# frozen_string_literal: true class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base include Searchable include HasDestroyedWebHook validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false } scope :where_name, ->(name) do name = Array(name).map(&:downcase) where("lower(name) IN (?)", name) end scope :unused, -> { where(topic_count: 0, pm_topic_count: 0) } has_many :tag_users # notification settings has_many :topic_tags, dependent: :destroy has_many :topics, through: :topic_tags has_many :category_tags, dependent: :destroy has_many :categories, through: :category_tags has_many :tag_group_memberships has_many :tag_groups, through: :tag_group_memberships after_save :index_search after_commit :trigger_tag_created_event, on: :create after_commit :trigger_tag_updated_event, on: :update after_commit :trigger_tag_destroyed_event, on: :destroy def self.ensure_consistency! update_topic_counts end def self.update_topic_counts DB.exec <<~SQL UPDATE tags t SET topic_count = x.topic_count FROM ( SELECT COUNT(topics.id) AS topic_count, tags.id AS tag_id FROM tags LEFT JOIN topic_tags ON tags.id = topic_tags.tag_id LEFT JOIN topics ON topics.id = topic_tags.topic_id AND topics.deleted_at IS NULL AND topics.archetype != 'private_message' GROUP BY tags.id ) x WHERE x.tag_id = t.id AND x.topic_count <> t.topic_count SQL DB.exec <<~SQL UPDATE tags t SET pm_topic_count = x.pm_topic_count FROM ( SELECT COUNT(topics.id) AS pm_topic_count, tags.id AS tag_id FROM tags LEFT JOIN topic_tags ON tags.id = topic_tags.tag_id LEFT JOIN topics ON topics.id = topic_tags.topic_id AND topics.deleted_at IS NULL AND topics.archetype = 'private_message' GROUP BY tags.id ) x WHERE x.tag_id = t.id AND x.pm_topic_count <> t.pm_topic_count SQL end def self.find_by_name(name) self.find_by('lower(name) = ?', name.downcase) end def self.top_tags(limit_arg: nil, category: nil, guardian: nil) limit = limit_arg || SiteSetting.max_tags_in_filter_list scope_category_ids = (guardian || Guardian.new).allowed_category_ids if category scope_category_ids &= ([category.id] + category.subcategories.pluck(:id)) end return [] if scope_category_ids.empty? filter_sql = guardian&.is_staff? ? '' : " AND tags.id NOT IN (#{DiscourseTagging.hidden_tags_query.select(:id).to_sql})" tag_names_with_counts = DB.query <<~SQL SELECT tags.name as tag_name, SUM(stats.topic_count) AS sum_topic_count FROM category_tag_stats stats JOIN tags ON stats.tag_id = tags.id AND stats.topic_count > 0 WHERE stats.category_id in (#{scope_category_ids.join(',')}) #{filter_sql} GROUP BY tags.name ORDER BY sum_topic_count DESC, tag_name ASC LIMIT #{limit} SQL tag_names_with_counts.map { |row| row.tag_name } end def self.pm_tags(limit_arg: nil, guardian: nil, allowed_user: nil) return [] if allowed_user.blank? || !(guardian || Guardian.new).can_tag_pms? limit = limit_arg || SiteSetting.max_tags_in_filter_list user_id = allowed_user.id DB.query_hash(<<~SQL).map!(&:symbolize_keys!) SELECT tags.name as id, tags.name as text, COUNT(topics.id) AS count FROM tags JOIN topic_tags ON tags.id = topic_tags.tag_id JOIN topics ON topics.id = topic_tags.topic_id AND topics.deleted_at IS NULL AND topics.archetype = 'private_message' WHERE topic_tags.topic_id IN ( SELECT topic_id FROM topic_allowed_users WHERE user_id = #{user_id} UNION SELECT tg.topic_id FROM topic_allowed_groups tg JOIN group_users gu ON gu.user_id = #{user_id} AND gu.group_id = tg.group_id ) GROUP BY tags.name LIMIT #{limit} SQL end def self.include_tags? SiteSetting.tagging_enabled && SiteSetting.show_filter_by_tag end def full_url "#{Discourse.base_url}/tags/#{self.name}" end def index_search SearchIndexer.index(self) end %i{ tag_created tag_updated tag_destroyed }.each do |event| define_method("trigger_#{event}_event") do DiscourseEvent.trigger(event, self) true end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: tags # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string not null # topic_count :integer default(0), not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # pm_topic_count :integer default(0), not null # # Indexes # # index_tags_on_lower_name (lower((name)::text)) UNIQUE # index_tags_on_name (name) UNIQUE #