# frozen_string_literal: true # # How a post is deleted is affected by who is performing the action. # this class contains the logic to delete it. # class PostDestroyer def self.destroy_old_hidden_posts Post .where(deleted_at: nil, hidden: true) .where("hidden_at < ?", 30.days.ago) .find_each { |post| PostDestroyer.new(Discourse.system_user, post).destroy } end def self.destroy_stubs context = I18n.t("remove_posts_deleted_by_author") # exclude deleted topics and posts that are actively flagged Post .where(deleted_at: nil, user_deleted: true) .where( "NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM topics t WHERE t.deleted_at IS NOT NULL AND t.id = posts.topic_id )", ) .where("updated_at < ?", SiteSetting.delete_removed_posts_after.hours.ago) .where( "NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM post_actions pa WHERE pa.post_id = posts.id AND pa.deleted_at IS NULL AND pa.deferred_at IS NULL AND pa.post_action_type_id IN (?) )", PostActionType.notify_flag_type_ids, ) .find_each { |post| PostDestroyer.new(Discourse.system_user, post, context: context).destroy } end def self.delete_with_replies(performed_by, post, reviewable = nil, defer_reply_flags: true) reply_ids = post.reply_ids(Guardian.new(performed_by), only_replies_to_single_post: false) replies = Post.where(id: reply_ids.map { |r| r[:id] }) PostDestroyer.new(performed_by, post, reviewable: reviewable).destroy options = { defer_flags: defer_reply_flags } if SiteSetting.notify_users_after_responses_deleted_on_flagged_post options.merge!({ reviewable: reviewable, notify_responders: true, parent_post: post }) end replies.each { |reply| PostDestroyer.new(performed_by, reply, options).destroy } end def initialize(user, post, opts = {}) @user = user @post = post @topic = post.topic || Topic.with_deleted.find_by(id: @post.topic_id) @opts = opts end def destroy payload = WebHook.generate_payload(:post, @post) if WebHook.active_web_hooks(:post).exists? is_first_post = @post.is_first_post? && @topic has_topic_web_hooks = is_first_post && WebHook.active_web_hooks(:topic).exists? if has_topic_web_hooks topic_view = TopicView.new(@topic.id, Discourse.system_user, skip_staff_action: true) topic_payload = WebHook.generate_payload(:topic, topic_view, WebHookTopicViewSerializer) end delete_removed_posts_after = @opts[:delete_removed_posts_after] || SiteSetting.delete_removed_posts_after if delete_removed_posts_after < 1 || post_is_reviewable? || Guardian.new(@user).can_moderate_topic?(@topic) || permanent? perform_delete elsif @user.id == @post.user_id mark_for_deletion(delete_removed_posts_after) end UserActionManager.post_destroyed(@post) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:post_destroyed, @post, @opts, @user) WebHook.enqueue_post_hooks(:post_destroyed, @post, payload) Jobs.enqueue(:sync_topic_user_bookmarked, topic_id: @topic.id) if @topic if is_first_post UserProfile.remove_featured_topic_from_all_profiles(@topic) UserActionManager.topic_destroyed(@topic) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:topic_destroyed, @topic, @user) WebHook.enqueue_topic_hooks(:topic_destroyed, @topic, topic_payload) if has_topic_web_hooks if SiteSetting.tos_topic_id == @topic.id || SiteSetting.privacy_topic_id == @topic.id Discourse.clear_urls! end end end def recover if (post_is_reviewable? || Guardian.new(@user).can_moderate_topic?(@post.topic)) && @post.deleted_at staff_recovered elsif @user.staff? || @user.id == @post.user_id user_recovered end @topic.update_column(:user_id, Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID) if !@topic.user_id @topic.recover!(@user) if @post.is_first_post? @topic.update_statistics Topic.publish_stats_to_clients!(@topic.id, :recovered) UserActionManager.post_created(@post) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:post_recovered, @post, @opts, @user) Jobs.enqueue(:sync_topic_user_bookmarked, topic_id: @topic.id) if @topic Jobs.enqueue(:notify_mailing_list_subscribers, post_id: @post.id) if @post.is_first_post? UserActionManager.topic_created(@topic) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:topic_recovered, @topic, @user) if @user.id != @post.user_id StaffActionLogger.new(@user).log_topic_delete_recover( @topic, "recover_topic", @opts.slice(:context), ) end update_imap_sync(@post, false) if SiteSetting.tos_topic_id == @topic.id || SiteSetting.privacy_topic_id == @topic.id Discourse.clear_urls! end end end def staff_recovered new_post_attrs = { user_deleted: false } new_post_attrs[:user_id] = Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID if !@post.user_id @post.update_columns(new_post_attrs) @post.recover! mark_topic_changed if @post.topic && !@post.topic.private_message? if author = @post.user if @post.is_first_post? author.user_stat.topic_count += 1 else author.user_stat.post_count += 1 end author.user_stat.save! end if @post.is_first_post? # Update stats of all people who replied update_post_counts(:increment) end end # skip also publishing topic stats because they weren't updated yet @post.publish_change_to_clients! :recovered, { skip_topic_stats: true } TopicTrackingState.publish_recover(@post.topic) if @post.topic && @post.is_first_post? end # When a post is properly deleted. Well, it's still soft deleted, but it will no longer # show up in the topic # Permanent option allows to hard delete. def perform_delete # All posts in the topic must be force deleted if the first is force # deleted (except @post which is destroyed by current instance). if @topic && @post.is_first_post? && permanent? @topic.ordered_posts.with_deleted.reverse_order.find_each do |post| PostDestroyer.new(@user, post, @opts).destroy if post.id != @post.id end end Post.transaction do permanent? ? @post.destroy! : @post.trash!(@user) if @post.topic make_previous_post_the_last_one mark_topic_changed clear_user_posted_flag end Topic.reset_highest(@post.topic_id) trash_public_post_actions trash_revisions trash_user_actions remove_associated_replies remove_associated_notifications if @user.id != @post.user_id && !@opts[:skip_staff_log] if @post.topic && @post.is_first_post? StaffActionLogger.new(@user).log_topic_delete_recover( @post.topic, "delete_topic", @opts.slice(:context), ) else StaffActionLogger.new(@user).log_post_deletion(@post, @opts.slice(:context)) end end if @topic && @post.is_first_post? permanent? ? @topic.destroy! : @topic.trash!(@user) PublishedPage.unpublish!(@user, @topic) if @topic.published_page end TopicLink.where(link_post_id: @post.id).destroy_all update_associated_category_latest_topic update_user_counts if !permanent? TopicUser.update_post_action_cache(post_id: @post.id) DB.after_commit do if @opts[:reviewable] notify_deletion( @opts[:reviewable], { notify_responders: @opts[:notify_responders], parent_post: @opts[:parent_post] }, ) if @post.reviewable_flag && SiteSetting.notify_users_after_responses_deleted_on_flagged_post ignore(@post.reviewable_flag) end elsif reviewable = @post.reviewable_flag @opts[:defer_flags] ? ignore(reviewable) : agree(reviewable) end end end update_imap_sync(@post, true) if @post.topic&.deleted_at feature_users_in_the_topic if @post.topic @post.publish_change_to_clients!(permanent? ? :destroyed : :deleted) if @post.topic if @post.topic && @post.post_number == 1 TopicTrackingState.send(permanent? ? :publish_destroy : :publish_delete, @post.topic) end end def permanent? @opts[:force_destroy] || (@opts[:permanent] && @user == @post.user && @post.topic.private_message?) end # When a user 'deletes' their own post. We just change the text. def mark_for_deletion(delete_removed_posts_after = SiteSetting.delete_removed_posts_after) I18n.with_locale(SiteSetting.default_locale) do # don't call revise from within transaction, high risk of deadlock key = ( if @post.is_first_post? "js.topic.deleted_by_author_simple" else "js.post.deleted_by_author_simple" end ) @post.revise( @user, { raw: I18n.t(key) }, force_new_version: true, deleting_post: true, skip_validations: true, ) Post.transaction do @post.update_column(:user_deleted, true) @post.topic_links.each(&:destroy) @post.topic.update_column(:closed, true) if @post.is_first_post? end end end def user_recovered return unless @post.user_deleted? Post.transaction do @post.update_column(:user_deleted, false) @post.skip_unique_check = true @post.topic.update_column(:closed, false) if @post.is_first_post? end # has internal transactions, if we nest then there are some very high risk deadlocks last_revision = @post.revisions.last if last_revision.present? && last_revision.modifications["raw"].present? @post.revise(@user, { raw: last_revision.modifications["raw"][0] }, force_new_version: true) end end private def post_is_reviewable? return true if @user.staff? Guardian.new(@user).can_review_topic?(@topic) && Reviewable.exists?(target: @post) end # we need topics to change if ever a post in them is deleted or created # this ensures users relying on this information can keep unread tracking # working as desired def mark_topic_changed # make this as fast as possible, can bypass everything DB.exec(<<~SQL, updated_at: Time.now, id: @post.topic_id) UPDATE topics SET updated_at = :updated_at WHERE id = :id SQL end def make_previous_post_the_last_one last_post = Post .select(:created_at, :user_id, :post_number) .where("topic_id = ? and id <> ?", @post.topic_id, @post.id) .where.not(user_id: nil) .where.not(post_type: Post.types[:whisper]) .order("created_at desc") .first if last_post.present? topic = @post.topic topic.last_posted_at = last_post.created_at topic.last_post_user_id = last_post.user_id topic.highest_post_number = last_post.post_number # we go via save here cause we need to run hooks topic.save!(validate: false) end end def clear_user_posted_flag unless Post.exists?( ["topic_id = ? and user_id = ? and id <> ?", @post.topic_id, @post.user_id, @post.id], ) TopicUser.where(topic_id: @post.topic_id, user_id: @post.user_id).update_all "posted = false" end end def feature_users_in_the_topic Jobs.enqueue(:feature_topic_users, topic_id: @post.topic_id) end def trash_public_post_actions if public_post_actions = PostAction.publics.where(post_id: @post.id) public_post_actions.each { |pa| permanent? ? pa.destroy! : pa.trash!(@user) } return if permanent? @post.custom_fields["deleted_public_actions"] = public_post_actions.ids @post.save_custom_fields f = PostActionType.public_types.map { |k, _| ["#{k}_count", 0] } Post.with_deleted.where(id: @post.id).update_all(Hash[*f.flatten]) end end def trash_revisions return unless permanent? @post.revisions.each(&:destroy!) end def agree(reviewable) notify_deletion(reviewable) result = reviewable.perform(@user, :agree_and_keep, post_was_deleted: true) reviewable.transition_to(result.transition_to, @user) end def ignore(reviewable) reviewable.perform_ignore_and_do_nothing(@user, post_was_deleted: true) reviewable.transition_to(:ignored, @user) end def notify_deletion(reviewable, options = {}) return if @post.user.blank? allowed_user = @user.human? && @user.staff? return unless allowed_user && rs = reviewable.reviewable_scores.order("created_at DESC").first # ReviewableScore#types is a superset of PostActionType#flag_types. # If the reviewable score type is not on the latter, it means it's not a flag by a user and # must be an automated flag like `needs_approval`. There's no flag reason for these kind of types. flag_type = PostActionType.flag_types[rs.reviewable_score_type] return unless flag_type notify_responders = options[:notify_responders] Jobs.enqueue( :send_system_message, user_id: @post.user_id, message_type: ( if notify_responders "flags_agreed_and_post_deleted_for_responders" else "flags_agreed_and_post_deleted" end ), message_options: { flagged_post_raw_content: notify_responders ? options[:parent_post].raw : @post.raw, flagged_post_response_raw_content: @post.raw, url: notify_responders ? options[:parent_post].url : @post.url, flag_reason: I18n.t( "flag_reasons#{".responder" if notify_responders}.#{flag_type}", locale: SiteSetting.default_locale, base_path: Discourse.base_path, ), }, ) end def trash_user_actions UserAction .where(target_post_id: @post.id) .each do |ua| row = { action_type: ua.action_type, user_id: ua.user_id, acting_user_id: ua.acting_user_id, target_topic_id: ua.target_topic_id, target_post_id: ua.target_post_id, } UserAction.remove_action!(row) end end def remove_associated_replies post_ids = PostReply.where(reply_post_id: @post.id).pluck(:post_id) if post_ids.present? PostReply.where(reply_post_id: @post.id).delete_all Post.where(id: post_ids).each { |p| p.update_column :reply_count, p.replies.count } end end def remove_associated_notifications Notification.where(topic_id: @post.topic_id, post_number: @post.post_number).delete_all end def update_associated_category_latest_topic return unless @post.topic && @post.topic.category if @post.id != @post.topic.category.latest_post_id && !(@post.is_first_post? && @post.topic_id == @post.topic.category.latest_topic_id) return end @post.topic.category.update_latest end def update_user_counts author = @post.user return unless author author.create_user_stat if author.user_stat.nil? if @post.created_at == author.user_stat.first_post_created_at author.user_stat.update!( first_post_created_at: author.posts.order("created_at ASC").first.try(:created_at), ) end UserStatCountUpdater.decrement!(@post) if @post.created_at == author.last_posted_at author.update_column( :last_posted_at, author.posts.order("created_at DESC").first.try(:created_at), ) end if @post.is_first_post? && @post.topic && !@post.topic.private_message? # Update stats of all people who replied update_post_counts(:decrement) end end def update_imap_sync(post, sync) return if !SiteSetting.enable_imap incoming = IncomingEmail.find_by(post_id: post.id, topic_id: post.topic_id) return if !incoming || !incoming.imap_uid incoming.update(imap_sync: sync) end def update_post_counts(operator) counts = Post .where(post_type: Post.types[:regular], topic_id: @post.topic_id) .where("post_number > 1") .group(:user_id) .count counts.each do |user_id, count| if user_stat = UserStat.where(user_id: user_id).first if operator == :decrement UserStatCountUpdater.set!( user_stat: user_stat, count: user_stat.post_count - count, count_column: :post_count, ) else UserStatCountUpdater.set!( user_stat: user_stat, count: user_stat.post_count + count, count_column: :post_count, ) end end end end end