import { bufferedRender } from 'discourse-common/lib/buffered-render'; /*global Resumable:true */ /** Example usage: {{resumable-upload target="/admin/backups/upload" success="successAction" error="errorAction" uploadText="UPLOAD" }} **/ export default Ember.Component.extend(bufferedRender({ tagName: "button", classNames: ["btn", "ru"], classNameBindings: ["isUploading"], attributeBindings: ["translatedTitle:title"], resumable: null, isUploading: false, progress: 0, rerenderTriggers: ['isUploading', 'progress'], translatedTitle: function() { const title = this.get('title'); return title ? I18n.t(title) : this.get('text'); }.property('title', 'text'), text: function() { if (this.get("isUploading")) { return this.get("progress") + " %"; } else { return this.get("uploadText"); } }.property("isUploading", "progress"), buildBuffer(buffer) { const icon = this.get("isUploading") ? "times" : "upload"; buffer.push(``); buffer.push("" + this.get("text") + ""); buffer.push(""); }, click: function() { if (this.get("isUploading")) { this.resumable.cancel(); var self = this; { self._reset(); }); return false; } else { return true; } }, _reset: function() { this.setProperties({ isUploading: false, progress: 0 }); }, _initialize: function() { this.resumable = new Resumable({ target: Discourse.getURL(this.get("target")), maxFiles: 1, // only 1 file at a time headers: { "X-CSRF-Token": $("meta[name='csrf-token']").attr("content") } }); var self = this; this.resumable.on("fileAdded", function() { // automatically upload the selected file self.resumable.upload(); // mark as uploading { self.set("isUploading", true); }); }); this.resumable.on("fileProgress", function(file) { // update progress { self.set("progress", parseInt(file.progress() * 100, 10)); }); }); this.resumable.on("fileSuccess", function(file) { { // mark as not uploading anymore self._reset(); // fire an event to allow the parent route to reload its model self.sendAction("success", file.fileName); }); }); this.resumable.on("fileError", function(file, message) { { // mark as not uploading anymore self._reset(); // fire an event to allow the parent route to display the error message self.sendAction("error", file.fileName, message); }); }); }.on("init"), _assignBrowse: function() { var self = this;"afterRender", function() { self.resumable.assignBrowse(self.$()); }); }.on("didInsertElement"), _teardown: function() { if (this.resumable) { this.resumable.cancel(); this.resumable = null; } }.on("willDestroyElement") }));