# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' describe PostActionNotifier do before do PostActionNotifier.enable Jobs.run_immediately! end fab!(:evil_trout) { Fabricate(:evil_trout) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post) } context 'when editing a post' do it 'notifies a user of the revision' do expect { post.revise(evil_trout, raw: "world is the new body of the message") }.to change { post.reload.user.notifications.count }.by(1) end it 'notifies watching users of revision when post is wiki-ed and first post in topic' do SiteSetting.editing_grace_period_max_diff = 1 post.update!(wiki: true) user = post.user user2 = Fabricate(:user) user3 = Fabricate(:user) TopicUser.change(user2.id, post.topic, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching] ) TopicUser.change(user3.id, post.topic, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking] ) expect do post.revise(Fabricate(:user), raw: "I made some changes to the wiki!") end.to change { Notification.count }.by(2) edited_notification_type = Notification.types[:edited] expect(Notification.exists?( user: user, notification_type: edited_notification_type )).to eq(true) expect(Notification.exists?( user: user2, notification_type: edited_notification_type )).to eq(true) expect do post.revise(user, raw: "I made some changes to the wiki again!") end.to change { Notification.where(notification_type: edited_notification_type).count }.by(1) expect(Notification.where( user: user2, notification_type: edited_notification_type ).count).to eq(2) expect do post.revise(user2, raw: "I changed the wiki totally") end.to change { Notification.where(notification_type: edited_notification_type).count }.by(1) expect(Notification.where( user: user, notification_type: edited_notification_type ).count).to eq(2) end it 'stores the revision number with the notification' do post.revise(evil_trout, raw: "world is the new body of the message") notification_data = JSON.parse post.user.notifications.last.data expect(notification_data['revision_number']).to eq post.post_revisions.last.number end context "edit notifications are disabled" do before { SiteSetting.disable_system_edit_notifications = true } it 'notifies a user of the revision made by another user' do expect { post.revise(evil_trout, raw: "world is the new body of the message") }.to change(post.user.notifications, :count).by(1) end it 'does not notifiy a user of the revision made by the system user' do expect { post.revise(Discourse.system_user, raw: "world is the new body of the message") }.not_to change(post.user.notifications, :count) end end end context 'private message' do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:mention_post) { Fabricate(:post, user: user, raw: 'Hello @eviltrout') } let(:topic) do topic = mention_post.topic topic.update_columns archetype: Archetype.private_message, category_id: nil topic end it "won't notify someone who can't see the post" do expect { Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_see?).with(instance_of(Post)).returns(false) mention_post PostAlerter.post_created(mention_post) }.not_to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count) end it 'creates like notifications' do other_user = Fabricate(:user) topic.allowed_users << user << other_user expect { PostActionCreator.like(other_user, mention_post) }.to change(user.notifications, :count) end end context 'moderator action post' do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:first_post) { Fabricate(:post, user: user, raw: 'A useless post for you.') } let(:topic) { first_post.topic } it 'should not notify anyone' do expect { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: 'This topic is CLOSED', post_type: Post.types[:moderator_action]) }.to_not change { Notification.count } end end end