save else Rails.logger.error( "Failed to store optimized image of size #{width}x#{height} from url: #{upload.url}\nTemp image path: #{temp_path}", ) end end end # close && remove temp file temp_file.close! end # make sure we remove the cached copy from external stores external_copy&.close if Discourse.store.external? thumbnail end end def destroy OptimizedImage.transaction do Discourse.store.remove_optimized_image(self) if self.upload super end end def local? !(url =~ %r{\A(https?:)?//}) end def calculate_filesize path = if local? Discourse.store.path_for(self) else Discourse.store.download(self).path end File.size(path) end def filesize if size = read_attribute(:filesize) size else size = calculate_filesize write_attribute(:filesize, size) update_columns(filesize: size) if !new_record? size end end def self.safe_path?(path) # this matches instructions which call #to_s path = path.to_s return false if path != File.expand_path(path) return false if path !~ %r{\A[\w\-\./]+\z}m true end def self.ensure_safe_paths!(*paths) paths.each { |path| raise Discourse::InvalidAccess unless safe_path?(path) } end IM_DECODERS ||= /\A(jpe?g|png|ico|gif|webp)\z/i def self.prepend_decoder!(path, ext_path = nil, opts = nil) opts ||= {} # This logic is a little messy but the result of using mocks for most # of the image tests. The idea here is you shouldn't trust the "original" # path of a file to figure out its extension. However, in certain cases # such as generating the loading upload thumbnail, we force the format, # and this allows us to use the forced format in that case. extension = nil if (opts[:format] && path != ext_path) extension = File.extname(path)[1..-1] else extension = File.extname(opts[:filename] || ext_path || path)[1..-1] end raise Discourse::InvalidAccess if !extension || !extension.match?(IM_DECODERS) "#{extension}:#{path}" end def self.thumbnail_or_resize SiteSetting.strip_image_metadata ? "thumbnail" : "resize" end def self.resize_instructions(from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) ensure_safe_paths!(from, to) # note FROM my not be named correctly from = prepend_decoder!(from, to, opts) to = prepend_decoder!(to, to, opts) instructions = ["convert", "#{from}[0]"] instructions << "-colors" << opts[:colors].to_s if opts[:colors] instructions << "-quality" << opts[:quality].to_s if opts[:quality] # NOTE: ORDER is important! instructions.concat( %W[ -auto-orient -gravity center -background transparent -#{thumbnail_or_resize} #{dimensions}^ -extent #{dimensions} -interpolate catrom -unsharp 2x0.5+0.7+0 -interlace none -profile #{File.join(Rails.root, "vendor", "data", "RT_sRGB.icm")} #{to} ], ) end def self.crop_instructions(from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) ensure_safe_paths!(from, to) from = prepend_decoder!(from, to, opts) to = prepend_decoder!(to, to, opts) instructions = %W{ convert #{from}[0] -auto-orient -gravity north -background transparent -#{thumbnail_or_resize} #{dimensions}^ -crop #{dimensions}+0+0 -unsharp 2x0.5+0.7+0 -interlace none -profile #{File.join(Rails.root, "vendor", "data", "RT_sRGB.icm")} } instructions << "-quality" << opts[:quality].to_s if opts[:quality] instructions << to end def self.downsize_instructions(from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) ensure_safe_paths!(from, to) from = prepend_decoder!(from, to, opts) to = prepend_decoder!(to, to, opts) %W{ convert #{from}[0] -auto-orient -gravity center -background transparent -interlace none -resize #{dimensions} -profile #{File.join(Rails.root, "vendor", "data", "RT_sRGB.icm")} #{to} } end def self.resize(from, to, width, height, opts = {}) optimize("resize", from, to, "#{width}x#{height}", opts) end def self.crop(from, to, width, height, opts = {}) optimize("crop", from, to, "#{width}x#{height}", opts) end def self.downsize(from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) optimize("downsize", from, to, dimensions, opts) end def self.optimize(operation, from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) method_name = "#{operation}_instructions" instructions = self.public_send(method_name.to_sym, from, to, dimensions, opts) convert_with(instructions, to, opts) end MAX_PNGQUANT_SIZE = 500_000 MAX_CONVERT_SECONDS = 20 def self.convert_with(instructions, to, opts = {}) Discourse::Utils.execute_command( "nice", "-n", "10", *instructions, timeout: MAX_CONVERT_SECONDS, ) allow_pngquant = to.downcase.ends_with?(".png") && File.size(to) < MAX_PNGQUANT_SIZE FileHelper.optimize_image!(to, allow_pngquant: allow_pngquant) true rescue => e if opts[:raise_on_error] raise e else error = +"Failed to optimize image:" if e.message =~ /\Aconvert:([^`]+)/ error << $1 else error << " unknown reason" end Discourse.warn( error, upload_id: opts[:upload_id], location: to, error_message: e.message, instructions: instructions, ) false end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: optimized_images # # id :integer not null, primary key # sha1 :string(40) not null # extension :string(10) not null # width :integer not null # height :integer not null # upload_id :integer not null # url :string not null # filesize :integer # etag :string # version :integer # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # # Indexes # # index_optimized_images_on_etag (etag) # index_optimized_images_on_upload_id (upload_id) # index_optimized_images_on_upload_id_and_width_and_height (upload_id,width,height) UNIQUE #