# frozen_string_literal: true ## # A note on determining whether an upload should be marked as secure: # # Some of these flags checked (e.g. all of the for_X flags and the opts[:type]) # are only set when _initially uploading_ via UploadCreator and are not present # when an upload already exists. # # If the upload already exists the best way to figure out whether it should be # secure alongside the site settings is the access_control_post_id, because the # original post the upload is linked to has far more bearing on its security context # post-upload. If the access_control_post_id does not exist then we just rely # on the current secure? status, otherwise there would be a lot of additional # complex queries and joins to perform. class UploadSecurity PUBLIC_TYPES = %w[ avatar custom_emoji profile_background card_background category_logo category_background ] def initialize(upload, opts = {}) @upload = upload @opts = opts @upload_type = @opts[:type] end def should_be_secure? return false if !SiteSetting.secure_media? return false if uploading_in_public_context? uploading_in_secure_context? end private def uploading_in_public_context? @upload.for_theme || @upload.for_site_setting || @upload.for_gravatar || public_type? || used_for_custom_emoji? || based_on_regular_emoji? end def uploading_in_secure_context? return true if SiteSetting.login_required? if @upload.access_control_post_id.present? return access_control_post_has_secure_media? end uploading_in_composer? || @upload.for_private_message || @upload.for_group_message || @upload.secure? end # whether the upload should remain secure or not after posting depends on its context, # which is based on the post it is linked to via access_control_post_id. # if that post is with_secure_media? then the upload should also be secure. # this may change to false if the upload was set to secure on upload e.g. in # a post composer then it turned out that the post itself was not in a secure context # # if there is no access control post id and the upload is currently secure, we # do not want to make it un-secure to avoid unintentionally exposing it def access_control_post_has_secure_media? @upload.access_control_post.with_secure_media? end def public_type? PUBLIC_TYPES.include?(@upload_type) end def uploading_in_composer? @upload_type == "composer" end def used_for_custom_emoji? @upload.id.present? && CustomEmoji.exists?(upload_id: @upload.id) end def based_on_regular_emoji? return false if @upload.origin.blank? uri = URI.parse(@upload.origin) return true if Emoji.all.map(&:url).include?("#{uri.path}?#{uri.query}") uri.path.include?("images/emoji") end end