require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") require 'pg' class ImportScripts::MyAskBot < ImportScripts::Base # CHANGE THESE BEFORE RUNNING THE IMPORTER BATCH_SIZE = 1000 OLD_SITE = "" DB_NAME = "cvxforum" DB_USER = "cvxforum" DB_PORT = 5432 DB_HOST = "" DB_PASS = 'yeah, right' # A list of categories to create. Any post with one of these tags will be # assigned to that category. Ties are broken by list orer. CATEGORIES = [ 'Nonconvex', 'TFOCS', 'MIDCP', 'FAQ' ] def initialize super @thread_parents = {} @tagmap = [] @td = @client = PG.connect( :dbname => DB_NAME, :host => DB_HOST, :port => DB_PORT, :user => DB_USER, :password => DB_PASS ) end def execute create_cats import_users read_tags import_posts import_replies post_process_posts end def create_cats puts "", "creating categories" CATEGORIES.each do |cat| unless Category.where("LOWER(name) = ?", cat.downcase).first cat, user_id: -1).save! end end end def read_tags puts "", "reading thread tags..." tag_count = @client.exec(<<-SQL SELECT COUNT( FROM askbot_thread_tags A JOIN tag B ON A.tag_id = WHERE A.tag_id > 0 SQL )[0]["count"] tags_done = 0 batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| tags = @client.exec(<<-SQL SELECT A.thread_id, FROM askbot_thread_tags A JOIN tag B ON A.tag_id = WHERE A.tag_id > 0 LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL ) break if tags.ntuples() < 1 tags.each do |tag| tid = tag["thread_id"].to_i tnm = tag["name"].downcase if @tagmap[tid] @tagmap[tid].push( tnm ) else @tagmap[tid] = [ tnm ] end tags_done += 1 print_status tags_done, tag_count end end end def import_users puts "", "importing users" total_count = @client.exec(<<-SQL SELECT COUNT(id) FROM auth_user SQL )[0]["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| users = @client.query(<<-SQL SELECT id, username, email, is_staff, date_joined, last_seen, real_name, website, location, about FROM auth_user ORDER BY date_joined LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL ) break if users.ntuples() < 1 next if all_records_exist? :users, {|u| u["id"].to_i} create_users(users, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |user| { id: user["id"], username: user["username"], email: user["email"] || (SecureRandom.hex << ""), admin: user["is_staff"], created_at:["date_joined"])), last_seen_at:["last_seen"])), name: user["real_name"], website: user["website"], location: user["location"], } end end end def import_posts puts "", "importing questions..." post_count = @client.exec(<<-SQL SELECT COUNT( FROM askbot_post A JOIN askbot_thread B ON A.thread_id = WHERE NOT B.closed AND A.post_type='question' SQL )[0]["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| posts = @client.exec(<<-SQL SELECT, A.author_id, A.added_at, A.text, A.thread_id, B.title FROM askbot_post A JOIN askbot_thread B ON A.thread_id = WHERE NOT B.closed AND A.post_type = 'question' ORDER BY A.added_at LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL ) break if posts.ntuples() < 1 next if all_records_exist? :posts, {|p| p["id"].to_i} create_posts(posts, total: post_count, offset: offset) do |post| pid = post["id"] tid = post["thread_id"].to_i tags = @tagmap[tid] cat = nil if tags CATEGORIES.each do |cname| next unless tags.include?(cname.downcase) cat = cname break end end @thread_parents[tid] = pid { id: pid, title: post["title"], category: cat, custom_fields: {import_id: pid, import_thread_id: tid, import_tags: tags}, user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(post["author_id"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, created_at:["added_at"])), raw: post["text"], } end end end def import_replies puts "", "importing answers and comments..." post_count = @client.exec(<<-SQL SELECT COUNT( FROM askbot_post A JOIN askbot_thread B ON A.thread_id = WHERE NOT B.closed AND A.post_type<>'question' SQL )[0]["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| posts = @client.exec(<<-SQL SELECT, A.author_id, A.added_at, A.text, A.thread_id, B.title FROM askbot_post A JOIN askbot_thread B ON A.thread_id = WHERE NOT B.closed AND A.post_type <> 'question' ORDER BY A.added_at LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL ) break if posts.ntuples() < 1 next if all_records_exist? :posts, {|p| p["id"].to_i} create_posts(posts, total: post_count, offset: offset) do |post| tid = post["thread_id"].to_i next unless thread = @thread_parents[tid] next unless parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(thread) pid = post["id"] { id: pid, topic_id: parent[:topic_id], custom_fields: {import_id: pid}, user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(post["author_id"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, created_at:["added_at"])), raw: post["text"] } end end end def post_process_posts puts "", "Postprocessing posts..." current = 0 max = Post.count # Rewrite internal links; e.g. #\d+)/[^'"}]* # I am sure this is incomplete, but we didn't make heavy use of internal # links on our site. tmp = Regexp.quote("http://" << OLD_SITE) r1 = /"(#{tmp})?\/question\/(\d+)\/[a-zA-Z-]*\/?"/ r2 = /\((#{tmp})?\/question\/(\d+)\/[a-zA-Z-]*\/?\)/ r3 = /?/ Post.find_each do |post| raw = post.raw.gsub(r1) do if topic = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id($2) "\"#{topic[:url]}\"" else $& end end raw = raw.gsub(r2) do if topic = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id($2) "(#{topic[:url]})" else $& end end raw = raw.gsub(r3) do if topic = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id($1) trec = Topic.find_by(id: topic[:topic_id]) "[#{trec.title}](#{topic[:url]})" else $& end end if raw != post.raw post.raw = raw end print_status(current += 1, max) end end end