# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ zh_TW: js: admin: site_settings: categories: chat: 聊天 logs: staff_actions: actions: chat_channel_status_change: "聊天頻道狀態已變更" chat_channel_delete: "聊天頻道已刪除" api: scopes: descriptions: chat: create_message: "在指定頻道中建立聊天訊息。" about: chat_messages_count: "聊天訊息" chat_channels_count: "聊天頻道" chat_users_count: "聊天使用者" chat: dates: time_tiny: "h:mm" all_loaded: "顯示所有訊息" already_enabled: "此主題已啟用聊天功能。請重新整理。" disabled_for_topic: "此主題的聊天功能已停用。" bot: "機器人" create: "創建" cancel: "取消" cancel_reply: "取消回覆" chat_channels: "頻道" browse_all_channels: "瀏覽所有頻道" move_to_channel: title: "將訊息移至頻道" confirm_move: "移動訊息" channel_settings: title: "頻道設定" edit: "編輯" add: "加入" close_channel: "關閉頻道" open_channel: "開放頻道" archive_channel: "封存頻道" delete_channel: "刪除頻道" join_channel: "加入頻道" leave_channel: "離開頻道" join: "加入" leave: "離開" save_label: mute_channel: "靜音頻道偏好已儲存" channel_archive: title: "封存頻道" retry: "重試" channel_open: title: "開放頻道" channel_close: title: "關閉頻道" channel_delete: title: "刪除頻道" close: "關閉" delete: "刪除" edited: "已編輯" muted: "靜音" joined: "建立日期" empty_state: direct_message_cta: "開始個人聊天" direct_message: "您還可以與一個或多個使用者開始個人聊天。" email_frequency: never: "永不" flag: "檢舉" join: "加入" mention_warning: dismiss: "忽略" groups: users_limit: other: "%{count} 個使用者" placeholder_start_conversation: 從 %{usernames}開始對話 remove_upload: "移除檔案" react: "用表情符號反應" reply: "回覆" edit: "編輯" copy_link: "複製連結" rebake_message: "重建 HTML" retry_staged_message: title: "網路錯誤" action: "再次發送?" bookmark_message: "書籤" bookmark_message_edit: "編輯書籤" restore: "還原已刪除的訊息" save: "保存" select: "選擇" silence: "使用者靜音" scroll_to_bottom: "捲動到底部" scroll_to_new_messages: "查看新訊息" sound: title: "桌面聊天通知聲音" sounds: none: "無" exit: "上一步" channel_status: read_only_header: "頻道為唯讀" read_only: "唯讀" archived_header: "頻道已封存" archived: "已封存" closed: "不公開" open: "開啟" browse: back: "上一步" title: 頻道 filter_all: 全部 filter_open: 已打開 filter_closed: 不公開 filter_archived: 已封存 chat_message_separator: today: 今天 yesterday: 昨天 about_view: associated_topic: 連結的主題 associated_category: 連結的類別 title: 標題 description: 簡述 channel_info: back_to_all_channels: "所有頻道" back_to_channel: "上一步" tabs: about: 關於 members: 成員 settings: 設定 channel_edit_title_modal: title: 編輯標題 input_placeholder: 新增標題 channel_edit_description_modal: title: 編輯描述 input_placeholder: 新增描述 direct_message_creator: title: 新訊息 prefix: "發至:" no_results: 沒有結果 selected_user_title: "取消選取 %{username}" channel_selector: title: "跳轉到頻道" create_channel: type: "類型" types: category: "分類" topic: "話題" composer: italic_text: "斜體字" bold_text: "粗體字" notification_levels: never: "永不" settings: follow: "加入" followed: "建立日期" notifications: "通知" preview: "預覽" save: "保存" saved: "已儲存" unfollow: "離開" admin_title: "管理員" incoming_webhooks: back: "上一步" description: "簡述" delete: "刪除" emoji: "Emoji" name: "姓名" save: "保存" edit: "編輯" system: "系統" url: "網址" username: "使用者名稱" selection: cancel: "取消" copy: "複製" new_topic: title: "移至新話題" existing_topic: title: "移至已存在的話題" new_message: title: "移動到新訊息" emoji_picker: objects: "物品" activities: "活動" flags: "投訴" symbols: "象徵
" draft_channel_screen: header: "新訊息" cancel: "取消" notifications: chat_quoted: "%{username} %{description}" discourse_automation: scriptables: send_chat_message: fields: message: label: 訊息 review: types: reviewable_chat_message: flagged_by: "標記由"