/*global phantom:true */ console.log("Starting Discourse Smoke Test"); var system = require("system"); if (system.args.length !== 2) { console.log("Expecting: phantomjs {smoke_test.js} {url}"); phantom.exit(1); } var TIMEOUT = 15000; var page = require("webpage").create(); page.viewportSize = { width: 1366, height: 768 }; // In the browser, when the cookies are disabled, it also disables the localStorage // Here, we're mocking that behavior and making sure the application doesn't blow up page.onInitialized = function() { page.evaluate(function() { localStorage["disableLocalStorage"] = true; }); }; page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) { console.log(msg); } page.waitFor = function(desc, fn, cb) { var start = +new Date(); var check = function() { var r; try { r = page.evaluate(fn); } catch (err) { } var diff = (+new Date()) - start; if (r) { console.log("PASSED: " + desc + " - " + diff + "ms"); cb(true); } else { if (diff > TIMEOUT) { console.log("FAILED: " + desc + " - " + diff + "ms"); page.render('/tmp/failed.png'); cb(false); } else { setTimeout(check, 25); } } }; check(); }; var actions = []; function test(desc, fn) { actions.push({ test: fn, desc: desc }); }; function wait(delay) { actions.push({ wait: delay }); } function exec(desc, fn) { actions.push({ exec: fn, desc: desc }); }; function execAsync(desc, delay, fn) { actions.push({ execAsync: fn, delay: delay, desc: desc }); }; function upload(input, path) { actions.push({ upload: path, input: input }); }; function screenshot(filename) { actions.push({ screenshot: filename }); } function run() { var allPassed = true; var done = function() { console.log(allPassed ? "ALL PASSED" : "SMOKE TEST FAILED"); phantom.exit(); }; var performNextAction = function() { if (!allPassed || actions.length === 0) { done(); } else { var action = actions[0]; actions = actions.splice(1); if (action.test) { page.waitFor(action.desc, action.test, function(success) { allPassed = allPassed && success; performNextAction(); }); } else if (action.exec) { console.log("EXEC: " + action.desc); page.evaluate(action.exec); performNextAction(); } else if (action.execAsync) { console.log("EXEC ASYNC: " + action.desc + " - " + action.delay + "ms"); setTimeout(function() { page.evaluate(action.execAsync); performNextAction(); }, action.delay); } else if (action.upload) { console.log("UPLOAD: " + action.upload); page.uploadFile(action.input, action.upload); performNextAction(); } else if (action.screenshot) { console.log("SCREENSHOT: " + action.screenshot); page.render(action.screenshot); performNextAction(); } else if (action.wait) { console.log("WAIT: " + action.wait + "ms"); setTimeout(function() { performNextAction(); }, action.wait); } } }; performNextAction(); }; var runTests = function() { test("expect a log in button", function() { return $(".login-button").text().trim() === "Log In"; }); test("at least one topic shows up", function() { return document.querySelector(".topic-list tbody tr"); }); execAsync("navigate to 1st topic", 500, function() { if ($(".main-link > a:first").length > 0) { $(".main-link > a:first").click(); // topic list page } else { $(".featured-topic a.title:first").click(); // categories page } }); test("at least one post body", function() { return document.querySelector(".topic-post"); }); execAsync("click on the 1st user", 500, function() { // remove the popup action for testing $(".topic-meta-data a:first").data("ember-action", ""); $(".topic-meta-data a:first").focus().click(); }); test("user has details", function() { return document.querySelector("#user-card .names"); }); exec("open login modal", function() { $(".login-button").click(); }); test("login modal is open", function() { return document.querySelector(".login-modal"); }); exec("type in credentials & log in", function() { $("#login-account-name").val("smoke_user").trigger("change"); $("#login-account-password").val("P4ssw0rd").trigger("change"); $(".login-modal .btn-primary").click(); }); test("is logged in", function() { return document.querySelector(".current-user"); }); exec("go home", function() { $('#site-logo').click(); }); test("it shows a topic list", function() { return document.querySelector(".topic-list"); }); test('we have a create topic button', function() { return document.querySelector("#create-topic"); }); exec("open composer", function() { $("#create-topic").click(); }); test('the editor is visible', function() { return document.querySelector(".d-editor"); }); exec("compose new topic", function() { var date = " (" + (+new Date()) + ")", title = "This is a new topic" + date, post = "I can write a new topic inside the smoke test!" + date + "\n\n"; $("#reply-title").val(title).trigger("change"); $("#reply-control .d-editor-input").val(post).trigger("change"); $("#reply-control .d-editor-input").focus()[0].setSelectionRange(post.length, post.length); }); test("updates preview", function() { return document.querySelector(".d-editor-preview p"); }); exec("open upload modal", function() { $(".d-editor-button-bar .upload").click(); }); test("upload modal is open", function() { return document.querySelector("#filename-input"); }); // TODO: Looks like PhantomJS 2.0.0 has a bug with `uploadFile` // which breaks this code. // upload("#filename-input", "spec/fixtures/images/large & unoptimized.png"); // test("the file is inserted into the input", function() { // return document.getElementById('filename-input').files.length // }); // screenshot('/tmp/upload-modal.png'); // // test("upload modal is open", function() { // return document.querySelector("#filename-input"); // }); // // exec("click upload button", function() { // $(".modal .btn-primary").click(); // }); // // test("image is uploaded", function() { // return document.querySelector(".cooked img"); // }); exec("submit the topic", function() { $("#reply-control .create").click(); }); test("topic is created", function() { return document.querySelector(".fancy-title"); }); exec("click reply button", function() { $(".post-controls:first .create").click(); }); test("composer is open", function() { return document.querySelector("#reply-control .d-editor-input"); }); exec("compose reply", function() { var post = "I can even write a reply inside the smoke test ;) (" + (+new Date()) + ")"; $("#reply-control .d-editor-input").val(post).trigger("change"); }); test("waiting for the preview", function() { return $(".d-editor-preview").text().trim().indexOf("I can even write") === 0; }); execAsync("submit the reply", 6000, function() { $("#reply-control .create").click(); }); test("reply is created", function() { return !document.querySelector(".saving-text") && $(".topic-post").length === 2; }); run(); }; phantom.clearCookies(); page.open(system.args[1], function() { page.evaluate(function() { localStorage.clear(); }); console.log("OPENED: " + system.args[1]); runTests(); });