class Notification < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :topic validates_presence_of :data validates_presence_of :notification_type def self.Types {:mentioned => 1, :replied => 2, :quoted => 3, :edited => 4, :liked => 5, :private_message => 6, :invited_to_private_message => 7, :invitee_accepted => 8, :posted => 9, :moved_post => 10} end def self.InvertedTypes @inverted_types ||= Notification.Types.invert end def self.unread where(read: false) end def self.mark_post_read(user, topic_id, post_number) Notification.update_all "read = true", ["user_id = ? and topic_id = ? and post_number = ?",, topic_id, post_number] end def self.recent order('created_at desc').limit(10) end def self.interesting_after(min_date) result = where("created_at > ?", min_date) .includes(:topic) .unread .limit(20) .order("CASE WHEN notification_type = #{Notification.Types[:replied]} THEN 1 WHEN notification_type = #{Notification.Types[:mentioned]} THEN 2 ELSE 3 END, created_at DESC").to_a # Remove any duplicates by type and topic if result.present? seen = {} to_remove = result.each do |r| seen[r.notification_type] ||= if seen[r.notification_type].include?(r.topic_id) to_remove << else seen[r.notification_type] << r.topic_id end end result.reject! {|r| to_remove.include?( } end result end # Be wary of calling this frequently. O(n) JSON parsing can suck. def data_hash @data_hash ||= begin return nil if data.blank? ::JSON.parse(data).with_indifferent_access end end def text_description link = block_given? ? yield : "" I18n.t("notification_types.#{Notification.InvertedTypes[notification_type]}", data_hash.merge(link: link)) end def url if topic.present? return topic.relative_url(post_number) end nil end def post return nil unless topic_id.present? return nil unless post_number.present? Post.where(topic_id: topic_id, post_number: post_number).first end end