import I18n from "I18n"; import { acceptance, updateCurrentUser } from "helpers/qunit-helpers"; import selectKit from "helpers/select-kit-helper"; import User from "discourse/models/user"; function preferencesPretender(server, helper) {"/u/second_factors.json", () => { return helper.response({ success: "OK", password_required: "true", }); });"/u/create_second_factor_totp.json", () => { return helper.response({ key: "rcyryaqage3jexfj", qr: '
', }); });"/u/create_second_factor_security_key.json", () => { return helper.response({ challenge: "a6d393d12654c130b2273e68ca25ca232d1d7f4c2464c2610fb8710a89d4", rp_id: "localhost", rp_name: "Discourse", supported_algorithms: [-7, -257], }); });"/u/enable_second_factor_totp.json", () => { return helper.response({ error: "invalid token" }); }); server.put("/u/second_factors_backup.json", () => { return helper.response({ backup_codes: ["dsffdsd", "fdfdfdsf", "fddsds"], }); });"/u/eviltrout/preferences/revoke-account", () => { return helper.response({ success: true, }); }); server.put("/u/eviltrout/preferences/email", () => { return helper.response({ success: true, }); });"/user_avatar/eviltrout/refresh_gravatar.json", () => { return helper.response({ gravatar_upload_id: 6543, gravatar_avatar_template: "/images/avatar.png", }); }); server.get("/u/eviltrout/activity.json", () => { return helper.response({}); }); } acceptance("User Preferences", { loggedIn: true, pretend: preferencesPretender, }); QUnit.test("update some fields", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences"); assert.ok($("body.user-preferences-page").length, "has the body class"); assert.equal( currentURL(), "/u/eviltrout/preferences/account", "defaults to account tab" ); assert.ok(exists(".user-preferences"), "it shows the preferences"); const savePreferences = async () => { assert.ok(!exists(".saved"), "it hasn't been saved yet"); await click(".save-changes"); assert.ok(exists(".saved"), "it displays the saved message"); find(".saved").remove(); }; fillIn(".pref-name input[type=text]", "Jon Snow"); await savePreferences(); click(".preferences-nav .nav-profile a"); fillIn("#edit-location", "Westeros"); await savePreferences(); click(".preferences-nav .nav-emails a"); click(".pref-activity-summary input[type=checkbox]"); await savePreferences(); click(".preferences-nav .nav-notifications a"); await selectKit(".control-group.notifications .combo-box.duration").expand(); await selectKit( ".control-group.notifications .combo-box.duration" ).selectRowByValue(1440); await savePreferences(); click(".preferences-nav .nav-categories a"); fillIn(".tracking-controls .category-selector", "faq"); await savePreferences(); assert.ok( !exists(".preferences-nav .nav-tags a"), "tags tab isn't there when tags are disabled" ); click(".preferences-nav .nav-interface a"); click(".control-group.other input[type=checkbox]:first"); savePreferences(); assert.ok( !exists(".preferences-nav .nav-apps a"), "apps tab isn't there when you have no authorized apps" ); }); QUnit.test("username", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences/username"); assert.ok(exists("#change_username"), "it has the input element"); }); QUnit.test("email", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences/email"); assert.ok(exists("#change-email"), "it has the input element"); await fillIn("#change-email", "invalidemail"); assert.equal( find(".tip.bad").text().trim(), I18n.t(""), "it should display invalid email tip" ); }); QUnit.test("email field always shows up", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences/email"); assert.ok(exists("#change-email"), "it has the input element"); await fillIn("#change-email", ""); await click(".user-preferences button.btn-primary"); await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences"); await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences/email"); assert.ok(exists("#change-email"), "it has the input element"); }); QUnit.test("connected accounts", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences/account"); assert.ok( exists(".pref-associated-accounts"), "it has the connected accounts section" ); assert.ok( find(".pref-associated-accounts table tr:first td:first") .html() .indexOf("Facebook") > -1, "it lists facebook" ); await click(".pref-associated-accounts table tr:first td:last button"); find(".pref-associated-accounts table tr:first td:last button") .html() .indexOf("Connect") > -1; }); QUnit.test("second factor totp", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences/second-factor"); assert.ok(exists("#password"), "it has a password input"); await fillIn("#password", "secrets"); await click(".user-preferences .btn-primary"); assert.notOk(exists("#password"), "it hides the password input"); await click(".new-totp"); assert.ok(exists("#test-qr"), "shows qr code"); await click(".add-totp"); assert.ok( find(".alert-error").html().indexOf("provide a name and the code") > -1, "shows name/token missing error message" ); }); QUnit.test("second factor security keys", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences/second-factor"); assert.ok(exists("#password"), "it has a password input"); await fillIn("#password", "secrets"); await click(".user-preferences .btn-primary"); assert.notOk(exists("#password"), "it hides the password input"); await click(".new-security-key"); assert.ok(exists("#security-key-name"), "shows security key name input"); fillIn("#security-key-name", ""); // The following tests can only run when Webauthn is enabled. This is not // always the case, for example on a browser running on a non-standard port if (typeof PublicKeyCredential !== "undefined") { await click(".add-security-key"); assert.ok( find(".alert-error").html().indexOf("provide a name") > -1, "shows name missing error message" ); } }); QUnit.test("default avatar selector", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences"); await click(".pref-avatar .btn"); assert.ok(exists(".avatar-choice", "opens the avatar selection modal")); await click(".avatar-selector-refresh-gravatar"); assert.equal( User.currentProp("gravatar_avatar_upload_id"), 6543, "it should set the gravatar_avatar_upload_id property" ); }); acceptance("Second Factor Backups", { loggedIn: true, pretend(server, helper) {"/u/second_factors.json", () => { return helper.response({ success: "OK", totps: [{ id: 1, name: "one of them" }], }); }); server.put("/u/second_factors_backup.json", () => { return helper.response({ backup_codes: ["dsffdsd", "fdfdfdsf", "fddsds"], }); }); server.get("/u/eviltrout/activity.json", () => { return helper.response({}); }); }, }); QUnit.test("second factor backup", async (assert) => { updateCurrentUser({ second_factor_enabled: true }); await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences/second-factor"); await click(".edit-2fa-backup"); assert.ok( exists(".second-factor-backup-preferences"), "shows the 2fa backup panel" ); await click(".second-factor-backup-preferences .btn-primary"); assert.ok(exists(".backup-codes-area"), "shows backup codes"); }); acceptance("Avatar selector when selectable avatars is enabled", { loggedIn: true, settings: { selectable_avatars_enabled: true }, pretend(server) { server.get("/site/selectable-avatars.json", () => { return [ 200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, ["", ""], ]; }); }, }); QUnit.test("selectable avatars", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences"); await click(".pref-avatar .btn"); assert.ok(exists(".selectable-avatars", "opens the avatar selection modal")); }); acceptance("User Preferences when badges are disabled", { loggedIn: true, settings: { enable_badges: false }, pretend: preferencesPretender, }); QUnit.test("visit my preferences", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences"); assert.ok($("body.user-preferences-page").length, "has the body class"); assert.equal( currentURL(), "/u/eviltrout/preferences/account", "defaults to account tab" ); assert.ok(exists(".user-preferences"), "it shows the preferences"); }); QUnit.test("recently connected devices", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences"); assert.equal( find(".auth-tokens > .auth-token:first .auth-token-device").text().trim(), "Linux Computer", "it should display active token first" ); assert.equal( find(".pref-auth-tokens > a:first").text().trim(), I18n.t("user.auth_tokens.show_all", { count: 3 }), "it should display two tokens" ); assert.ok( find(".pref-auth-tokens .auth-token").length === 2, "it should display two tokens" ); await click(".pref-auth-tokens > a:first"); assert.ok( find(".pref-auth-tokens .auth-token").length === 3, "it should display three tokens" ); await click(".auth-token-dropdown:first button"); await click("li[data-value='notYou']"); assert.ok(find(".d-modal:visible").length === 1, "modal should appear"); await click(".modal-footer .btn-primary"); assert.ok( find(".pref-password.highlighted").length === 1, "it should highlight password preferences" ); }); acceptance( "User can select a topic to feature on profile if site setting in enabled", { loggedIn: true, settings: { allow_featured_topic_on_user_profiles: true }, pretend(server, helper) { server.put("/u/eviltrout/feature-topic", () => { return helper.response({ success: true, }); }); }, } ); QUnit.test("setting featured topic on profile", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences/profile"); assert.ok( !exists(".featured-topic-link"), "no featured topic link to present" ); assert.ok( !exists(".clear-feature-topic-on-profile-btn"), "clear button not present" ); const selectTopicBtn = find(".feature-topic-on-profile-btn:first"); assert.ok(exists(selectTopicBtn), "feature topic button is present"); await click(selectTopicBtn); assert.ok(exists(".feature-topic-on-profile"), "topic picker modal is open"); const topicRadioBtn = find('input[name="choose_topic_id"]:first'); assert.ok(exists(topicRadioBtn), "Topic options are prefilled"); await click(topicRadioBtn); await click(".save-featured-topic-on-profile"); assert.ok( exists(".featured-topic-link"), "link to featured topic is present" ); assert.ok( exists(".clear-feature-topic-on-profile-btn"), "clear button is present" ); }); acceptance("Custom User Fields", { loggedIn: true, site: { user_fields: [ { id: 30, name: "What kind of pet do you have?", field_type: "dropdown", options: ["Dog", "Cat", "Hamster"], required: true, }, ], }, pretend: preferencesPretender, }); QUnit.test("can select an option from a dropdown", async (assert) => { await visit("/u/eviltrout/preferences/profile"); assert.ok(exists(".user-field"), "it has at least one user field"); await click(".user-field.dropdown"); const field = selectKit( ".user-field-what-kind-of-pet-do-you-have .combo-box" ); await field.expand(); await field.selectRowByValue("Cat"); assert.equal(field.header().value(), "Cat", "it sets the value of the field"); });