# frozen_string_literal: true require "mini_mime" require "file_store/s3_store" module BackupRestore class Backuper attr_reader :success, :store def initialize(user_id, opts = {}) @user_id = user_id @client_id = opts[:client_id] @publish_to_message_bus = opts[:publish_to_message_bus] || false @with_uploads = opts[:with_uploads] == false ? false : include_uploads? @filename_override = opts[:filename] @ticket = opts[:ticket] initialize_state end def run ensure_no_operation_is_running ensure_we_have_a_user log "[STARTED]" log "'#{@user.username}' has started the backup!" mark_backup_as_running listen_for_shutdown_signal ensure_directory_exists(@tmp_directory) ensure_directory_exists(@archive_directory) update_metadata dump_public_schema log "Finalizing backup..." @with_uploads ? create_archive : move_dump_backup upload_archive after_create_hook rescue SystemExit log "Backup process was cancelled!" rescue Exception => ex log "EXCEPTION: " + ex.message log ex.backtrace.join("\n") else @success = true @backup_filename ensure delete_old clean_up notify_user log "Finished!" publish_completion end protected def ensure_no_operation_is_running raise BackupRestore::OperationRunningError if BackupRestore.is_operation_running? end def ensure_we_have_a_user raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:user_id) unless @user end def get_parameterized_title SiteSetting.title.parameterize.presence || "discourse" end def initialize_state @success = false @user = User.find_by(id: @user_id) @logs = [] @store = BackupRestore::BackupStore.create @current_db = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db @timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S") @tmp_directory = File.join(Rails.root, "tmp", "backups", @current_db, @timestamp) @dump_filename = File.join(@tmp_directory, BackupRestore::DUMP_FILE) @archive_directory = BackupRestore::LocalBackupStore.base_directory(db: @current_db) filename = @filename_override || "#{get_parameterized_title}-#{@timestamp}" @archive_basename = File.join( @archive_directory, "#{filename}-#{BackupRestore::VERSION_PREFIX}#{BackupRestore.current_version}", ) @backup_filename = if @with_uploads "#{File.basename(@archive_basename)}.tar.gz" else "#{File.basename(@archive_basename)}.sql.gz" end end def listen_for_shutdown_signal BackupRestore.clear_shutdown_signal! Thread.new do Thread.current.name = "shutdown_wait" RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.with_connection(@current_db) do while BackupRestore.is_operation_running? exit if BackupRestore.should_shutdown? sleep 0.1 end end end end def mark_backup_as_running log "Marking backup as running..." BackupRestore.mark_as_running! end def update_metadata log "Updating metadata..." BackupMetadata.delete_all BackupMetadata.create!(name: "base_url", value: Discourse.base_url) BackupMetadata.create!(name: "cdn_url", value: Discourse.asset_host) BackupMetadata.create!( name: "s3_base_url", value: SiteSetting.Upload.enable_s3_uploads ? SiteSetting.Upload.s3_base_url : nil, ) BackupMetadata.create!( name: "s3_cdn_url", value: SiteSetting.Upload.enable_s3_uploads ? SiteSetting.Upload.s3_cdn_url : nil, ) BackupMetadata.create!( name: "db_name", value: RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db, ) BackupMetadata.create!(name: "multisite", value: Rails.configuration.multisite) end def dump_public_schema log "Dumping the public schema of the database..." logs = Queue.new pg_dump_running = true Thread.new do RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.establish_connection(db: @current_db) while pg_dump_running message = logs.pop.strip log(message) unless message.blank? end end IO.popen("#{pg_dump_command} 2>&1") do |pipe| begin while line = pipe.readline logs << line end rescue EOFError # finished reading... ensure pg_dump_running = false logs << "" end end raise "pg_dump failed" unless $?.success? end def pg_dump_command db_conf = BackupRestore.database_configuration password_argument = "PGPASSWORD='#{db_conf.password}'" if db_conf.password.present? host_argument = "--host=#{db_conf.host}" if db_conf.host.present? port_argument = "--port=#{db_conf.port}" if db_conf.port.present? username_argument = "--username=#{db_conf.username}" if db_conf.username.present? [ password_argument, # pass the password to pg_dump (if any) "pg_dump", # the pg_dump command "--schema=public", # only public schema "-T public.pg_*", # exclude tables and views whose name starts with "pg_" "--file='#{@dump_filename}'", # output to the dump.sql file "--no-owner", # do not output commands to set ownership of objects "--no-privileges", # prevent dumping of access privileges "--verbose", # specifies verbose mode "--compress=4", # Compression level of 4 host_argument, # the hostname to connect to (if any) port_argument, # the port to connect to (if any) username_argument, # the username to connect as (if any) db_conf.database, # the name of the database to dump ].join(" ") end def move_dump_backup log "Finalizing database dump file: #{@backup_filename}" archive_filename = File.join(@archive_directory, @backup_filename) Discourse::Utils.execute_command( "mv", @dump_filename, archive_filename, failure_message: "Failed to move database dump file.", ) remove_tmp_directory end def create_archive log "Creating archive: #{@backup_filename}" tar_filename = "#{@archive_basename}.tar" log "Making sure archive does not already exist..." Discourse::Utils.execute_command("rm", "-f", tar_filename) Discourse::Utils.execute_command("rm", "-f", "#{tar_filename}.gz") log "Creating empty archive..." Discourse::Utils.execute_command( "tar", "--create", "--file", tar_filename, "--files-from", "/dev/null", ) log "Archiving data dump..." Discourse::Utils.execute_command( "tar", "--append", "--dereference", "--file", tar_filename, File.basename(@dump_filename), failure_message: "Failed to archive data dump.", chdir: File.dirname(@dump_filename), ) add_local_uploads_to_archive(tar_filename) add_remote_uploads_to_archive(tar_filename) if SiteSetting.Upload.enable_s3_uploads remove_tmp_directory log "Gzipping archive, this may take a while..." Discourse::Utils.execute_command( "gzip", "-#{SiteSetting.backup_gzip_compression_level_for_uploads}", tar_filename, failure_message: "Failed to gzip archive.", ) end def include_uploads? has_local_uploads? || SiteSetting.include_s3_uploads_in_backups end def local_uploads_directory @local_uploads_directory ||= File.join(Rails.root, "public", Discourse.store.upload_path) end def has_local_uploads? File.directory?(local_uploads_directory) && !Dir.empty?(local_uploads_directory) end def add_local_uploads_to_archive(tar_filename) log "Archiving uploads..." if has_local_uploads? upload_directory = Discourse.store.upload_path if SiteSetting.include_thumbnails_in_backups exclude_optimized = "" else optimized_path = File.join(upload_directory, "optimized") exclude_optimized = "--exclude=#{optimized_path}" end Discourse::Utils.execute_command( "tar", "--append", "--dereference", exclude_optimized, "--file", tar_filename, upload_directory, failure_message: "Failed to archive uploads.", success_status_codes: [0, 1], chdir: File.join(Rails.root, "public"), ) else log "No local uploads found. Skipping archiving of local uploads..." end end def add_remote_uploads_to_archive(tar_filename) if !SiteSetting.include_s3_uploads_in_backups log "Skipping uploads stored on S3." return end log "Downloading uploads from S3. This may take a while..." store = FileStore::S3Store.new upload_directory = Discourse.store.upload_path count = 0 Upload.find_each do |upload| next if upload.local? filename = File.join(@tmp_directory, upload_directory, store.get_path_for_upload(upload)) begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(filename)) store.download_file(upload, filename) rescue StandardError => ex log "Failed to download file with upload ID #{upload.id} from S3", ex end count += 1 log "#{count} files have already been downloaded. Still downloading..." if count % 500 == 0 end log "Appending uploads to archive..." Discourse::Utils.execute_command( "tar", "--append", "--file", tar_filename, upload_directory, failure_message: "Failed to append uploads to archive.", success_status_codes: [0, 1], chdir: @tmp_directory, ) log "No uploads found on S3. Skipping archiving of uploads stored on S3..." if count == 0 end def upload_archive return unless store.remote? log "Uploading archive..." content_type = MiniMime.lookup_by_filename(@backup_filename).content_type archive_path = File.join(@archive_directory, @backup_filename) store.upload_file(@backup_filename, archive_path, content_type) end def after_create_hook log "Executing the after_create_hook for the backup..." DiscourseEvent.trigger(:backup_created) end def delete_old return if Rails.env.development? log "Deleting old backups..." store.delete_old rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while deleting old backups.", ex end def notify_user return if success && @user.id == Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID log "Notifying '#{@user.username}' of the end of the backup..." status = success ? :backup_succeeded : :backup_failed logs = Discourse::Utils.logs_markdown(@logs, user: @user) post = SystemMessage.create_from_system_user(@user, status, logs: logs) post.topic.invite_group(@user, Group[:admins]) if @user.id == Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while notifying user.", ex end def clean_up log "Cleaning stuff up..." delete_uploaded_archive remove_tar_leftovers mark_backup_as_not_running refresh_disk_space if success end def delete_uploaded_archive return unless store.remote? archive_path = File.join(@archive_directory, @backup_filename) if File.exist?(archive_path) log "Removing archive from local storage..." File.delete(archive_path) end rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while deleting uploaded archive from local storage.", ex end def refresh_disk_space log "Refreshing disk stats..." store.reset_cache rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while refreshing disk stats.", ex end def remove_tar_leftovers log "Removing '.tar' leftovers..." Dir["#{@archive_directory}/*.tar"].each { |filename| File.delete(filename) } rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while removing '.tar' leftovers.", ex end def remove_tmp_directory log "Removing tmp '#{@tmp_directory}' directory..." FileUtils.rm_rf(@tmp_directory) if Dir[@tmp_directory].present? rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while removing the following tmp directory: #{@tmp_directory}", ex end def mark_backup_as_not_running log "Marking backup as finished..." BackupRestore.mark_as_not_running! rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while marking backup as finished.", ex end def ensure_directory_exists(directory) log "Making sure '#{directory}' exists..." FileUtils.mkdir_p(directory) end def log(message, ex = nil) timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") puts(message) if !Rails.env.test? publish_log(message, timestamp) save_log(message, timestamp) Rails.logger.error("#{ex}\n" + ex.backtrace.join("\n")) if ex end def publish_log(message, timestamp) return unless @publish_to_message_bus data = { timestamp: timestamp, operation: "backup", message: message } MessageBus.publish( BackupRestore::LOGS_CHANNEL, data, user_ids: [@user_id], client_ids: [@client_id], ) end def save_log(message, timestamp) @logs << "[#{timestamp}] #{message}" end def publish_completion if success log("[SUCCESS]") DiscourseEvent.trigger(:backup_complete, logs: @logs, ticket: @ticket) else log("[FAILED]") DiscourseEvent.trigger(:backup_failed, logs: @logs, ticket: @ticket) end end end end