# frozen_string_literal: true require "new_post_manager" RSpec.describe NewPostManager do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } describe "default action" do it "creates the post by default" do manager = NewPostManager.new(user, raw: "this is a new post", topic_id: topic.id) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:create_post) expect(result).to be_success expect(result.post).to be_present expect(result.post).to be_a(Post) end end describe "default action" do fab!(:other_user) { Fabricate(:user) } it "doesn't enqueue private messages" do Group.refresh_automatic_groups! SiteSetting.approve_unless_trust_level = 4 manager = NewPostManager.new( user, raw: "this is a new post", title: "this is a new title", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: other_user.username, ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:create_post) expect(result).to be_success expect(result.post).to be_present expect(result.post.topic.private_message?).to eq(true) expect(result.post).to be_a(Post) # It doesn't enqueue replies to the private message either manager = NewPostManager.new(user, raw: "this is a new reply", topic_id: result.post.topic_id) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:create_post) expect(result).to be_success expect(result.post).to be_present expect(result.post.topic.private_message?).to eq(true) expect(result.post).to be_a(Post) end it "doesn't enqueue topic if it doesn't meet the tag restrictions of the category" do tag1 = Fabricate(:tag) tag2 = Fabricate(:tag) tag3 = Fabricate(:tag) tag_group = Fabricate(:tag_group, tags: [tag2]) category = Fabricate(:category, tags: [tag1], tag_groups: [tag_group]) category.custom_fields[Category::REQUIRE_TOPIC_APPROVAL] = true category.save! manager = NewPostManager.new( user, raw: "this is a new post", title: "this is a new post", category: category.id, tags: [tag1.name, tag3.name], ) result = manager.perform expect(result.success?).to eq(false) expect(result.reviewable.persisted?).to eq(false) expect(result.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t( "tags.forbidden.category_does_not_allow_tags", count: 1, category: category.name, tags: tag3.name, ), ) manager = NewPostManager.new( user, raw: "this is a new post", title: "this is a new post", category: category.id, tags: [tag2.name, tag3.name], ) result = manager.perform expect(result.success?).to eq(false) expect(result.reviewable.persisted?).to eq(false) expect(result.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t( "tags.forbidden.category_does_not_allow_tags", count: 1, category: category.name, tags: tag3.name, ), ) end end describe "default handler" do let(:manager) { NewPostManager.new(user, raw: "this is new post content", topic_id: topic.id) } context "with the settings zeroed out" do before do SiteSetting.approve_post_count = 0 SiteSetting.approve_unless_trust_level = 0 end it "doesn't return a result action" do result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(NewPostManager.queue_enabled?).to eq(false) expect(result).to eq(nil) end end context "with basic post/topic count restrictions" do before { SiteSetting.approve_post_count = 1 } it "works with a correct `user_stat.post_count`" do result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:post_count) manager.user.user_stat.update(post_count: 1) result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(result).to eq(nil) end it "works with a correct `user_stat.topic_count`" do result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:post_count) manager.user.user_stat.update(topic_count: 1) result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(result).to eq(nil) end end context "with a high approval post count and TL0" do before do SiteSetting.approve_post_count = 100 topic.user.trust_level = 0 end it "will return an enqueue result" do result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(NewPostManager.queue_enabled?).to eq(true) expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:post_count) end end context "with a high approval post count and TL1" do before do SiteSetting.approve_post_count = 100 topic.user.trust_level = 1 end it "will return an enqueue result" do result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(NewPostManager.queue_enabled?).to eq(true) expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:post_count) end end context "with a high approval post count, but TL2" do before do SiteSetting.approve_post_count = 100 user.update!(trust_level: 2) end it "will return an enqueue result" do result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(result).to be_nil end end context "with a high approval post count and secure category" do it "does not create topic" do SiteSetting.approve_post_count = 100 user = Fabricate(:user) category_group = Fabricate(:category_group, permission_type: 2) Fabricate(:group_user, group: category_group.group, user_id: user.id) manager = NewPostManager.new( user, raw: "this is a new topic", title: "Let's start a new topic!", category: category_group.category_id, ) expect(manager.perform.errors["base"][0]).to eq(I18n.t("js.errors.reasons.forbidden")) end end context "with a high trust level setting" do before { SiteSetting.approve_unless_trust_level = 4 } it "will return an enqueue result" do result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(NewPostManager.queue_enabled?).to eq(true) expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:trust_level) end end context "with uncategorized disabled, and approval" do before do SiteSetting.allow_uncategorized_topics = false SiteSetting.approve_unless_trust_level = 4 end it "will return an enqueue result" do npm = NewPostManager.new( Fabricate(:user), title: "this is a new topic title", raw: "this is the raw content", category: Fabricate(:category).id, ) result = NewPostManager.default_handler(npm) expect(NewPostManager.queue_enabled?).to eq(true) expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.errors).to be_blank end end context "with staged moderation setting enabled" do before do SiteSetting.approve_unless_staged = true user.update!(staged: true) end it "will return an enqueue result" do result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(NewPostManager.queue_enabled?).to eq(true) expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:staged) end end context "with a high trust level setting for new topics but post responds to existing topic" do before { SiteSetting.approve_new_topics_unless_trust_level = 4 } it "doesn't return a result action" do result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(result).to eq(nil) end end context "with a fast typer" do before { user.update!(trust_level: 0) } it "adds the silence reason in the system locale" do manager = build_manager_with("this is new post content") I18n.with_locale(:fr) do # Simulate french user result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) end expect(user.silenced?).to eq(true) expect(user.silence_reason).to eq(I18n.t("user.new_user_typed_too_fast", locale: :en)) end it "runs the watched words check before checking if the user is a fast typer" do Fabricate(:watched_word, word: "darn", action: WatchedWord.actions[:require_approval]) manager = build_manager_with("this is darn new post content") result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:watched_word) end def build_manager_with(raw) NewPostManager.new(user, raw: raw, topic_id: topic.id, first_post_checks: true) end end context "with media" do let(:manager_opts) do { raw: "this is new post content", topic_id: topic.id, first_post_checks: false, image_sizes: { "http://localhost:3000/uploads/default/original/1X/652fc9667040b1b89dc4d9b061a823ddb3c0cef0.jpeg" => { "width" => "500", "height" => "500", }, }, } end before { user.update!(trust_level: 0) } it "queues the post for review because if it contains embedded media." do SiteSetting.review_media_unless_trust_level = 1 manager = NewPostManager.new(user, manager_opts) result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:contains_media) end it "does not enqueue the post if the poster is a trusted user" do SiteSetting.review_media_unless_trust_level = 0 manager = NewPostManager.new(user, manager_opts) result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(result).to be_nil end end end describe "new topic handler" do let(:manager) do NewPostManager.new(user, raw: "this is new topic content", title: "new topic title") end context "with a high trust level setting for new topics" do before { SiteSetting.approve_new_topics_unless_trust_level = 4 } it "will return an enqueue result" do result = NewPostManager.default_handler(manager) expect(NewPostManager.queue_enabled?).to eq(true) expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:new_topics_unless_trust_level) end end end describe "extensibility priority" do after { NewPostManager.clear_handlers! } let(:default_handler) { NewPostManager.method(:default_handler) } it "adds in order by default" do handler = -> { nil } NewPostManager.add_handler(&handler) expect(NewPostManager.handlers).to eq([handler]) end it "can be added in high priority" do a = -> { nil } b = -> { nil } c = -> { nil } NewPostManager.add_handler(100, &a) NewPostManager.add_handler(50, &b) NewPostManager.add_handler(101, &c) expect(NewPostManager.handlers).to eq([c, a, b]) end end describe "extensibility" do before do @counter = 0 @counter_handler = lambda do |manager| result = nil if manager.args[:raw] == "this post increases counter" @counter += 1 result = NewPostResult.new(:counter, true) end result end @queue_handler = ->(manager) { manager.args[:raw] =~ /queue me/ ? manager.enqueue("default") : nil } NewPostManager.add_handler(&@counter_handler) NewPostManager.add_handler(&@queue_handler) end after { NewPostManager.clear_handlers! } it "has a queue enabled" do expect(NewPostManager.queue_enabled?).to eq(true) end it "calls custom handlers" do manager = NewPostManager.new(user, raw: "this post increases counter", topic_id: topic.id) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:counter) expect(result).to be_success expect(result.post).to be_blank expect(@counter).to be(1) expect(Reviewable.list_for(Discourse.system_user).count).to be(0) end it "calls custom enqueuing handlers" do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true SiteSetting.min_trust_to_create_tag = 0 SiteSetting.min_trust_level_to_tag_topics = 0 manager = NewPostManager.new( topic.user, raw: "to the handler I say enqueue me!", title: "this is the title of the queued post", tags: %w[hello world], category: topic.category_id, ) result = manager.perform reviewable = result.reviewable expect(reviewable).to be_present expect(reviewable.payload["title"]).to eq("this is the title of the queued post") expect(reviewable.reviewable_scores).to be_present expect(reviewable.force_review).to eq(true) expect(reviewable.reviewable_by_moderator?).to eq(true) expect(reviewable.category).to be_present expect(reviewable.payload["tags"]).to eq(%w[hello world]) expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result).to be_success expect(result.pending_count).to eq(1) expect(result.post).to be_blank expect(Reviewable.list_for(Discourse.system_user).count).to eq(1) expect(@counter).to be(0) reviewable.perform(Discourse.system_user, :approve_post) manager = NewPostManager.new( topic.user, raw: "another post by this user queue me", topic_id: topic.id, ) result = manager.perform reviewable = result.reviewable expect(reviewable.topic).to be_present expect(reviewable.category).to be_present expect(result.pending_count).to eq(1) end it "if nothing returns a result it creates a post" do manager = NewPostManager.new(user, raw: "this is a new post", topic_id: topic.id) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:create_post) expect(result).to be_success expect(result.post).to be_present expect(@counter).to be(0) end end describe "user needs approval?" do let :user do user = Fabricate.build(:user, trust_level: 0) user_stat = UserStat.new(post_count: 0) user.user_stat = user_stat user end it "handles post_needs_approval? correctly" do u = user default = NewPostManager.new(u, {}) expect(NewPostManager.post_needs_approval?(default)).to eq(:skip) with_check = NewPostManager.new(u, first_post_checks: true) expect(NewPostManager.post_needs_approval?(with_check)).to eq(:fast_typer) u.user_stat.post_count = 1 with_check_and_post = NewPostManager.new(u, first_post_checks: true) expect(NewPostManager.post_needs_approval?(with_check_and_post)).to eq(:skip) u.user_stat.post_count = 0 u.trust_level = 1 with_check_tl1 = NewPostManager.new(u, first_post_checks: true) expect(NewPostManager.post_needs_approval?(with_check_tl1)).to eq(:skip) end end context "when posting in the category requires approval" do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let!(:review_group) { Fabricate(:group) } let!(:category) { Fabricate(:category, reviewable_by_group_id: review_group.id) } context "when new topics require approval" do before do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true category.custom_fields[Category::REQUIRE_TOPIC_APPROVAL] = true category.save end it "enqueues new topics" do manager = NewPostManager.new( user, raw: "this is a new topic", title: "Let's start a new topic!", category: category.id, ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:category) end it "does not enqueue the topic when the poster is a category group moderator" do SiteSetting.enable_category_group_moderation = true review_group.users << user manager = NewPostManager.new( user, raw: "this is a new topic", title: "Let's start a new topic!", category: category.id, ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:create_post) expect(result).to be_success end context "when the category has tagging rules" do context "when there is a minimum number of tags required for the category" do before { category.update(minimum_required_tags: 1) } it "errors when there are no tags provided" do manager = NewPostManager.new( user, raw: "this is a new topic", title: "Let's start a new topic!", category: category.id, ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.errors.full_messages).to include( I18n.t("tags.minimum_required_tags", count: category.minimum_required_tags), ) end it "enqueues the topic if there are tags provided" do tag = Fabricate(:tag) manager = NewPostManager.new( user, raw: "this is a new topic", title: "Let's start a new topic!", category: category.id, tags: tag.name, ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:category) end end context "when there is a minimum number of tags required from a certain tag group for the category" do let(:tag_group) { Fabricate(:tag_group) } let(:tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } before do TagGroupMembership.create(tag: tag, tag_group: tag_group) category.update( category_required_tag_groups: [ CategoryRequiredTagGroup.new(tag_group: tag_group, min_count: 1), ], ) end it "errors when there are no tags from the group provided" do manager = NewPostManager.new( user, raw: "this is a new topic", title: "Let's start a new topic!", category: category.id, ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.errors.full_messages).to include( I18n.t( "tags.required_tags_from_group", count: category.category_required_tag_groups.first.min_count, tag_group_name: category.category_required_tag_groups.first.tag_group.name, tags: tag.name, ), ) end it "enqueues the topic if there are tags provided" do manager = NewPostManager.new( user, raw: "this is a new topic", title: "Let's start a new topic!", category: category.id, tags: [tag.name], ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:category) end end end end context "when new posts require approval" do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } before do category.custom_fields[Category::REQUIRE_REPLY_APPROVAL] = true category.save end it "enqueues new posts" do manager = NewPostManager.new(user, raw: "this is a new post", topic_id: topic.id) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reason).to eq(:category) end it "doesn't blow up with invalid topic_id" do expect do manager = NewPostManager.new(user, raw: "this is a new topic", topic_id: 97_546) expect(manager.perform.action).to eq(:create_post) end.not_to raise_error end it "does not enqueue the post when the poster is a category group moderator" do SiteSetting.enable_category_group_moderation = true review_group.users << user manager = NewPostManager.new(user, raw: "this is a new post", topic_id: topic.id) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:create_post) expect(result).to be_success end end end describe "via email" do let(:manager) do NewPostManager.new( topic.user, raw: "this is emailed content", topic_id: topic.id, via_email: true, raw_email: "raw email contents", ) end before do SiteSetting.approve_post_count = 100 topic.user.trust_level = 0 end it "will store via_email and raw_email in the enqueued post" do result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(result.reviewable).to be_present expect(result.reviewable.payload["via_email"]).to eq(true) expect(result.reviewable.payload["raw_email"]).to eq("raw email contents") post = result.reviewable.perform(Discourse.system_user, :approve_post).created_post expect(post.via_email).to eq(true) expect(post.raw_email).to eq("raw email contents") end end describe "via email with a spam failure" do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } it "silences users if its their first post" do manager = NewPostManager.new( user, raw: "this is emailed content", via_email: true, raw_email: "raw email contents", email_spam: true, first_post_checks: true, ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(user.silenced?).to be(true) end it "doesn't silence or enqueue exempt users" do manager = NewPostManager.new( admin, raw: "this is emailed content", via_email: true, raw_email: "raw email contents", email_spam: true, first_post_checks: true, ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:create_post) expect(admin.silenced?).to be(false) end end describe "via email with an authentication results failure" do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } it "doesn't silence users" do manager = NewPostManager.new( user, raw: "this is emailed content", via_email: true, raw_email: "raw email contents", email_auth_res_action: :enqueue, first_post_checks: true, ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(user.silenced?).to be(false) end it "still enqueues exempt users" do manager = NewPostManager.new( admin, raw: "this is emailed content", via_email: true, raw_email: "raw email contents", email_auth_res_action: :enqueue, ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:enqueued) expect(user.silenced?).to be(false) end end describe "private message via email" do it "doesn't enqueue authentication results failure" do manager = NewPostManager.new( topic.user, raw: "this is emailed content", archetype: Archetype.private_message, via_email: true, raw_email: "raw email contents", email_auth_res_action: :enqueue, ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:create_post) end it "doesn't enqueue spam failure" do manager = NewPostManager.new( topic.user, raw: "this is emailed content", archetype: Archetype.private_message, via_email: true, raw_email: "raw email contents", email_spam: true, ) result = manager.perform expect(result.action).to eq(:create_post) end end end