#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # from: https://gist.github.com/kenn/5105061/raw/ac7ebc6be7008c35b72560cc4e05b7cc14eb4919/memstats.rb #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Aggregate Print useful information from /proc/[pid]/smaps # # pss - Roughly the amount of memory that is "really" being used by the pid # swap - Amount of swap this process is currently using # # Reference: # http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt#361 # # Example: # # ./memstats.rb 4386 # Process: 4386 # Command Line: /usr/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongo/mongod.conf # Memory Summary: # private_clean 107,132 kB # private_dirty 2,020,676 kB # pss 2,127,860 kB # rss 2,128,536 kB # shared_clean 728 kB # shared_dirty 0 kB # size 149,281,668 kB # swap 1,719,792 kB #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Mapping FIELDS = %w[ size rss shared_clean shared_dirty private_clean private_dirty swap pss ] attr_reader :address_start attr_reader :address_end attr_reader :perms attr_reader :offset attr_reader :device_major attr_reader :device_minor attr_reader :inode attr_reader :region attr_accessor :size attr_accessor :rss attr_accessor :shared_clean attr_accessor :shared_dirty attr_accessor :private_dirty attr_accessor :private_clean attr_accessor :swap attr_accessor :pss def initialize(lines) FIELDS.each do |field| self.public_send("#{field}=", 0) end parse_first_line(lines.shift) lines.each do |l| parse_field_line(l) end end def parse_first_line(line) parts = line.strip.split @address_start, @address_end = parts[0].split("-") @perms = parts[1] @offset = parts[2] @device_major, @device_minor = parts[3].split(":") @inode = parts[4] @region = parts[5] || "anonymous" end def parse_field_line(line) parts = line.strip.split field = parts[0].downcase.sub(':', '') if respond_to? "#{field}=" value = Float(parts[1]).to_i self.public_send("#{field}=", value) end end end def consume_mapping(map_lines, totals) m = Mapping.new(map_lines) Mapping::FIELDS.each do |field| totals[field] += m.public_send(field) end m end def create_memstats_not_available(totals) Mapping::FIELDS.each do |field| totals[field] += Float::NAN end end abort 'usage: memstats [pid]' unless ARGV.first pid = ARGV.shift.to_i totals = Hash.new(0) mappings = [] begin File.open("/proc/#{pid}/smaps") do |smaps| map_lines = [] loop do break if smaps.eof? line = smaps.readline.strip case line when /\w+:\s+/ map_lines << line when /[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+\s+/ if map_lines.size > 0 then mappings << consume_mapping(map_lines, totals) end map_lines.clear map_lines << line else break end end end rescue create_memstats_not_available(totals) end # http://rubyforge.org/snippet/download.php?type=snippet&id=511 def format_number(n) n.to_s.gsub(/(\d)(?=\d{3}+(?:\.|$))(\d{3}\..*)?/, '\1,\2') end def get_commandline(pid) commandline = File.read("/proc/#{pid}/cmdline").split("\0") if commandline.first =~ /java$/ then loop { break if commandline.shift == "-jar" } return "[java] #{commandline.shift}" end commandline.join(' ') end if ARGV.include? '--yaml' require 'yaml' puts Hash[*totals.map do |k, v| [k + '_kb', v] end.flatten].to_yaml else puts "#{"Process:".ljust(20)} #{pid}" puts "#{"Command Line:".ljust(20)} #{get_commandline(pid)}" puts "Memory Summary:" totals.keys.sort.each do |k| puts " #{k.ljust(20)} #{format_number(totals[k]).rjust(12)} kB" end end