# frozen_string_literal: true # custom importer for www.sfn.org, feel free to borrow ideas require "csv" require "mysql2" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") class ImportScripts::Sfn < ImportScripts::Base BATCH_SIZE = 100_000 MIN_CREATED_AT = "2003-11-01" def initialize super end def execute load_external_users import_users # import_categories import_topics import_posts end def load_external_users puts "", "loading external users..." @personify_id_to_contact_key = {} contacts = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT ContactKey AS "contact_key", PersonifyID AS "personify_id" FROM Contact SQL contacts.each do |contact| personify_id = contact["personify_id"].split(",").first @personify_id_to_contact_key[personify_id] = contact["contact_key"] end @external_users = {} CSV.foreach("/Users/zogstrip/Desktop/sfn.csv", col_sep: ";") do |row| next unless @personify_id_to_contact_key.include?(row[0]) id = @personify_id_to_contact_key[row[0]] full_name = [row[1].strip, row[2].strip, row[3].strip].join(" ").strip @external_users[id] = { email: row[4], full_name: full_name } end end def import_users puts "", "importing users..." user_count = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT COUNT(ContactKey) AS "count" FROM Contact SQL user_count = user_count.first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| users = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT c.ContactKey AS "id", c.Bio AS "bio", c.ProfileImage AS "avatar", es.EmailAddr_ AS "email", es.FullName_ AS "full_name", GREATEST('#{MIN_CREATED_AT}', COALESCE(cm.InvitedOn, '#{MIN_CREATED_AT}')) AS "created_at" FROM Contact c LEFT JOIN EgroupSubscription es ON es.ContactKey = c.ContactKey LEFT JOIN CommunityMember cm ON cm.ContactKey = c.ContactKey GROUP BY c.ContactKey ORDER BY cm.InvitedOn LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL break if users.size < 1 next if all_records_exist? :users, users.map { |u| u["id"].to_i } create_users(users, total: user_count, offset: offset) do |user| external_user = @external_users[user["id"]] email = user["email"].presence || external_user.try(:[], :email) full_name = user["full_name"].presence || external_user.try(:[], :full_name) bio = (user["bio"] || "")[0..250] next if email.blank? { id: user["id"], email: email, name: full_name, username: email.split("@")[0], bio_raw: bio, created_at: user["created_at"], post_create_action: proc do |newuser| next if user["avatar"].blank? avatar = Tempfile.new("sfn-avatar") avatar.write(user["avatar"].encode("ASCII-8BIT").force_encoding("UTF-8")) avatar.rewind upload = UploadCreator.new(avatar, "avatar.jpg").create_for(newuser.id) if upload.persisted? newuser.create_user_avatar newuser.user_avatar.update(custom_upload_id: upload.id) newuser.update(uploaded_avatar_id: upload.id) end avatar.try(:close!) rescue nil end } end end end # NEW_CATEGORIES = [ # "Abstract Topic Matching Forum", # "Animals in Research", # "Brain Awareness & Teaching", # "Career Advice", # "Career Paths", # "Diversity", # "Early Career Policy Advocates", # "LATP Associates", # "LATP Fellows", # "Mid & Advanced Career", # "Neurobiology of Disease Workshop", # "Neuronline Champions", # "Neuroscience 2015", # "Neuroscience Scholars Program", # "NSP Associates", # "NSP Fellows", # "Outreach", # "Postdocs & Early Career", # "Program Committee", # "Program Development", # "Roommate Matching Forum", # "Scientific Research", # "Students", # ] # EgroupKey => New Category Name CATEGORY_MAPPING = { "{DE10E4F4-621A-48BF-9B45-05D9F774A590}" => 52, # "Abstract Topic Matching Forum", "{3FFC1217-1576-4D38-BB81-D6CADC7FB793}" => 66, # "Animals in Research", "{9362BB21-BF6C-4E55-A3E0-18CD5D9F3323}" => 67, # "Brain Awareness & Teaching", "{3AC01B09-A21F-4166-95DA-0E585E271075}" => 67, # "Brain Awareness & Teaching", "{C249728D-8C9E-4138-AA49-D02467C28EAD}" => 42, # "Career Advice", "{01570B85-0124-478F-A8B9-B028BD1B1F2F}" => 43, # "Career Paths", "{2A430528-278A-46CD-BE1A-07CFA1122919}" => 44, # "Diversity", "{2F211345-3C19-43C9-90B5-27BA9FCD4DB0}" => 44, # "Diversity", "{8092297D-8DF4-404A-8BEB-4D5D0DC6A191}" => 56, # "Early Career Policy Advocates", "{8CB58762-D562-448C-9AF1-8DAE6C482C9B}" => 61, # "LATP Associates", "{CDF80A92-925A-46DD-A867-8558FA72D016}" => 60, # "LATP Fellows", "{E71E237B-7C23-4596-AECA-655BD8ED50DB}" => 51, # "Mid & Advanced Career", "{1D674C38-17CB-4C48-826A-D465AC3F8948}" => 55, # "Neurobiology of Disease Workshop", "{80C5835E-974E-4D44-BA01-C2C4F8BA91D7}" => 65, # "Neuronline Champions", "{3D4F885B-0037-403B-83DD-62FAA8E81DF1}" => 54, # "Neuroscience 2015", "{9ACC3B40-E4A3-4FFD-AADC-C8403EB6231D}" => 54, # "Neuroscience 2015", "{9FC30FFB-E450-4361-8844-0266C3D96868}" => 57, # "Neuroscience Scholars Program", "{3E78123E-87CE-435E-B4B7-7DAB1A21C541}" => 59, # "NSP Associates", "{12D889D3-5CFD-49D5-93E4-32AAB2CFFCDA}" => 58, # "NSP Fellows", "{FA86D79E-170E-4F53-8F1C-942CB3FFB19E}" => 45, # "Outreach", "{D7041C64-3D32-4010-B3D8-71858323CB4A}" => 45, # "Outreach", "{69B76913-4E23-4C80-A11E-9CDB4130722E}" => 45, # "Outreach", "{774878EA-96AD-49F5-9D29-105AEA488007}" => 45, # "Outreach", "{E6349704-FD01-41B1-9C59-68E928DD4318}" => 50, # "Postdocs & Early Career", "{31CF5944-2567-4E79-9730-18EEC23E5B52}" => 50, # "Postdocs & Early Career", "{5625C403-AFAE-4323-A470-33FC32B12B53}" => 62, # "Program Committee", "{8415D871-54F5-4128-B099-E5A376A6B41B}" => 47, # "Program Development", "{B4DF2044-47AB-4329-8BF7-0D832CAB402C}" => 53, # "Roommate Matching Forum", "{6A3A12B9-5C72-472F-97AC-F34983674960}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{2CF635E9-4866-451C-A4F2-E2A8A80FED54}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{CF2DDCCE-737F-499D-AFE4-E5C36F195C8B}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{282B48D7-AC1D-453E-9806-3C6CE6830EF9}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{6D750CAF-E96F-4AD1-A45B-7B74FDFF0B40}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{10AF5D45-BEB3-4F07-BE77-0BAB6910DE10}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{18D7F624-26D1-44B9-BF33-AB5C5A2AB2BF}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{6016FF4F-D834-4888-BA03-F9FE8CB1D4CC}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{B0290A37-EA39-4CB8-B6CB-3E0B7EF6D036}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{97CC60D0-B93A-43FF-BB48-366FAAEE2BAC}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{8FC9B57B-2755-4FC5-90E8-CCDB56CF2F66}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{57C8BF37-357E-4FE6-952D-906248642792}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{7B2A3B63-BC2C-4219-830C-BA1DECB33337}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{0ED1D205-0E48-48D2-B82B-3CE80C6C553F}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{10355962-D172-4294-AA8E-1BC381B67971}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{C84B0222-5232-4B94-9FB8-DDF802241171}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{9143F984-0D67-46CB-AAAF-7FE3B6335E07}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{1392DC10-37A0-46A6-9979-4568D0224C5F}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{E4891409-0F4F-4151-B550-ECE53655E231}" => 48, # "Scientific Research", "{9613BAC2-229B-4563-9E1C-35C31CDDCE2F}" => 49, # "Students", } def import_categories puts "", "importing categories..." create_categories(NEW_CATEGORIES) do |category| { id: category, name: category } end end def import_topics puts "", "importing topics..." topic_count = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT COUNT(MessageID_) AS "count" FROM EgroupMessages WHERE ParentId_ = 0 AND ApprovedRejectedPendingInd = "Approved" AND (CrosspostFromMessageKey IS NULL OR CrosspostFromMessageKey = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}') SQL topic_count = topic_count.first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| topics = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT MessageID_ AS "id", EgroupKey AS "category_id", ContactKey AS "user_id", HdrSubject_ AS "title", Body_ AS "raw", CreatStamp_ AS "created_at" FROM EgroupMessages WHERE ParentId_ = 0 AND ApprovedRejectedPendingInd = "Approved" AND (CrosspostFromMessageKey IS NULL OR CrosspostFromMessageKey = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}') ORDER BY CreatStamp_ LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL break if topics.size < 1 next if all_records_exist? :posts, topics.map { |t| t['id'].to_i } create_posts(topics, total: topic_count, offset: offset) do |topic| next unless category_id = CATEGORY_MAPPING[topic["category_id"]] title = topic["title"][0..250] raw = cleanup_raw(topic["raw"]) next if raw.blank? { id: topic["id"], category: category_id, user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(topic["user_id"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, title: title, raw: raw, created_at: topic["created_at"], } end end end def import_posts puts "", "importing posts..." posts_count = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT COUNT(MessageID_) AS "count" FROM EgroupMessages WHERE ParentId_ > 0 AND ApprovedRejectedPendingInd = "Approved" AND (CrosspostFromMessageKey IS NULL OR CrosspostFromMessageKey = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}') SQL posts_count = posts_count.first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| posts = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT MessageID_ AS "id", ContactKey AS "user_id", ParentID_ AS "topic_id", Body_ AS "raw", CreatStamp_ AS "created_at" FROM EgroupMessages WHERE ParentId_ > 0 AND ApprovedRejectedPendingInd = "Approved" AND (CrosspostFromMessageKey IS NULL OR CrosspostFromMessageKey = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}') ORDER BY CreatStamp_ LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL break if posts.size < 1 next if all_records_exist? :posts, posts.map { |p| p['id'].to_i } create_posts(posts, total: posts_count, offset: offset) do |post| next unless parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(post["topic_id"]) raw = cleanup_raw(post["raw"]) next if raw.blank? { id: post["id"], topic_id: parent[:topic_id], user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(post["user_id"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, raw: cleanup_raw(post["raw"]), created_at: post["created_at"], } end end end def cleanup_raw(raw) # fix some html raw.gsub!(//i, "\n") # remove "This message has been cross posted to the following eGroups: ..." raw.gsub!(/^This message has been cross posted to the following eGroups: .+\n-{3,}/i, "") # remove signatures raw.gsub!(/-{3,}.+/m, "") # strip leading/trailing whitespaces raw.strip end def mysql_query(sql) @client ||= Mysql2::Client.new(username: "root", database: "sfn") @client.query(sql) end end ImportScripts::Sfn.new.perform