# frozen_string_literal: true Fabricator(:post) do user topic { |attrs| Fabricate(:topic, user: attrs[:user]) } raw "Hello world" post_type Post.types[:regular] # Fabrication bypasses PostCreator, for performance reasons, where the counts are updated so we have to handle this manually here. after_create { |post, _transients| UserStatCountUpdater.increment!(post) } end Fabricator(:post_with_long_raw_content, from: :post) do raw "This is a sample post with semi-long raw content. The raw content is also more than two hundred characters to satisfy any test conditions that require content longer than the typical test post raw content. It really is some long content, folks." end Fabricator(:post_with_very_long_raw_content, from: :post) do raw "This is a sample post with very long raw content. The raw content is actually so long that there is no way it could be longer. It is adding so many characters to the post content so that we can use it in testing for scenarios where a post is very long and might cause issues. The post is so long in fact, that the text is split into various paragraphs. Some people are not very concise in their words. They tend to ramble and ramble on about certain information. This is why we need to make sure that we are going about testing in certain ways so that when people such as those that ramble on, are making posts, we can be sure that the posts are not causing any issues. When issues happen it can cause lots of problems. For example, if a post is too long, it affects the way it can be viewed by others. Depending on the screen size, it may cause a lot of scrolling to take place. This is not good. In certain cases, we want to truncate the content of the post when its too long so that it does not cause issues. This is why we need to make sure that we are testing for these scenarios. I think this post has gotten very long, however, I would like to make sure that it is a bit longer, so I will add one final sentence. This is my final sentence, thank you for reading, goodbye." end Fabricator(:post_with_youtube, from: :post) do raw "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0" cooked '


' end Fabricator(:old_post, from: :post) do topic { |attrs| Fabricate(:topic, user: attrs[:user], created_at: (DateTime.now - 100)) } created_at { 100.days.ago } end Fabricator(:moderator_post, from: :post) do user topic { |attrs| Fabricate(:topic, user: attrs[:user]) } post_type Post.types[:moderator_action] raw "Hello world" end Fabricator(:basic_reply, from: :post) do user(fabricator: :coding_horror) reply_to_post_number 1 topic raw "this reply has no quotes" end Fabricator(:reply, from: :post) do user(fabricator: :coding_horror) topic raw ' [quote="Evil Trout, post:1"]hello[/quote] Hmmm! ' end Fabricator(:post_with_plenty_of_images, from: :post) { cooked <<~HTML }

With an emoji! smile

HTML Fabricator(:post_with_uploaded_image, from: :post) do raw { "" } end Fabricator(:post_with_an_attachment, from: :post) do raw "archive.zip" end Fabricator(:post_with_unsized_images, from: :post) do raw " " end Fabricator(:post_with_image_urls, from: :post) do raw ' ' end Fabricator(:post_with_large_image, from: :post) do raw "" end Fabricator(:post_with_large_image_and_title, from: :post) do raw "" end Fabricator(:post_with_large_image_on_subfolder, from: :post) do raw "" end Fabricator(:post_with_uploads, from: :post) do raw " Link " end Fabricator(:post_with_uploads_and_links, from: :post) { raw <<~MD } Link Google text.txt (20 Bytes) :smile: MD Fabricator(:post_with_external_links, from: :post) do user topic raw <<~MD Here's a link to twitter: http://twitter.com And a link to google: http://google.com And a secure link to google: https://google.com And a markdown link: [forumwarz](http://forumwarz.com) And a markdown link with a period after it [codinghorror](http://www.codinghorror.com/blog). And one with a hash http://discourse.org#faq And one with a two hash http://discourse.org#a#b MD end Fabricator(:private_message_post, from: :post) do transient :recipient user topic do |attrs| Fabricate( :private_message_topic, user: attrs[:user], created_at: attrs[:created_at], subtype: TopicSubtype.user_to_user, topic_allowed_users: [ Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: attrs[:user]), Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: attrs[:recipient] || Fabricate(:user)), ], ) end raw "Ssshh! This is our secret conversation!" end Fabricator(:group_private_message_post, from: :post) do transient :recipients user topic do |attrs| Fabricate( :private_message_topic, user: attrs[:user], created_at: attrs[:created_at], subtype: TopicSubtype.user_to_user, topic_allowed_users: [Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: attrs[:user])], topic_allowed_groups: [ Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_group, group: attrs[:recipients] || Fabricate(:group)), ], ) end raw "Ssshh! This is our group secret conversation!" end Fabricator(:private_message_post_one_user, from: :post) do user topic do |attrs| Fabricate( :private_message_topic, user: attrs[:user], created_at: attrs[:created_at], subtype: TopicSubtype.user_to_user, topic_allowed_users: [Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: attrs[:user])], ) end raw "Ssshh! This is our secret conversation!" end Fabricator(:post_via_email, from: :post) do incoming_email via_email true after_create do |post| incoming_email.topic = post.topic incoming_email.post = post incoming_email.user = post.user end end Fabricator(:whisper, from: :post) { post_type Post.types[:whisper] } Fabricator(:small_action, from: :post) { post_type Post.types[:small_action] }