import discourseComputed from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import { isEmpty } from "@ember/utils"; import { alias } from "@ember/object/computed"; import { inject } from "@ember/controller"; import Controller from "@ember/controller"; import { popupAjaxError } from "discourse/lib/ajax-error"; import { extractDomainFromUrl } from "discourse/lib/utilities"; import InputValidation from "discourse/models/input-validation"; export default Controller.extend({ adminWebHooks: inject(), eventTypes: alias("adminWebHooks.eventTypes"), defaultEventTypes: alias("adminWebHooks.defaultEventTypes"), contentTypes: alias("adminWebHooks.contentTypes"), @discourseComputed showTagsFilter() { return this.siteSettings.tagging_enabled; }, @discourseComputed("model.isSaving", "saved", "saveButtonDisabled") savingStatus(isSaving, saved, saveButtonDisabled) { if (isSaving) { return I18n.t("saving"); } else if (!saveButtonDisabled && saved) { return I18n.t("saved"); } // Use side effect of validation to clear saved text this.set("saved", false); return ""; }, @discourseComputed("model.isNew") saveButtonText(isNew) { return isNew ? I18n.t("admin.web_hooks.create") : I18n.t(""); }, @discourseComputed("model.secret") secretValidation(secret) { if (!isEmpty(secret)) { if (secret.indexOf(" ") !== -1) { return InputValidation.create({ failed: true, reason: I18n.t("admin.web_hooks.secret_invalid") }); } if (secret.length < 12) { return InputValidation.create({ failed: true, reason: I18n.t("admin.web_hooks.secret_too_short") }); } } }, @discourseComputed("model.wildcard_web_hook", "model.web_hook_event_types.[]") eventTypeValidation(isWildcard, eventTypes) { if (!isWildcard && isEmpty(eventTypes)) { return InputValidation.create({ failed: true, reason: I18n.t("admin.web_hooks.event_type_missing") }); } }, @discourseComputed( "model.isSaving", "secretValidation", "eventTypeValidation", "model.payload_url" ) saveButtonDisabled( isSaving, secretValidation, eventTypeValidation, payloadUrl ) { return isSaving ? false : secretValidation || eventTypeValidation || isEmpty(payloadUrl); }, actions: { save() { this.set("saved", false); const url = this.get("model.payload_url"); const domain = extractDomainFromUrl(url); const model = this.model; const isNew = model.get("isNew"); const saveWebHook = () => { return model .save() .then(() => { this.set("saved", true); this.adminWebHooks.get("model").addObject(model); if (isNew) { this.transitionToRoute("", model.get("id")); } }) .catch(popupAjaxError); }; if ( domain === "localhost" || domain.match(/192\.168\.\d+\.\d+/) || domain.match(/127\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) || url.startsWith(Discourse.BaseUrl) ) { return bootbox.confirm( I18n.t("admin.web_hooks.warn_local_payload_url"), I18n.t("no_value"), I18n.t("yes_value"), result => { if (result) { return saveWebHook(); } } ); } return saveWebHook(); }, destroy() { return bootbox.confirm( I18n.t("admin.web_hooks.delete_confirm"), I18n.t("no_value"), I18n.t("yes_value"), result => { if (result) { const model = this.model; model .destroyRecord() .then(() => { this.adminWebHooks.get("model").removeObject(model); this.transitionToRoute("adminWebHooks"); }) .catch(popupAjaxError); } } ); } } });