# frozen_string_literal: true class DiscoursePoll::RankedChoice MAX_ROUNDS = 50 def self.outcome(poll_id) options = PollOption.where(poll_id: poll_id).map { |hash| { id: hash.digest, html: hash.html } } ballot = [] #Fetch all votes for the poll in a single query votes = PollVote .where(poll_id: poll_id) .select(:user_id, :poll_option_id, :rank) .order(:user_id, :rank) .includes(:poll_option) # Eager load poll options # Group votes by user_id votes_by_user = votes.group_by(&:user_id) # Build the ballot votes_by_user.each do |user_id, user_votes| ballot_paper = user_votes.select { |vote| vote.rank > 0 }.map { |vote| vote.poll_option.digest } ballot << ballot_paper end DiscoursePoll::RankedChoice.run(ballot, options) if ballot.length > 0 end def self.run(starting_votes, options) current_votes = starting_votes round_activity = [] potential_winners = [] round = 0 while round < MAX_ROUNDS round += 1 # Count the first place votes for each candidate tally = tally_votes(current_votes) max_votes = tally.values.max # Find the candidate(s) with the most votes potential_winners = find_potential_winners(tally, max_votes) # Check for a majority and return if found if majority_check(tally, potential_winners, max_votes) majority_candidate = enrich(potential_winners.keys.first, options) round_activity << { round: round, majority: majority_candidate, eliminated: nil } return( { tied: false, tied_candidates: nil, winner: true, winning_candidate: majority_candidate, round_activity: round_activity, } ) end # Find the candidate(s) with the least votes losers = identify_losers(tally) # Remove the candidate with the least votes current_votes.each { |vote| vote.reject! { |candidate| losers.include?(candidate) } } losers = losers.map { |loser| enrich(loser, options) } round_activity << { round: round, majority: nil, eliminated: losers } all_empty = current_votes.all? { |arr| arr.empty? } if all_empty return( { tied: true, tied_candidates: losers, winner: nil, winning_candidate: nil, round_activity: round_activity, } ) end end potential_winners = potential_winners.keys.map { |potential_winner| enrich(potential_winner, options) } { tied: true, tied_candidates: potential_winners, winner: nil, winning_candidate: nil, round_activity: round_activity, } end private def self.tally_votes(current_votes) tally = Hash.new(0) current_votes.each do |vote| vote.each { |candidate| tally[candidate] = 0 unless tally.has_key?(candidate) } end current_votes.each { |vote| tally[vote.first] += 1 if vote.first } tally end def self.find_potential_winners(tally, max_votes) tally.select { |k, v| v == max_votes } end def self.majority_check(tally, potential_winners, max_votes) total_votes = tally.values.sum max_votes > total_votes / 2 || potential_winners.count == 1 end def self.identify_losers(tally) min_votes = tally.values.min tally.select { |k, v| v == min_votes }.keys end def self.enrich(digest, options) { digest: digest, html: options.find { |option| option[:id] == digest }[:html] } end end