import EmberObject from "@ember/object"; import { click, render } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import { TrackedObject } from "@ember-compat/tracked-built-ins"; import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile"; import { module, test } from "qunit"; import { setupRenderingTest } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test"; import pretender, { response } from "discourse/tests/helpers/create-pretender"; import I18n from "discourse-i18n"; let requests = 0; module("Poll | Component | poll", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function () { pretender.put("/polls/vote", () => { ++requests; return response({ poll: { name: "poll", type: "regular", status: "open", results: "always", options: [ { id: "1f972d1df351de3ce35a787c89faad29", html: "yes", votes: 1, }, { id: "d7ebc3a9beea2e680815a1e4f57d6db6", html: "no", votes: 0, }, ], voters: 1, chart_type: "bar", }, vote: ["1f972d1df351de3ce35a787c89faad29"], }); }); }); test("shows vote", async function (assert) { this.setProperties({ post: EmberObject.create({ id: 42, topic: { archived: false, }, user_id: 29, }), poll: new TrackedObject({ name: "poll", type: "regular", status: "closed", results: "always", options: [ { id: "1f972d1df351de3ce35a787c89faad29", html: "yes", votes: 1 }, { id: "d7ebc3a9beea2e680815a1e4f57d6db6", html: "no", votes: 0 }, ], voters: 1, chart_type: "bar", }), }); await render(hbs``); assert.dom(".results li:nth-of-type(1) .option p").hasText("100% yes"); assert.dom(".results li:nth-of-type(2) .option p").hasText("0% no"); }); test("does not show results after voting when results are to be shown only on closed", async function (assert) { this.setProperties({ post: EmberObject.create({ id: 42, topic: { archived: false, }, user_id: 29, }), poll: new TrackedObject({ name: "poll", type: "regular", status: "open", results: "on_close", options: [ { id: "1f972d1df351de3ce35a787c89faad29", html: "yes" }, { id: "d7ebc3a9beea2e680815a1e4f57d6db6", html: "no" }, ], voters: 1, chart_type: "bar", }), }); await render(hbs``); assert.dom("ul.options").exists("options are shown"); assert.dom("ul.results").doesNotExist("results are not shown"); }); test("can vote", async function (assert) { this.setProperties({ post: EmberObject.create({ id: 42, topic: { archived: false, }, user_id: 29, }), poll: new TrackedObject({ name: "poll", type: "regular", status: "open", results: "always", options: [ { id: "1f972d1df351de3ce35a787c89faad29", html: "yes", votes: 0 }, { id: "d7ebc3a9beea2e680815a1e4f57d6db6", html: "no", votes: 0 }, ], voters: 0, chart_type: "bar", }), }); await render(hbs``); requests = 0; await click( "li[data-poll-option-id='1f972d1df351de3ce35a787c89faad29'] button" ); assert.strictEqual(requests, 1); assert.dom(".chosen").exists({ count: 1 }); await click(".toggle-results"); assert .dom("li[data-poll-option-id='1f972d1df351de3ce35a787c89faad29']") .exists({ count: 1 }); }); test("cannot vote if not member of the right group", async function (assert) { this.setProperties({ post: EmberObject.create({ id: 42, topic: { archived: false, }, user_id: 29, }), poll: new TrackedObject({ name: "poll", type: "regular", status: "open", results: "always", options: [ { id: "1f972d1df351de3ce35a787c89faad29", html: "yes", votes: 0 }, { id: "d7ebc3a9beea2e680815a1e4f57d6db6", html: "no", votes: 0 }, ], voters: 0, chart_type: "bar", groups: "foo", }), }); await render(hbs``); requests = 0; await click( "li[data-poll-option-id='1f972d1df351de3ce35a787c89faad29'] button" ); assert .dom(".poll-container .alert") .hasText(I18n.t("poll.results.groups.title", { groups: "foo" })); assert.strictEqual(requests, 0); assert.dom(".chosen").doesNotExist(); }); test("voting on a multiple poll with no min attribute", async function (assert) { this.setProperties({ post: EmberObject.create({ id: 42, topic: { archived: false, }, user_id: 29, }), poll: EmberObject.create({ name: "poll", type: "multiple", status: "open", results: "always", max: 2, options: [ { id: "1f972d1df351de3ce35a787c89faad29", html: "yes", votes: 0 }, { id: "d7ebc3a9beea2e680815a1e4f57d6db6", html: "no", votes: 0 }, ], voters: 0, chart_type: "bar", }), }); await render(hbs``); assert.dom(".poll-buttons .cast-votes").isDisabled(); await click( "li[data-poll-option-id='1f972d1df351de3ce35a787c89faad29'] button" ); await click(".poll-buttons .cast-votes"); assert.dom(".chosen").exists(); }); });