import { acceptance, exists, query, queryAll, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import { test } from "qunit"; import { click, currentURL, settled, visit } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import { directMessageChannels } from "discourse/plugins/chat/chat-fixtures"; import { cloneJSON } from "discourse-common/lib/object"; import I18n from "I18n"; import { withPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api"; import { emojiUnescape } from "discourse/lib/text"; import User from "discourse/models/user"; acceptance("Discourse Chat - Core Sidebar", function (needs) { needs.user({ has_chat_enabled: true }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true, navigation_menu: "sidebar", }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { let directChannels = cloneJSON(directMessageChannels).mapBy("chat_channel"); directChannels[0].chatable.users = [directChannels[0].chatable.users[0]]; directChannels[0].current_user_membership.unread_count = 1; directChannels.push({ chatable: { users: [ { id: 1, username: "markvanlan", avatar_template: "/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/t/f9ae1b/{size}.png", }, { id: 2, username: "sam", avatar_template: "/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/t/f9ae1b/{size}.png", }, ], }, chatable_id: 59, chatable_type: "DirectMessage", chatable_url: null, id: 76, title: "@sam", last_message_sent_at: "2021-06-01T11:15:00.000Z", current_user_membership: { unread_count: 0, muted: true, following: true, }, message_bus_last_ids: { new_mentions: 0, new_messages: 0, }, }); directChannels.push({ chatable: { users: [ { id: 1, username: "", avatar_template: "/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/t/f9ae1b/{size}.png", }, { id: 2, username: "", avatar_template: "/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/t/f9ae1b/{size}.png", }, ], }, chatable_type: "DirectMessage", chatable_url: null, id: 77, title: "@", last_message_sent_at: "2021-06-01T11:15:00.000Z", current_user_membership: { unread_count: 0, muted: false, following: true, }, message_bus_last_ids: { new_mentions: 0, new_messages: 0, }, }); server.get("/chat/chat_channels.json", () => { return helper.response({ public_channels: [ { id: 1, title: "dev :bug:", chatable_type: "Category", chatable: { slug: "dev", read_restricted: true }, last_message_sent_at: "2021-11-08T21:26:05.710Z", current_user_membership: { unread_count: 0, unread_mentions: 0, }, message_bus_last_ids: { new_mentions: 0, new_messages: 0, }, }, { id: 2, title: "general", chatable_type: "Category", chatable: { slug: "general" }, last_message_sent_at: "2021-11-08T21:26:05.710Z", current_user_membership: { unread_count: 1, unread_mentions: 0, }, message_bus_last_ids: { new_mentions: 0, new_messages: 0, }, }, { id: 3, title: "random", description: "The channel for random things", chatable_type: "Category", chatable: { slug: "random" }, last_message_sent_at: "2021-11-08T21:26:05.710Z", current_user_membership: { muted: true, unread_count: 1, unread_mentions: 1, }, message_bus_last_ids: { new_mentions: 0, new_messages: 0, }, }, { id: 4, title: "", chatable_type: "Category", chatable: { slug: "random" }, last_message_sent_at: "2021-11-08T21:26:05.710Z", current_user_membership: { unread_count: 1, unread_mentions: 1, }, message_bus_last_ids: { new_mentions: 0, new_messages: 0, }, }, ], direct_message_channels: directChannels, message_bus_last_ids: { channel_metadata: 0, channel_edits: 0, channel_status: 0, new_channel: 0, user_tracking_state: 0, }, }); }); server.get("/chat/1/messages.json", () => helper.response({ meta: { can_chat: true, user_silenced: false, channel_message_bus_last_id: 0, }, chat_messages: [], }) ); server.get("/u/search/users", () => { return helper.response({ users: [ { username: "hawk", id: 2, name: "hawk", avatar_template: "/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/t/41988e/{size}.png", }, ], }); }); server.get("/chat/75/messages.json", () => helper.response({ meta: { can_chat: true, user_silenced: false }, chat_messages: [], }) ); server.get("/chat/direct_messages.json", () => { return helper.response({ chat_channel: { id: 75, title: "hawk", chatable_type: "DirectMessage", last_message_sent_at: "2021-07-20T08:14:16.950Z", chatable: { users: [{ username: "hawk" }], }, }, }); }); }); needs.hooks.beforeEach(function () { withPluginApi("1.3.0", (api) => { api.addUsernameSelectorDecorator((username) => { if (username === "hawk") { return `${emojiUnescape( ":desert_island:" )}`; } }); }); }); test("Public channels section", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); assert.strictEqual( query( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-header-text" ).textContent.trim(), I18n.t("chat.chat_channels"), "displays correct channels section title" ); assert.ok( exists( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-dev-bug .sidebar-section-link-prefix svg.prefix-icon.d-icon-hashtag" ), "dev channel section link displays hash icon prefix" ); assert.ok( exists( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-dev-bug .sidebar-section-link-prefix svg.prefix-badge.d-icon-lock" ), "dev channel section link displays lock badge for restricted channel" ); assert.ok( exists( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-dev-bug .emoji" ), "unescapes emoji in channel title in the link" ); assert.strictEqual( query( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-dev-bug" ).textContent.trim(), "dev", "dev channel section link displays channel title in the link" ); assert.ok( query( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-dev-bug" ).href.endsWith("/chat/channel/1/dev-bug"), "dev channel section link has the right href attribute" ); assert.notOk( exists( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-dev-bug .sidebar-section-link-suffix" ), "does not display new messages indicator" ); assert.ok( exists( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-general .sidebar-section-link-prefix svg.prefix-icon.d-icon-hashtag" ), "general channel section link displays hash icon prefix" ); assert.notOk( exists( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-general .sidebar-section-link-prefix svg.prefix-badge" ), "general channel section link does not display lock badge for public channel" ); assert.strictEqual( query( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-general" ).textContent.trim(), "general", "general channel section link displays channel title in the link" ); assert.ok( exists( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-general .sidebar-section-link-suffix.unread" ), "general section link has new messages indicator" ); assert.ok( exists( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-random .sidebar-section-link-prefix svg.prefix-icon.d-icon-hashtag" ), "random channel section link displays hash icon prefix" ); assert.strictEqual( query( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-random" ).textContent.trim(), "random", "random channel section link displays channel title in the link" ); assert.ok( exists( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-random .sidebar-section-link-suffix.urgent" ), "random section link has new messages mention indicator" ); }); test("sidebar section link when direct message channel is muted by user", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); assert.ok( exists( ".sidebar-section-chat-dms .sidebar-section-link-sam.sidebar-section-link--muted" ), "muted direct chat channel section link has right classname configured" ); }); test("sidebar section link when public channel is muted by user", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); assert.ok( exists( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-random.sidebar-section-link--muted" ), "muted random chat channel section link has right classname configured" ); }); test("Direct messages section", async function (assert) { const chatService = this.container.lookup("service:chat"); chatService.directMessagesLimit = 2; await visit("/"); assert.strictEqual( query( ".sidebar-section-chat-dms .sidebar-section-header-text" ).textContent.trim(), I18n.t("chat.direct_messages.title"), "displays correct direct messages section title" ); let directLinks = queryAll( ".sidebar-section-chat-dms a.sidebar-section-link" ); assert.strictEqual( directLinks[0] .querySelector(".sidebar-section-link-prefix img") .classList.contains("prefix-image"), true, "displays avatar in prefix when two participants" ); assert.strictEqual( directLinks[0].textContent.trim(), "hawk", "displays user name in a link" ); assert.ok( directLinks[0].querySelector( ".sidebar-section-link-content-text .on-holiday img" ), "displays flair when user is on holiday" ); assert.strictEqual( directLinks[0] .querySelector(".sidebar-section-link-suffix") .classList.contains("urgent"), true, "displays new messages indicator" ); assert.strictEqual( directLinks[1] .querySelector("span.sidebar-section-link-prefix") .classList.contains("text"), true, "displays text in prefix when more than two participants" ); assert.strictEqual( directLinks[1] .querySelector(".sidebar-section-link-content-text") .textContent.trim(), "eviltrout, markvanlan", "displays all participants name in a link" ); assert.ok( !directLinks[1].querySelector(".sidebar-section-link-suffix"), "does not display new messages indicator" ); User.current().chat_channel_tracking_state[76].set("unread_count", 99); chatService.reSortDirectMessageChannels(); chatService.appEvents.trigger("chat:user-tracking-state-changed"); await settled(); directLinks = queryAll(".sidebar-section-chat-dms a.sidebar-section-link"); assert.strictEqual( directLinks[0] .querySelector(".sidebar-section-link-content-text") .textContent.trim(), "eviltrout, markvanlan", "reorders private messages" ); assert.equal( directLinks.length, 2, "limits number of displayed direct messages" ); }); test("Plugin sidebar is hidden", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/channel/1/dev"); assert.notOk(exists(".full-page-chat .channels-list")); }); test("Open a new direct conversation", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); await click(".sidebar-section-chat-dms .sidebar-section-header-button"); assert.ok(exists(".direct-message-creator")); assert.ok(exists("")); assert.strictEqual(currentURL(), "/"); }); test("Escaped channel description used as title when present", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); const randomChannel = queryAll( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-wrapper .sidebar-section-link" )[3]; assert.strictEqual( randomChannel.title, "The channel for random <script>evil</script> things" ); }); test("Escapes public channel titles", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); const evilChannel = query( ".sidebar-section-chat-channels .sidebar-section-link-wrapper .sidebar-section-link" ); assert.strictEqual( evilChannel.title, "<script>evil</script> chat" ); assert.ok( evilChannel.className.includes( "sidebar-section-link-ltscriptgtevilltscriptgt" ) ); assert.strictEqual( evilChannel .querySelector(".sidebar-section-link-content-text") .innerHTML.trim(), "<script>evil</script>" ); }); test("Escapes dm channel titles", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); const evilChannel = queryAll( ".sidebar-section-chat-dms .sidebar-section-link-wrapper .sidebar-section-link" )[3]; assert.strictEqual( evilChannel.title, "Chat with @<script>sam</script>" ); assert.ok( evilChannel.className.includes( "sidebar-section-link-ltscriptgtsamltscriptgt" ) ); assert.strictEqual( evilChannel .querySelector(".sidebar-section-link-content-text") .innerHTML.trim(), "&lt;script&gt;sam&lt;/script&gt;" ); }); }); acceptance("Discourse Chat - Plugin Sidebar", function (needs) { needs.user({ has_chat_enabled: true }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true, navigation_menu: "legacy", }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { server.get("/chat/chat_channels.json", () => { return helper.response({ public_channels: [ { id: 1, title: "dev :bug:", chatable_type: "Category", chatable: { slug: "dev", read_restricted: true }, last_message_sent_at: "2021-11-08T21:26:05.710Z", current_user_membership: { unread_count: 1, unread_mentions: 1, }, message_bus_last_ids: { new_mentions: 0, new_messages: 0, }, }, { id: 2, title: "general", chatable_type: "Category", chatable: { slug: "general" }, last_message_sent_at: "2021-11-08T21:26:05.710Z", current_user_membership: { unread_count: 1, unread_mentions: 1, }, message_bus_last_ids: { new_mentions: 0, new_messages: 0, }, }, { id: 3, title: "random", chatable_type: "Category", chatable: { slug: "random" }, last_message_sent_at: "2021-11-08T21:26:05.710Z", current_user_membership: { unread_count: 1, unread_mentions: 1, }, message_bus_last_ids: { new_mentions: 0, new_messages: 0, }, }, ], direct_message_channels: [], message_bus_last_ids: { channel_metadata: 0, channel_edits: 0, channel_status: 0, new_channel: 0, user_tracking_state: 0, }, }); }); server.get("/chat/1/messages.json", () => helper.response({ meta: { can_chat: true, user_silenced: false }, chat_messages: [], }) ); }); test("Plugin sidebar is visible", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/channel/1/dev"); assert.ok(exists(".full-page-chat .channels-list")); }); }); acceptance( "Discourse Chat - Core Sidebar - no joinable public channels, staff", function (needs) { needs.user({ has_chat_enabled: true, has_joinable_public_channels: false }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true, navigation_menu: "sidebar", }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { server.get("/chat/chat_channels.json", () => { return helper.response({ public_channels: [], direct_message_channels: [], message_bus_last_ids: { channel_metadata: 0, channel_edits: 0, channel_status: 0, new_channel: 0, user_tracking_state: 0, }, }); }); }); test("Chat channels section visibility", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); assert.ok( exists(".sidebar-section-chat-channels"), "it shows the section for staff" ); }); } ); acceptance( "Discourse Chat - Core Sidebar - no joinable public channels, regular user", function (needs) { needs.user({ has_chat_enabled: true, has_joinable_public_channels: false, moderator: false, admin: false, }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true, navigation_menu: "sidebar", }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { server.get("/chat/chat_channels.json", () => { return helper.response({ public_channels: [], direct_message_channels: [], message_bus_last_ids: { channel_metadata: 0, channel_edits: 0, channel_status: 0, new_channel: 0, user_tracking_state: 0, }, }); }); }); test("Chat channels section visibility", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); assert.notOk( exists(".sidebar-section-chat-channels"), "it doesn’t show the section for regular user" ); }); } ); acceptance( "Discourse Chat - Core Sidebar - regular user with no direct message channels who cannot send direct messages", function (needs) { needs.user({ has_chat_enabled: true, moderator: false, admin: false, }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true, navigation_menu: "sidebar", direct_message_enabled_groups: "13", // trust_level_3 auto group ID; }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { server.get("/chat/chat_channels.json", () => { return helper.response({ public_channels: [], direct_message_channels: [], message_bus_last_ids: { channel_metadata: 0, channel_edits: 0, channel_status: 0, new_channel: 0, user_tracking_state: 0, }, }); }); }); test("Direct message channels section visibility", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); assert.notOk( exists(".sidebar-section-chat-dms"), "it doesn’t show the section for regular user" ); }); } ); acceptance( "Discourse Chat - Core Sidebar - regular user with existing direct message channels who cannot send direct messages", function (needs) { needs.user({ has_chat_enabled: true, moderator: false, admin: false, }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true, navigation_menu: "sidebar", direct_message_enabled_groups: "13", // trust_level_3 auto group ID; }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { let directChannels = cloneJSON(directMessageChannels).mapBy( "chat_channel" ); server.get("/chat/chat_channels.json", () => { return helper.response({ public_channels: [], direct_message_channels: directChannels, message_bus_last_ids: { channel_metadata: 0, channel_edits: 0, channel_status: 0, new_channel: 0, user_tracking_state: 0, }, }); }); }); test("Direct message channels section visibility", async function (assert) { await visit("/"); assert.ok( exists(".sidebar-section-chat-dms"), "it does show the section for a regular user" ); assert.notOk( exists(".sidebar-section-chat-dms .sidebar-section-header-button"), "user cannot see the create DM channel button" ); }); } );