require_dependency 'email/renderer' class Admin::EmailController < Admin::AdminController def index data = { delivery_method: delivery_method, settings: delivery_settings } render_json_dump(data) end def test params.require(:email_address) begin params[:email_address]) if SiteSetting.disable_emails == "yes" render json: { sent_test_email_message: I18n.t("") } elsif SiteSetting.disable_emails == "non-staff" && !User.find_by_email(params[:email_address])&.staff? render json: { sent_test_email_message: I18n.t("") } else render json: { sent_test_email_message: I18n.t("") } end rescue => e render json: { errors: [e.message] }, status: 422 end end def sent email_logs = EmailLog.joins(<<~SQL) LEFT JOIN post_reply_keys ON post_reply_keys.post_id = email_logs.post_id AND post_reply_keys.user_id = email_logs.user_id SQL email_logs = filter_logs(email_logs, params) if params[:reply_key].present? email_logs = email_logs.where( "post_reply_keys.reply_key ILIKE ?", "%#{params[:reply_key]}%" ) end email_logs = email_logs.to_a tuples = do |email_log| [email_log.post_id, email_log.user_id] end reply_keys = {} if tuples.present? PostReplyKey .where( "(post_id,user_id) IN (#{(['(?)'] * tuples.size).join(', ')})", *tuples ) .pluck(:post_id, :user_id, "reply_key::text") .each do |post_id, user_id, reply_key| reply_keys[[post_id, user_id]] = reply_key end end render_serialized(email_logs, EmailLogSerializer, reply_keys: reply_keys) end def skipped skipped_email_logs = filter_logs(SkippedEmailLog, params) render_serialized(skipped_email_logs, SkippedEmailLogSerializer) end def bounced email_logs = filter_logs(EmailLog.bounced, params) render_serialized(email_logs, EmailLogSerializer) end def received incoming_emails = filter_incoming_emails(IncomingEmail, params) render_serialized(incoming_emails, IncomingEmailSerializer) end def rejected incoming_emails = filter_incoming_emails(IncomingEmail.errored, params) render_serialized(incoming_emails, IncomingEmailSerializer) end def preview_digest params.require(:last_seen_at) params.require(:username) user = User.find_by_username(params[:username]) renderer =, since: params[:last_seen_at])) render json: MultiJson.dump(html_content: renderer.html, text_content: renderer.text) end def send_digest params.require(:last_seen_at) params.require(:username) params.require(:email) user = User.find_by_username(params[:username]) message, skip_reason = UserNotifications.send(:digest, user, since: params[:last_seen_at]) if message = params[:email] begin, :digest).send render json: success_json rescue => e render json: { errors: [e.message] }, status: 422 end else render json: { errors: skip_reason } end end def smtp_should_reject params.require(:from) params.require(:to) # These strings aren't localized; they are sent to an anonymous SMTP user. if !User.with_email(Email.downcase(params[:from])).exists? && !SiteSetting.enable_staged_users render json: { reject: true, reason: "Mail from your address is not accepted. Do you have an account here?" } elsif Email::Receiver.check_address(Email.downcase(params[:to])).nil? render json: { reject: true, reason: "Mail to this address is not accepted. Check the address and try to send again?" } else render json: { reject: false } end end def handle_mail params.require(:email) retry_count = 0 begin Jobs.enqueue(:process_email, mail: params[:email], retry_on_rate_limit: true) rescue JSON::GeneratorError => e if retry_count == 0 params[:email] = params[:email].force_encoding('iso-8859-1').encode("UTF-8") retry_count += 1 retry else raise e end end render plain: "email has been received and is queued for processing" end def raw_email params.require(:id) incoming_email = IncomingEmail.find(params[:id].to_i) text, html = Email.extract_parts(incoming_email.raw) render json: { raw_email: incoming_email.raw, text_part: text, html_part: html } end def incoming params.require(:id) incoming_email = IncomingEmail.find(params[:id].to_i) serializer =, root: false) render_json_dump(serializer) end def incoming_from_bounced params.require(:id) begin bounced = EmailLog.find_by(id: params[:id].to_i) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters if bounced.nil? email_local_part, email_domain = SiteSetting.notification_email.split('@') bounced_to_address = "#{email_local_part}+verp-#{bounced.bounce_key}@#{email_domain}" incoming_email = IncomingEmail.find_by(to_addresses: bounced_to_address) raise Discourse::NotFound if incoming_email.nil? serializer =, root: false) render_json_dump(serializer) rescue => e render json: { errors: [e.message] }, status: 404 end end private def filter_logs(logs, params) table_name = logs.table_name logs = logs.includes(:user, post: :topic) .references(:user) .order(created_at: :desc) .offset(params[:offset] || 0) .limit(50) logs = logs.where("users.username ILIKE ?", "%#{params[:user]}%") if params[:user].present? logs = logs.where("#{table_name}.to_address ILIKE ?", "%#{params[:address]}%") if params[:address].present? logs = logs.where("#{table_name}.email_type ILIKE ?", "%#{params[:type]}%") if params[:type].present? logs end def filter_incoming_emails(incoming_emails, params) incoming_emails = incoming_emails.includes(:user, post: :topic) .order(created_at: :desc) .offset(params[:offset] || 0) .limit(50) incoming_emails = incoming_emails.where("from_address ILIKE ?", "%#{params[:from]}%") if params[:from].present? incoming_emails = incoming_emails.where("to_addresses ILIKE :to OR cc_addresses ILIKE :to", to: "%#{params[:to]}%") if params[:to].present? incoming_emails = incoming_emails.where("subject ILIKE ?", "%#{params[:subject]}%") if params[:subject].present? incoming_emails = incoming_emails.where("error ILIKE ?", "%#{params[:error]}%") if params[:error].present? incoming_emails end def delivery_settings action_mailer_settings .reject { |k, _| k == :password } .map { |k, v| { name: k, value: v } } end def delivery_method ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method end def action_mailer_settings ActionMailer::Base.public_send "#{delivery_method}_settings" end end