#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Increases the version. e.g., from 0.8.5 to 0.8.6. # If you want to bump the minor or major version numbers, do it manually # or edit lib/version.rb before running this file. usage = <<-END Arguments: : The new version. Must have at least 2 parts. Examples: 0.9.8, 0.10, no-commit: Don't commit the changes. push: Push the commits to github. If used by itself without the version argument, it's assumed that the commit and tags are ready to be pushed. Example: To update the version in one step, and then push the commits in a second step: ruby script/version_bump.rb ruby script/version_bump.rb push To do everything in one step: ruby script/version_bump.rb 0.9.8 push END VERSION_FILE_PATH = File.expand_path('../../lib/version.rb', __FILE__) if ARGV.length < 1 puts usage exit 1 end new_version = ARGV[0].split('.') if new_version.length < 2 and !ARGV.include?('push') puts "First argument must be a version number with at least 2 parts. Examples: 0.9.8, 0.10," exit 1 end update_version_file = new_version.length >= 2 if update_version_file puts '', "New Version: #{new_version.join('.')}", "Updating #{VERSION_FILE_PATH}..." contents = '' tiny_version_bumped = false File.open(VERSION_FILE_PATH) do |f| contents = f.read ['MAJOR', 'MINOR', 'TINY', 'PRE'].each_with_index do |name, i| r = Regexp.new(name + '\s*=\s*(nil|[\d]+)') m = r.match(contents) v = new_version[i].to_i > 0 ? new_version[i] : (name == 'PRE' ? 'nil' : '0') contents.sub!(m[0], m[0].sub(m[1], v)) if m end end puts "Saving..." File.open(VERSION_FILE_PATH, 'w+') do |f| f.write(contents) end end require File.expand_path('../../lib/version', __FILE__) version = Discourse::VERSION::STRING puts "New version is: #{version}" unless ARGV.include?('no-commit') or !update_version_file puts "Committing..." `git add lib/version.rb` `git commit -m "Version bump to v#{version}"` sha = `git rev-parse HEAD`.strip `git tag -d latest-release` `git push origin :latest-release` `git tag -a v#{version} -m "version #{version}" #{sha}` `git tag -a latest-release -m "latest release" #{sha}` end if ARGV.include?('push') puts "Pushing..." `git push origin master` `git push origin v#{version}` `git push origin latest-release` end puts "Done",''