# frozen_string_literal: true class Jobs::ReviewablePriorities < ::Jobs::Scheduled every 1.day # We need this many reviewables before we'll calculate priorities def self.min_reviewables 15 end # We want to look at scores for items with this many reviewables (flags) attached def self.target_count 2 end def execute(args) min_priority_threshold = SiteSetting.reviewable_low_priority_threshold reviewable_count = Reviewable.approved.where("score > ?", min_priority_threshold).count return if reviewable_count < self.class.min_reviewables res = DB.query_single( <<~SQL, SELECT COALESCE(PERCENTILE_DISC(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY score), 0.0) AS medium, COALESCE(PERCENTILE_DISC(0.85) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY score), 0.0) AS high FROM ( SELECT r.score FROM reviewables AS r INNER JOIN reviewable_scores AS rs ON rs.reviewable_id = r.id WHERE r.score > :min_priority AND r.status = 1 GROUP BY r.id HAVING COUNT(*) >= :target_count ) AS x SQL target_count: self.class.target_count, min_priority: min_priority_threshold, ) return unless res && res.size == 2 medium, high = res Reviewable.set_priorities(low: min_priority_threshold, medium: medium, high: high) end end