# frozen_string_literal: true class BadgeGranter class GrantError < StandardError; end def self.disable_queue @queue_disabled = true end def self.enable_queue @queue_disabled = false end def initialize(badge, user, opts = {}) @badge, @user, @opts = badge, user, opts @granted_by = opts[:granted_by] || Discourse.system_user @post_id = opts[:post_id] end def self.grant(badge, user, opts = {}) BadgeGranter.new(badge, user, opts).grant end def self.enqueue_mass_grant_for_users(badge, emails: [], usernames: [], ensure_users_have_badge_once: true) emails = emails.map(&:downcase) usernames = usernames.map(&:downcase) usernames_map_to_ids = {} emails_map_to_ids = {} if usernames.size > 0 usernames_map_to_ids = User.where(username_lower: usernames).pluck(:username_lower, :id).to_h end if emails.size > 0 emails_map_to_ids = User.with_email(emails).pluck('LOWER(user_emails.email)', :id).to_h end count_per_user = {} unmatched = Set.new (usernames + emails).each do |entry| id = usernames_map_to_ids[entry] || emails_map_to_ids[entry] if id.blank? unmatched << entry next end if ensure_users_have_badge_once count_per_user[id] = 1 else count_per_user[id] ||= 0 count_per_user[id] += 1 end end existing_owners_ids = [] if ensure_users_have_badge_once existing_owners_ids = UserBadge.where(badge: badge).distinct.pluck(:user_id) end count_per_user.each do |user_id, count| next if ensure_users_have_badge_once && existing_owners_ids.include?(user_id) Jobs.enqueue( :mass_award_badge, user: user_id, badge: badge.id, count: count ) end { unmatched_entries: unmatched.to_a, matched_users_count: count_per_user.size, unmatched_entries_count: unmatched.size } end def self.mass_grant(badge, user, count:) return if !badge.enabled? raise ArgumentError.new("count can't be less than 1") if count < 1 UserBadge.transaction do DB.exec(<<~SQL * count, now: Time.zone.now, system: Discourse.system_user.id, user_id: user.id, badge_id: badge.id) INSERT INTO user_badges (granted_at, created_at, granted_by_id, user_id, badge_id, seq) VALUES ( :now, :now, :system, :user_id, :badge_id, COALESCE(( SELECT MAX(seq) + 1 FROM user_badges WHERE badge_id = :badge_id AND user_id = :user_id ), 0) ); SQL notification = send_notification(user.id, user.username, user.locale, badge) DB.exec(<<~SQL, notification_id: notification.id, user_id: user.id, badge_id: badge.id) UPDATE user_badges SET notification_id = :notification_id WHERE notification_id IS NULL AND user_id = :user_id AND badge_id = :badge_id SQL UserBadge.update_featured_ranks!(user.id) end end def grant return if @granted_by && !Guardian.new(@granted_by).can_grant_badges?(@user) return unless @badge.present? && @badge.enabled? return if @user.blank? find_by = { badge_id: @badge.id, user_id: @user.id } if @badge.multiple_grant? find_by[:post_id] = @post_id end user_badge = UserBadge.find_by(find_by) if user_badge.nil? || (@badge.multiple_grant? && @post_id.nil?) UserBadge.transaction do seq = 0 if @badge.multiple_grant? seq = UserBadge.where(badge: @badge, user: @user).maximum(:seq) seq = (seq || -1) + 1 end user_badge = UserBadge.create!(badge: @badge, user: @user, granted_by: @granted_by, granted_at: @opts[:created_at] || Time.now, post_id: @post_id, seq: seq) return unless SiteSetting.enable_badges if @granted_by != Discourse.system_user StaffActionLogger.new(@granted_by).log_badge_grant(user_badge) end skip_new_user_tips = @user.user_option.skip_new_user_tips unless self.class.suppress_notification?(@badge, user_badge.granted_at, skip_new_user_tips) notification = self.class.send_notification(@user.id, @user.username, @user.effective_locale, @badge) user_badge.update!(notification_id: notification.id) end end end user_badge end def self.revoke(user_badge, options = {}) UserBadge.transaction do user_badge.destroy! if options[:revoked_by] StaffActionLogger.new(options[:revoked_by]).log_badge_revoke(user_badge) end # If the user's title is the same as the badge name OR the custom badge name, remove their title. custom_badge_name = TranslationOverride.find_by(translation_key: user_badge.badge.translation_key)&.value user_title_is_badge_name = user_badge.user.title == user_badge.badge.name user_title_is_custom_badge_name = custom_badge_name.present? && user_badge.user.title == custom_badge_name if user_title_is_badge_name || user_title_is_custom_badge_name if options[:revoked_by] StaffActionLogger.new(options[:revoked_by]).log_title_revoke( user_badge.user, revoke_reason: 'user title was same as revoked badge name or custom badge name', previous_value: user_badge.user.title ) end user_badge.user.title = nil user_badge.user.save! end end end def self.revoke_all(badge) custom_badge_names = TranslationOverride.where(translation_key: badge.translation_key).pluck(:value) users = User.joins(:user_badges).where(user_badges: { badge_id: badge.id }).where(title: badge.name) users = users.or(User.joins(:user_badges).where(title: custom_badge_names)) unless custom_badge_names.empty? users.update_all(title: nil) UserBadge.where(badge: badge).delete_all end def self.queue_badge_grant(type, opt) return if !SiteSetting.enable_badges || @queue_disabled payload = nil case type when Badge::Trigger::PostRevision post = opt[:post] payload = { type: "PostRevision", post_ids: [post.id] } when Badge::Trigger::UserChange user = opt[:user] payload = { type: "UserChange", user_ids: [user.id] } when Badge::Trigger::TrustLevelChange user = opt[:user] payload = { type: "TrustLevelChange", user_ids: [user.id] } when Badge::Trigger::PostAction action = opt[:post_action] payload = { type: "PostAction", post_ids: [action.post_id, action.related_post_id].compact! } end Discourse.redis.lpush queue_key, payload.to_json if payload end def self.clear_queue! Discourse.redis.del queue_key end def self.process_queue! limit = 1000 items = [] while limit > 0 && item = Discourse.redis.lpop(queue_key) items << JSON.parse(item) limit -= 1 end items = items.group_by { |i| i["type"] } items.each do |type, list| post_ids = list.flat_map { |i| i["post_ids"] }.compact.uniq user_ids = list.flat_map { |i| i["user_ids"] }.compact.uniq next unless post_ids.present? || user_ids.present? find_by_type(type).each do |badge| backfill(badge, post_ids: post_ids, user_ids: user_ids) end end end def self.find_by_type(type) Badge.where(trigger: "Badge::Trigger::#{type}".constantize) end def self.queue_key "badge_queue" end # Options: # :target_posts - whether the badge targets posts # :trigger - the Badge::Trigger id def self.contract_checks!(sql, opts = {}) return if sql.blank? if Badge::Trigger.uses_post_ids?(opts[:trigger]) raise("Contract violation:\nQuery triggers on posts, but does not reference the ':post_ids' array") unless sql.match(/:post_ids/) raise "Contract violation:\nQuery triggers on posts, but references the ':user_ids' array" if sql.match(/:user_ids/) end if Badge::Trigger.uses_user_ids?(opts[:trigger]) raise "Contract violation:\nQuery triggers on users, but does not reference the ':user_ids' array" unless sql.match(/:user_ids/) raise "Contract violation:\nQuery triggers on users, but references the ':post_ids' array" if sql.match(/:post_ids/) end if opts[:trigger] && !Badge::Trigger.is_none?(opts[:trigger]) raise "Contract violation:\nQuery is triggered, but does not reference the ':backfill' parameter.\n(Hint: if :backfill is TRUE, you should ignore the :post_ids/:user_ids)" unless sql.match(/:backfill/) end # TODO these three conditions have a lot of false negatives if opts[:target_posts] raise "Contract violation:\nQuery targets posts, but does not return a 'post_id' column" unless sql.match(/post_id/) end raise "Contract violation:\nQuery does not return a 'user_id' column" unless sql.match(/user_id/) raise "Contract violation:\nQuery does not return a 'granted_at' column" unless sql.match(/granted_at/) raise "Contract violation:\nQuery ends with a semicolon. Remove the semicolon; your sql will be used in a subquery." if sql.match(/;\s*\z/) end # Options: # :target_posts - whether the badge targets posts # :trigger - the Badge::Trigger id # :explain - return the EXPLAIN query def self.preview(sql, opts = {}) params = { user_ids: [], post_ids: [], backfill: true } BadgeGranter.contract_checks!(sql, opts) # hack to allow for params, otherwise sanitizer will trigger sprintf count_sql = <<~SQL SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM ( #{sql} ) q WHERE :backfill = :backfill SQL grant_count = DB.query_single(count_sql, params).first.to_i grants_sql = if opts[:target_posts] <<~SQL SELECT u.id, u.username, q.post_id, t.title, q.granted_at FROM ( #{sql} ) q JOIN users u on u.id = q.user_id LEFT JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = q.post_id LEFT JOIN topics t on t.id = p.topic_id WHERE :backfill = :backfill LIMIT 10 SQL else <<~SQL SELECT u.id, u.username, q.granted_at FROM ( #{sql} ) q JOIN users u on u.id = q.user_id WHERE :backfill = :backfill LIMIT 10 SQL end query_plan = nil # HACK: active record sanitization too flexible, force it to go down the sanitization path that cares not for % stuff # note mini_sql uses AR sanitizer at the moment (review if changed) query_plan = DB.query_hash("EXPLAIN #{sql} /*:backfill*/", params) if opts[:explain] sample = DB.query(grants_sql, params) sample.each do |result| raise "Query returned a non-existent user ID:\n#{result.id}" unless User.exists?(id: result.id) raise "Query did not return a badge grant time\n(Try using 'current_timestamp granted_at')" unless result.granted_at if opts[:target_posts] raise "Query did not return a post ID" unless result.post_id raise "Query returned a non-existent post ID:\n#{result.post_id}" unless Post.exists?(result.post_id).present? end end { grant_count: grant_count, sample: sample, query_plan: query_plan } rescue => e { errors: e.message } end MAX_ITEMS_FOR_DELTA ||= 200 def self.backfill(badge, opts = nil) return unless SiteSetting.enable_badges return unless badge.enabled return unless badge.query.present? post_ids = user_ids = nil post_ids = opts[:post_ids] if opts user_ids = opts[:user_ids] if opts # safeguard fall back to full backfill if more than 200 if (post_ids && post_ids.size > MAX_ITEMS_FOR_DELTA) || (user_ids && user_ids.size > MAX_ITEMS_FOR_DELTA) post_ids = nil user_ids = nil end post_ids = nil if post_ids.blank? user_ids = nil if user_ids.blank? full_backfill = !user_ids && !post_ids post_clause = badge.target_posts ? "AND (q.post_id = ub.post_id OR NOT :multiple_grant)" : "" post_id_field = badge.target_posts ? "q.post_id" : "NULL" sql = <<~SQL DELETE FROM user_badges WHERE id IN ( SELECT ub.id FROM user_badges ub LEFT JOIN ( #{badge.query} ) q ON q.user_id = ub.user_id #{post_clause} WHERE ub.badge_id = :id AND q.user_id IS NULL ) SQL DB.exec( sql, id: badge.id, post_ids: [-1], user_ids: [-2], backfill: true, multiple_grant: true # cheat here, cause we only run on backfill and are deleting ) if badge.auto_revoke && full_backfill sql = <<~SQL WITH w as ( INSERT INTO user_badges(badge_id, user_id, granted_at, granted_by_id, created_at, post_id) SELECT :id, q.user_id, q.granted_at, -1, current_timestamp, #{post_id_field} FROM ( #{badge.query} ) q LEFT JOIN user_badges ub ON ub.badge_id = :id AND ub.user_id = q.user_id #{post_clause} /*where*/ ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING RETURNING id, user_id, granted_at ) SELECT w.*, username, locale, (u.admin OR u.moderator) AS staff, uo.skip_new_user_tips FROM w JOIN users u on u.id = w.user_id JOIN user_options uo ON uo.user_id = w.user_id SQL builder = DB.build(sql) builder.where("ub.badge_id IS NULL AND q.user_id > 0") if (post_ids || user_ids) && !badge.query.include?(":backfill") Rails.logger.warn "Your triggered badge query for #{badge.name} does not include the :backfill param, skipping!" return end if post_ids && !badge.query.include?(":post_ids") Rails.logger.warn "Your triggered badge query for #{badge.name} does not include the :post_ids param, skipping!" return end if user_ids && !badge.query.include?(":user_ids") Rails.logger.warn "Your triggered badge query for #{badge.name} does not include the :user_ids param, skipping!" return end builder.query( id: badge.id, multiple_grant: badge.multiple_grant, backfill: full_backfill, post_ids: post_ids || [-2], user_ids: user_ids || [-2]).each do |row| next if suppress_notification?(badge, row.granted_at, row.skip_new_user_tips) next if row.staff && badge.awarded_for_trust_level? notification = send_notification(row.user_id, row.username, row.locale, badge) DB.exec( "UPDATE user_badges SET notification_id = :notification_id WHERE id = :id", notification_id: notification.id, id: row.id ) end badge.reset_grant_count! rescue => e raise GrantError, "Failed to backfill '#{badge.name}' badge: #{opts}. Reason: #{e.message}" end def self.revoke_ungranted_titles! DB.exec <<~SQL UPDATE users u SET title = '' FROM user_profiles up WHERE u.title IS NOT NULL AND u.title <> '' AND up.user_id = u.id AND up.badge_granted_title AND up.granted_title_badge_id IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM badges b JOIN user_badges ub ON ub.user_id = u.id AND ub.badge_id = b.id WHERE b.id = up.granted_title_badge_id AND b.allow_title AND b.enabled ) SQL DB.exec <<~SQL UPDATE user_profiles up SET badge_granted_title = FALSE, granted_title_badge_id = NULL FROM users u WHERE up.user_id = u.id AND (u.title IS NULL OR u.title = '') AND (up.badge_granted_title OR up.granted_title_badge_id IS NOT NULL) SQL end def self.notification_locale(locale) use_default_locale = !SiteSetting.allow_user_locale || locale.blank? use_default_locale ? SiteSetting.default_locale : locale end def self.send_notification(user_id, username, locale, badge) notification = I18n.with_locale(notification_locale(locale)) do Notification.create!( user_id: user_id, notification_type: Notification.types[:granted_badge], data: { badge_id: badge.id, badge_name: badge.display_name, badge_slug: badge.slug, badge_title: badge.allow_title, username: username }.to_json ) end DiscourseEvent.trigger(:user_badge_granted, badge, user_id) notification end def self.suppress_notification?(badge, granted_at, skip_new_user_tips) is_old_bronze_badge = badge.badge_type_id == BadgeType::Bronze && granted_at < 2.days.ago skip_beginner_badge = skip_new_user_tips && badge.for_beginners? is_old_bronze_badge || skip_beginner_badge end end