require 'rails_helper' def topics_controller_show_gen_perm_tests(expected, ctx) expected.each do |sym, status| params = "topic_id: #{sym}.id, slug: #{sym}.slug" if sym == :nonexist params = "topic_id: nonexist_topic_id" end ctx.instance_eval(" it 'returns #{status} for #{sym}' do begin xhr :get, :show, #{params} expect(response.status).to eq(#{status}) rescue Discourse::NotLoggedIn expect(302).to eq(#{status}) end end") end end describe TopicsController do context 'wordpress' do let!(:user) { log_in(:moderator) } let(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } let(:topic) { p1.topic } let!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user:user )} it "returns the JSON in the format our wordpress plugin needs" do SiteSetting.external_system_avatars_enabled = false xhr :get, :wordpress, topic_id:, best: 3 expect(response).to be_success json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json).to be_present # The JSON has the data the wordpress plugin needs expect(json['id']).to eq( expect(json['posts_count']).to eq(2) expect(json['filtered_posts_count']).to eq(2) # Posts expect(json['posts'].size).to eq(1) post = json['posts'][0] expect(post['id']).to eq( expect(post['username']).to eq(user.username) expect(post['avatar_template']).to eq("#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}#{user.avatar_template}") expect(post['name']).to eq( expect(post['created_at']).to be_present expect(post['cooked']).to eq(p2.cooked) # Participants expect(json['participants'].size).to eq(1) participant = json['participants'][0] expect(participant['id']).to eq( expect(participant['username']).to eq(user.username) expect(participant['avatar_template']).to eq("#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}#{user.avatar_template}") end end context 'move_posts' do it 'needs you to be logged in' do expect { xhr :post, :move_posts, topic_id: 111, title: 'blah', post_ids: [1,2,3] }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe 'moving to a new topic' do let(:user) { log_in(:moderator) } let(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } let(:topic) { p1.topic } it "raises an error without postIds" do expect { xhr :post, :move_posts, topic_id:, title: 'blah' }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it "raises an error when the user doesn't have permission to move the posts" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_move_posts?).returns(false) xhr :post, :move_posts, topic_id:, title: 'blah', post_ids: [1,2,3] expect(response).to be_forbidden end context 'success' do let(:user) { log_in(:admin) } let(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: user, topic: topic) } it "returns success" do p2 expect do xhr :post, :move_posts, topic_id:, title: 'Logan is a good movie', post_ids: [], category_id: 123 change { Topic.count }.by(1) expect(response).to be_success result = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(result['success']).to eq(true) expect(result['url']).to eq(Topic.last.relative_url) end describe 'when topic has been deleted' do it 'should still be able to move posts' do, topic.first_post).destroy expect(topic.reload.deleted_at).to_not be_nil expect do xhr :post, :move_posts, topic_id:, title: 'Logan is a good movie', post_ids: [], category_id: 123 change { Topic.count }.by(1) expect(response).to be_success result = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(result['success']).to eq(true) expect(result['url']).to eq(Topic.last.relative_url) end end end context 'failure' do let(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } before do Topic.any_instance.expects(:move_posts).with(user, [], title: 'blah').returns(nil) xhr :post, :move_posts, topic_id:, title: 'blah', post_ids: [] end it "returns JSON with a false success" do expect(response).to be_success result = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(result['success']).to eq(false) expect(result['url']).to be_blank end end end describe "moving replied posts" do let!(:user) { log_in(:moderator) } let!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } let!(:topic) { p1.topic } let!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user, reply_to_post_number: p1.post_number ) } context 'success' do before do PostReply.create(post_id:, reply_id: end it "moves the child posts too" do Topic.any_instance.expects(:move_posts).with(user, [,], title: 'blah').returns(topic) xhr :post, :move_posts, topic_id:, title: 'blah', post_ids: [], reply_post_ids: [] end end end describe 'moving to an existing topic' do let!(:user) { log_in(:moderator) } let(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } let(:topic) { p1.topic } let(:dest_topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } context 'success' do let(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } before do Topic.any_instance.expects(:move_posts).with(user, [], destination_topic_id: xhr :post, :move_posts, topic_id:, post_ids: [], destination_topic_id: end it "returns success" do expect(response).to be_success result = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(result['success']).to eq(true) expect(result['url']).to be_present end end context 'failure' do let(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } before do Topic.any_instance.expects(:move_posts).with(user, [], destination_topic_id: xhr :post, :move_posts, topic_id:, destination_topic_id:, post_ids: [] end it "returns JSON with a false success" do expect(response).to be_success result = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(result['success']).to eq(false) expect(result['url']).to be_blank end end end end context "merge_topic" do it 'needs you to be logged in' do expect { xhr :post, :merge_topic, topic_id: 111, destination_topic_id: 345 }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe 'moving to a new topic' do let!(:user) { log_in(:moderator) } let(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } let(:topic) { p1.topic } it "raises an error without destination_topic_id" do expect { xhr :post, :merge_topic, topic_id: }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it "raises an error when the user doesn't have permission to merge" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_move_posts?).returns(false) xhr :post, :merge_topic, topic_id: 111, destination_topic_id: 345 expect(response).to be_forbidden end let(:dest_topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } context 'moves all the posts to the destination topic' do let(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } before do Topic.any_instance.expects(:move_posts).with(user, [], destination_topic_id: xhr :post, :merge_topic, topic_id:, destination_topic_id: end it "returns success" do expect(response).to be_success result = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(result['success']).to eq(true) expect(result['url']).to be_present end end end end context 'change_post_owners' do it 'needs you to be logged in' do expect { xhr :post, :change_post_owners, topic_id: 111, username: 'user_a', post_ids: [1,2,3] }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe 'forbidden to moderators' do let!(:moderator) { log_in(:moderator) } it 'correctly denies' do xhr :post, :change_post_owners, topic_id: 111, username: 'user_a', post_ids: [1,2,3] expect(response).to be_forbidden end end describe 'forbidden to trust_level_4s' do let!(:trust_level_4) { log_in(:trust_level_4) } it 'correctly denies' do xhr :post, :change_post_owners, topic_id: 111, username: 'user_a', post_ids: [1,2,3] expect(response).to be_forbidden end end describe 'changing ownership' do let!(:editor) { log_in(:admin) } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let(:user_a) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, topic_id: } let(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, topic_id: } it "raises an error with a parameter missing" do expect { xhr :post, :change_post_owners, topic_id: 111, post_ids: [1,2,3] }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) expect { xhr :post, :change_post_owners, topic_id: 111, username: 'user_a' }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it "calls PostOwnerChanger" do PostOwnerChanger.any_instance.expects(:change_owner!).returns(true) xhr :post, :change_post_owners, topic_id:, username: user_a.username_lower, post_ids: [] expect(response).to be_success end it "changes multiple posts" do # an integration test xhr :post, :change_post_owners, topic_id:, username: user_a.username_lower, post_ids: [,] p1.reload; p2.reload expect(p1.user).not_to eq(nil) expect(p1.user).to eq(p2.user) end it "works with deleted users" do deleted_user = Fabricate(:user) t2 = Fabricate(:topic, user: deleted_user) p3 = Fabricate(:post, topic_id:, user: deleted_user), { delete_posts: true, context: 'test', delete_as_spammer: true }) xhr :post, :change_post_owners, topic_id:, username: user_a.username_lower, post_ids: [] expect(response).to be_success t2.reload p3.reload expect(t2.deleted_at).to be_nil expect(p3.user).to eq(user_a) end end end context 'change_timestamps' do let(:params) { { topic_id: 1, timestamp: } } it 'needs you to be logged in' do expect { xhr :put, :change_timestamps, params }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end [:moderator, :trust_level_4].each do |user| describe "forbidden to #{user}" do let!(user) { log_in(user) } it 'correctly denies' do xhr :put, :change_timestamps, params expect(response).to be_forbidden end end end describe 'changing timestamps' do let!(:admin) { log_in(:admin) } let(:old_timestamp) { } let(:new_timestamp) { old_timestamp - } let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, created_at: old_timestamp) } let!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, topic_id:, created_at: old_timestamp) } let!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, topic_id:, created_at: old_timestamp + } it 'raises an error with a missing parameter' do expect { xhr :put, :change_timestamps, topic_id: 1 }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it 'should update the timestamps of selected posts' do xhr :put, :change_timestamps, topic_id:, timestamp: new_timestamp.to_f expect(topic.reload.created_at).to be_within_one_second_of(new_timestamp) expect(p1.reload.created_at).to be_within_one_second_of(new_timestamp) expect(p2.reload.created_at).to be_within_one_second_of(old_timestamp) end end end context 'clear_pin' do it 'needs you to be logged in' do expect { xhr :put, :clear_pin, topic_id: 1 }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end context 'when logged in' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let!(:user) { log_in } it "fails when the user can't see the topic" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_see?).with(topic).returns(false) xhr :put, :clear_pin, topic_id: expect(response).not_to be_success end describe 'when the user can see the topic' do it "calls clear_pin_for if the user can see the topic" do Topic.any_instance.expects(:clear_pin_for).with(user).once xhr :put, :clear_pin, topic_id: end it "succeeds" do xhr :put, :clear_pin, topic_id: expect(response).to be_success end end end end context 'status' do it 'needs you to be logged in' do expect { xhr :put, :status, topic_id: 1, status: 'visible', enabled: true }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe 'when logged in' do before do @user = log_in(:moderator) @topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: @user) end it "raises an exception if you can't change it" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_moderate?).with(@topic).returns(false) xhr :put, :status, topic_id:, status: 'visible', enabled: 'true' expect(response).to be_forbidden end it 'requires the status parameter' do expect { xhr :put, :status, topic_id:, enabled: true }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it 'requires the enabled parameter' do expect { xhr :put, :status, topic_id:, status: 'visible' }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it 'raises an error with a status not in the whitelist' do expect { xhr :put, :status, topic_id:, status: 'title', enabled: 'true' }.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidParameters) end it 'should update the status of the topic correctly' do @topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: @user, closed: true, topic_status_updates: [ Fabricate(:topic_status_update, status_type: TopicStatusUpdate.types[:open]) ]) xhr :put, :status, topic_id:, status: 'closed', enabled: 'false' expect(response).to be_success expect(@topic.reload.closed).to eq(false) body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body['topic_status_update']).to eq(nil) end end end context 'delete_timings' do it 'needs you to be logged in' do expect { xhr :delete, :destroy_timings, topic_id: 1 }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end context 'when logged in' do before do @user = log_in @topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: @user) @topic_user = TopicUser.get(@topic, @topic.user) end it 'deletes the forum topic user record' do PostTiming.expects(:destroy_for).with(, []) xhr :delete, :destroy_timings, topic_id: end end end describe 'mute/unmute' do it 'needs you to be logged in' do expect { xhr :put, :mute, topic_id: 99}.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end it 'needs you to be logged in' do expect { xhr :put, :unmute, topic_id: 99}.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe 'when logged in' do before do @topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: log_in) end end end describe 'recover' do it "won't allow us to recover a topic when we're not logged in" do expect { xhr :put, :recover, topic_id: 1 }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe 'when logged in' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: log_in, deleted_at:, deleted_by: log_in) } describe 'without access' do it "raises an exception when the user doesn't have permission to delete the topic" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_recover_topic?).with(topic).returns(false) xhr :put, :recover, topic_id: expect(response).to be_forbidden end end context 'with permission' do before do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_recover_topic?).with(topic).returns(true) end it 'succeeds' do PostDestroyer.any_instance.expects(:recover) xhr :put, :recover, topic_id: expect(response).to be_success end end end end describe 'delete' do it "won't allow us to delete a topic when we're not logged in" do expect { xhr :delete, :destroy, id: 1 }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe 'when logged in' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: log_in) } describe 'without access' do it "raises an exception when the user doesn't have permission to delete the topic" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_delete?).with(topic).returns(false) xhr :delete, :destroy, id: expect(response).to be_forbidden end end describe 'with permission' do before do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_delete?).with(topic).returns(true) end it 'succeeds' do PostDestroyer.any_instance.expects(:destroy) xhr :delete, :destroy, id: expect(response).to be_success end end end end describe 'id_for_slug' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:post).topic } it "returns JSON for the slug" do xhr :get, :id_for_slug, slug: topic.slug expect(response).to be_success json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json).to be_present expect(json['topic_id']).to eq( expect(json['url']).to eq(topic.url) expect(json['slug']).to eq(topic.slug) end it "returns invalid access if the user can't see the topic" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_see?).with(topic).returns(false) xhr :get, :id_for_slug, slug: topic.slug expect(response).not_to be_success end end describe 'show full render' do render_views it 'correctly renders canoicals' do topic = Fabricate(:post).topic get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug expect(response).to be_success expect(css_select("link[rel=canonical]").length).to eq(1) expect(response.headers["Cache-Control"]).to eq("no-store, must-revalidate, no-cache, private") end end describe 'show unlisted' do it 'returns 404 unless exact correct URL' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, visible: false) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) xhr :get, :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug expect(response).to be_success xhr :get, :show, topic_id:, slug: "just-guessing" expect(response.code).to eq("404") xhr :get, :show, id: topic.slug expect(response.code).to eq("404") end end describe 'show' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:post).topic } let!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: topic.user) } let!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: topic.user) } it 'shows a topic correctly' do xhr :get, :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug expect(response).to be_success end it 'return 404 for an invalid page' do xhr :get, :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug, page: 2 expect(response.code).to eq("404") end it 'can find a topic given a slug in the id param' do xhr :get, :show, id: topic.slug expect(response).to redirect_to(topic.relative_url) end it 'can find a topic when a slug has a number in front' do another_topic = Fabricate(:post).topic topic.update_column(:slug, "#{}-reasons-discourse-is-awesome") xhr :get, :show, id: "#{}-reasons-discourse-is-awesome" expect(response).to redirect_to(topic.relative_url) end it 'keeps the post_number parameter around when redirecting' do xhr :get, :show, id: topic.slug, post_number: 42 expect(response).to redirect_to(topic.relative_url + "/42") end it 'keeps the page around when redirecting' do xhr :get, :show, id: topic.slug, post_number: 42, page: 123 expect(response).to redirect_to(topic.relative_url + "/42?page=123") end it 'does not accept page params as an array' do xhr :get, :show, id: topic.slug, post_number: 42, page: [2] expect(response).to redirect_to("#{topic.relative_url}/42?page=1") end it 'returns 404 when an invalid slug is given and no id' do xhr :get, :show, id: 'nope-nope' expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it 'returns a 404 when slug and topic id do not match a topic' do xhr :get, :show, topic_id: 123123, slug: 'topic-that-is-made-up' expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it 'returns a 404 for an ID that is larger than postgres limits' do xhr :get, :show, topic_id: 50142173232201640412, slug: 'topic-that-is-made-up' expect(response.status).to eq(404) end context 'a topic with nil slug exists' do before do @nil_slug_topic = Fabricate(:topic) Topic.connection.execute("update topics set slug=null where id = #{}") # can't find a way to set slug column to null using the model end it 'returns a 404 when slug and topic id do not match a topic' do xhr :get, :show, topic_id: 123123, slug: 'topic-that-is-made-up' expect(response.status).to eq(404) end end context 'permission errors' do let(:allowed_user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:allowed_group) { Fabricate(:group) } let(:secure_category) { c = Fabricate(:category) c.permissions = [[allowed_group, :full]] allowed_user.groups = [allowed_group] c } let(:normal_topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let(:secure_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: secure_category) } let(:private_topic) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: allowed_user) } let(:deleted_topic) { Fabricate(:deleted_topic) } let(:deleted_secure_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: secure_category, deleted_at: } let(:deleted_private_topic) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: allowed_user, deleted_at: } let(:nonexist_topic_id) { + 10000 } context 'anonymous' do expected = { :normal_topic => 200, :secure_topic => 403, :private_topic => 302, :deleted_topic => 410, :deleted_secure_topic => 403, :deleted_private_topic => 302, :nonexist => 404 } topics_controller_show_gen_perm_tests(expected, self) end context 'anonymous with login required' do before do SiteSetting.login_required = true end expected = { :normal_topic => 302, :secure_topic => 302, :private_topic => 302, :deleted_topic => 302, :deleted_secure_topic => 302, :deleted_private_topic => 302, :nonexist => 302 } topics_controller_show_gen_perm_tests(expected, self) end context 'normal user' do before do log_in(:user) end expected = { :normal_topic => 200, :secure_topic => 403, :private_topic => 403, :deleted_topic => 410, :deleted_secure_topic => 403, :deleted_private_topic => 403, :nonexist => 404 } topics_controller_show_gen_perm_tests(expected, self) end context 'allowed user' do before do log_in_user(allowed_user) end expected = { :normal_topic => 200, :secure_topic => 200, :private_topic => 200, :deleted_topic => 410, :deleted_secure_topic => 410, :deleted_private_topic => 410, :nonexist => 404 } topics_controller_show_gen_perm_tests(expected, self) end context 'moderator' do before do log_in(:moderator) end expected = { :normal_topic => 200, :secure_topic => 403, :private_topic => 403, :deleted_topic => 200, :deleted_secure_topic => 403, :deleted_private_topic => 403, :nonexist => 404 } topics_controller_show_gen_perm_tests(expected, self) end context 'admin' do before do log_in(:admin) end expected = { :normal_topic => 200, :secure_topic => 200, :private_topic => 200, :deleted_topic => 200, :deleted_secure_topic => 200, :deleted_private_topic => 200, :nonexist => 404 } topics_controller_show_gen_perm_tests(expected, self) end end it 'records a view' do expect { xhr :get, :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug }.to change(TopicViewItem, :count).by(1) end it 'records incoming links' do user = Fabricate(:user) get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug, u: user.username expect(IncomingLink.count).to eq(1) end context 'print' do it "doesn't renders the print view when disabled" do SiteSetting.max_prints_per_hour_per_user = 0 get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug, print: true expect(response).to be_forbidden end it 'renders the print view when enabled' do SiteSetting.max_prints_per_hour_per_user = 10 get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug, print: true expect(response).to be_successful end end it 'records redirects' do @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = '' get :show, { id: } @request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = nil get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug link = IncomingLink.first expect(link.referer).to eq('') end it 'tracks a visit for all html requests' do current_user = log_in(:coding_horror) TopicUser.expects(:track_visit!).with(, get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug end context 'consider for a promotion' do let!(:user) { log_in(:coding_horror) } let(:promotion) do result = double Promotion.stubs(:new).with(user).returns(result) result end it "reviews the user for a promotion if they're new" do user.update_column(:trust_level, TrustLevel[0]) Promotion.any_instance.expects(:review) get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug end end context 'filters' do it 'grabs first page when no filter is provided' do TopicView.any_instance.expects(:filter_posts_in_range).with(0, 19) xhr :get, :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug end it 'grabs first page when first page is provided' do TopicView.any_instance.expects(:filter_posts_in_range).with(0, 19) xhr :get, :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug, page: 1 end it 'grabs correct range when a page number is provided' do TopicView.any_instance.expects(:filter_posts_in_range).with(20, 39) xhr :get, :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug, page: 2 end it 'delegates a post_number param to TopicView#filter_posts_near' do TopicView.any_instance.expects(:filter_posts_near).with(p2.post_number) xhr :get, :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug, post_number: p2.post_number end end context "when 'login required' site setting has been enabled" do before { SiteSetting.login_required = true } context 'and the user is logged in' do before { log_in(:coding_horror) } it 'shows the topic' do get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug expect(response).to be_successful end end context 'and the user is not logged in' do let(:api_key) { topic.user.generate_api_key(topic.user) } it 'redirects to the login page' do get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug expect(response).to redirect_to login_path end it 'shows the topic if valid api key is provided' do get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug, api_key: api_key.key expect(response).to be_successful topic.reload # free test, only costs a reload expect(topic.views).to eq(1) end it 'returns 403 for an invalid key' do get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug, api_key: "bad" expect(response.code.to_i).to be(403) end end end end describe '#posts' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:post).topic } it 'returns first posts of the topic' do get :posts, topic_id:, format: :json expect(response).to be_success expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json') end end describe '#feed' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:post).topic } it 'renders rss of the topic' do get :feed, topic_id:, slug: 'foo', format: :rss expect(response).to be_success expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/rss+xml') end end describe 'update' do it "won't allow us to update a topic when we're not logged in" do expect { xhr :put, :update, topic_id: 1, slug: 'xyz' }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe 'when logged in' do before do @topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: log_in) Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic) end describe 'without permission' do it "raises an exception when the user doesn't have permission to update the topic" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_edit?).with(@topic).returns(false) xhr :put, :update, topic_id:, slug: @topic.title expect(response).to be_forbidden end end describe 'with permission' do before do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_edit?).with(@topic).returns(true) end it 'succeeds' do xhr :put, :update, topic_id:, slug: @topic.title expect(response).to be_success expect(::JSON.parse(response.body)['basic_topic']).to be_present end it 'allows a change of title' do xhr :put, :update, topic_id:, slug: @topic.title, title: 'This is a new title for the topic' @topic.reload expect(@topic.title).to eq('This is a new title for the topic') end it 'triggers a change of category' do Topic.any_instance.expects(:change_category_to_id).with(123).returns(true) xhr :put, :update, topic_id:, slug: @topic.title, category_id: 123 end it 'allows to change category to "uncategorized"' do Topic.any_instance.expects(:change_category_to_id).with(0).returns(true) xhr :put, :update, topic_id:, slug: @topic.title, category_id: "" end it "returns errors with invalid titles" do xhr :put, :update, topic_id:, slug: @topic.title, title: 'asdf' expect(response).not_to be_success end it "returns errors when the rate limit is exceeded" do EditRateLimiter.any_instance.expects(:performed!).raises( xhr :put, :update, topic_id:, slug: @topic.title, title: 'This is a new title for the topic' expect(response).not_to be_success end it "returns errors with invalid categories" do Topic.any_instance.expects(:change_category_to_id).returns(false) xhr :put, :update, topic_id:, slug: @topic.title, category_id: -1 expect(response).not_to be_success end it "doesn't call the PostRevisor when there is no changes" do PostRevisor.any_instance.expects(:revise!).never xhr :put, :update, topic_id:, slug: @topic.title, title: @topic.title, category_id: @topic.category_id expect(response).to be_success end context 'when topic is private' do before do @topic.archetype = Archetype.private_message @topic.category = nil! end context 'when there are no changes' do it 'does not call the PostRevisor' do PostRevisor.any_instance.expects(:revise!).never xhr :put, :update, topic_id:, slug: @topic.title, title: @topic.title, category_id: nil expect(response).to be_success end end end context "allow_uncategorized_topics is false" do before do SiteSetting.stubs(:allow_uncategorized_topics).returns(false) end it "can add a category to an uncategorized topic" do Topic.any_instance.expects(:change_category_to_id).with(456).returns(true) xhr :put, :update, topic_id:, slug: @topic.title, category_id: 456 expect(response).to be_success end end end end end describe 'invite_group' do let :admins do Group[:admins] end let! :admin do log_in :admin end before do admins.alias_level = Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]! end it "disallows inviting a group to a topic" do topic = Fabricate(:topic) xhr :post, :invite_group, topic_id:, group: 'admins' expect(response.status).to eq(422) end it "allows inviting a group to a PM" do topic = Fabricate(:private_message_topic) xhr :post, :invite_group, topic_id:, group: 'admins' expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect( eq( end end describe 'invite' do describe "group invites" do it "works correctly" do group = Fabricate(:group) topic = Fabricate(:topic) _admin = log_in(:admin) xhr :post, :invite, topic_id:, email: 'hiro@from.heros', group_ids: "#{}" expect(response).to be_success invite = Invite.find_by(email: 'hiro@from.heros') groups = invite.groups.to_a expect(groups.count).to eq(1) expect(groups[0].id).to eq( end end it "won't allow us to invite toa topic when we're not logged in" do expect { xhr :post, :invite, topic_id: 1, email: '' }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe 'when logged in as group manager' do let(:group_manager) { log_in } let(:group) { Fabricate(:group).tap { |g| g.add_owner(group_manager) } } let(:private_category) { Fabricate(:private_category, group: group) } let(:group_private_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: private_category, user: group_manager) } let(:recipient) { '' } it "should attach group to the invite" do xhr :post, :invite, topic_id:, user: recipient expect(response).to be_success expect(Invite.find_by(email: recipient).groups).to eq([group]) end end describe 'when logged in' do before do @topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: log_in) end it 'requires an email parameter' do expect { xhr :post, :invite, topic_id: }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end describe 'without permission' do it "raises an exception when the user doesn't have permission to invite to the topic" do xhr :post, :invite, topic_id:, user: '' expect(response).to be_forbidden end end describe 'with admin permission' do let!(:admin) do log_in :admin end it 'should work as expected' do xhr :post, :invite, topic_id:, user: '' expect(response).to be_success expect(::JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'success' => 'OK'}) expect(Invite.where(invited_by_id: eq(1) end it 'should fail on shoddy email' do xhr :post, :invite, topic_id:, user: 'i_am_not_an_email' expect(response).not_to be_success expect(::JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'failed' => 'FAILED'}) end end end end describe 'make_banner' do it 'needs you to be a staff member' do log_in xhr :put, :make_banner, topic_id: 99 expect(response).to be_forbidden end describe 'when logged in' do it "changes the topic archetype to 'banner'" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: log_in(:admin)) Topic.any_instance.expects(:make_banner!) xhr :put, :make_banner, topic_id: expect(response).to be_success end end end describe 'remove_banner' do it 'needs you to be a staff member' do log_in xhr :put, :remove_banner, topic_id: 99 expect(response).to be_forbidden end describe 'when logged in' do it "resets the topic archetype" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: log_in(:admin)) Topic.any_instance.expects(:remove_banner!) xhr :put, :remove_banner, topic_id: expect(response).to be_success end end end describe "bulk" do it 'needs you to be logged in' do expect { xhr :put, :bulk }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe "when logged in" do let!(:user) { log_in } let(:operation) { {type: 'change_category', category_id: '1'} } let(:topic_ids) { [1,2,3] } it "requires a list of topic_ids or filter" do expect { xhr :put, :bulk, operation: operation }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it "requires an operation param" do expect { xhr :put, :bulk, topic_ids: topic_ids}.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it "requires a type field for the operation param" do expect { xhr :put, :bulk, topic_ids: topic_ids, operation: {}}.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it "can find unread" do # mark all unread muted xhr :put, :bulk, filter: 'unread', operation: {type: :change_notification_level, notification_level_id: 0} expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "delegates work to `TopicsBulkAction`" do topics_bulk_action = mock TopicsBulkAction.expects(:new).with(user, topic_ids, operation, group: nil).returns(topics_bulk_action) topics_bulk_action.expects(:perform!) xhr :put, :bulk, topic_ids: topic_ids, operation: operation end end end describe 'remove_bookmarks' do it "should remove bookmarks properly from non first post" do bookmark = PostActionType.types[:bookmark] user = log_in post = create_post post2 = create_post(topic_id: post.topic_id) PostAction.act(user, post2, bookmark) xhr :put, :bookmark, topic_id: post.topic_id expect(PostAction.where(user_id:, post_action_type: bookmark).count).to eq(2) xhr :put, :remove_bookmarks, topic_id: post.topic_id expect(PostAction.where(user_id:, post_action_type: bookmark).count).to eq(0) end it "should disallow bookmarks on posts you have no access to" do log_in user = Fabricate(:user) pm = create_post(user: user, archetype: 'private_message', target_usernames: [user.username]) xhr :put, :bookmark, topic_id: pm.topic_id expect(response).to be_forbidden end end describe 'reset_new' do it 'needs you to be logged in' do expect { xhr :put, :reset_new }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end let(:user) { log_in(:user) } it "updates the `new_since` date" do old_date = 2.years.ago user.user_stat.update_column(:new_since, old_date) xhr :put, :reset_new user.reload expect(user.user_stat.new_since.to_date).not_to eq(old_date.to_date) end end describe "feature_stats" do it "works" do xhr :get, :feature_stats, category_id: 1 expect(response).to be_success json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["pinned_in_category_count"]).to eq(0) expect(json["pinned_globally_count"]).to eq(0) expect(json["banner_count"]).to eq(0) end it "allows unlisted banner topic" do Fabricate(:topic, category_id: 1, archetype: Archetype.banner, visible: false) xhr :get, :feature_stats, category_id: 1 json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["banner_count"]).to eq(1) end end describe "x-robots-tag" do it "is included for unlisted topics" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, visible: false) get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug expect(response.headers['X-Robots-Tag']).to eq('noindex') end it "is not included for normal topics" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, visible: true) get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug expect(response.headers['X-Robots-Tag']).to eq(nil) end end context "excerpts" do it "can correctly get excerpts" do first_post = create_post(raw: 'This is the first post :)', title: 'This is a test title I am making yay') second_post = create_post(raw: 'This is second post', topic: first_post.topic) random_post = Fabricate(:post) xhr :get, :excerpts, topic_id: first_post.topic_id, post_ids: [,,] json = JSON.parse(response.body) json.sort!{|a,b| a["post_id"] <=> b["post_id"]} # no random post expect(json.length).to eq(2) # keep emoji images expect(json[0]["excerpt"]).to match(/emoji/) expect(json[0]["excerpt"]).to match(/first post/) expect(json[0]["username"]).to eq(first_post.user.username) expect(json[0]["post_id"]).to eq( expect(json[1]["excerpt"]).to match(/second post/) end end context "convert_topic" do it 'needs you to be logged in' do expect { xhr :put, :convert_topic, id: 111, type: "private" }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe 'converting public topic to private message' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } it "raises an error when the user doesn't have permission to convert topic" do log_in xhr :put, :convert_topic, id:, type: "private" expect(response).to be_forbidden end context "success" do before do admin = log_in(:admin) Topic.any_instance.expects(:convert_to_private_message).with(admin).returns(topic) xhr :put, :convert_topic, id:, type: "private" end it "returns success" do expect(response).to be_success result = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(result['success']).to eq(true) expect(result['url']).to be_present end end end describe 'converting private message to public topic' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } it "raises an error when the user doesn't have permission to convert topic" do log_in xhr :put, :convert_topic, id:, type: "public" expect(response).to be_forbidden end context "success" do before do admin = log_in(:admin) Topic.any_instance.expects(:convert_to_public_topic).with(admin).returns(topic) xhr :put, :convert_topic, id:, type: "public" end it "returns success" do expect(response).to be_success result = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(result['success']).to eq(true) expect(result['url']).to be_present end end end end end