require_dependency 'discourse_hub' class UsersController < ApplicationController skip_before_filter :check_xhr, only: [:show, :password_reset, :update, :activate_account, :avatar, :authorize_email, :user_preferences_redirect] skip_before_filter :authorize_mini_profiler, only: [:avatar] skip_before_filter :check_restricted_access, only: [:avatar] before_filter :ensure_logged_in, only: [:username, :update, :change_email, :user_preferences_redirect] def show @user = fetch_user_from_params user_serializer =, scope: guardian, root: 'user') respond_to do |format| format.html do store_preloaded("user_#{@user.username}", MultiJson.dump(user_serializer)) end format.json do render_json_dump(user_serializer) end end end def user_preferences_redirect redirect_to email_preferences_path(current_user.username_lower) end def update user = User.where(username_lower: params[:username].downcase).first guardian.ensure_can_edit!(user) json_result(user, serializer: UserSerializer) do |u| website = params[:website] if website website = "http://" + website unless website =~ /^http/ end u.bio_raw = params[:bio_raw] || u.bio_raw = params[:name] || = website || u.digest_after_days = params[:digest_after_days] || u.digest_after_days u.auto_track_topics_after_msecs = params[:auto_track_topics_after_msecs].to_i if params[:auto_track_topics_after_msecs] u.new_topic_duration_minutes = params[:new_topic_duration_minutes].to_i if params[:new_topic_duration_minutes] [:email_digests, :email_direct, :email_private_messages, :external_links_in_new_tab, :enable_quoting].each do |i| if params[i].present? u.send("#{i.to_s}=", params[i] == 'true') end end if u else nil end end end def username requires_parameter(:new_username) user = fetch_user_from_params guardian.ensure_can_edit!(user) result = user.change_username(params[:new_username]) raise unless result render nothing: true end def preferences render nothing: true end def invited invited_list = render_serialized(invited_list, InvitedListSerializer) end def is_local_username requires_parameter(:username) u = params[:username].downcase r = User.exec_sql('select 1 from users where username_lower = ?', u).values render json: {valid: r.length == 1} end def check_username requires_parameter(:username) validator =[:username]) if !validator.valid_format? render json: {errors: validator.errors} elsif !SiteSetting.call_discourse_hub? if User.username_available?(params[:username]) render json: {available: true} else render json: {available: false, suggestion: User.suggest_username(params[:username])} end else # Contact the Discourse Hub server email_given = (params[:email].present? || current_user.present?) available_locally = User.username_available?(params[:username]) global_match = false available_globally, suggestion_from_discourse_hub = begin if email_given global_match, available, suggestion = DiscourseHub.nickname_match?( params[:username], params[:email] || ) [available || global_match, suggestion] else DiscourseHub.nickname_available?(params[:username]) end end if available_globally && available_locally render json: {available: true, global_match: (global_match ? true : false)} elsif available_locally && !available_globally if email_given # Nickname and email do not match what's registered on the discourse hub. render json: {available: false, global_match: false, suggestion: suggestion_from_discourse_hub} else # The nickname is available locally, but is registered on the discourse hub. # We need an email to see if the nickname belongs to this person. # Don't give a suggestion until we get the email and try to match it with on the discourse hub. render json: {available: false} end elsif available_globally && !available_locally # Already registered on this site with the matching nickname and email address. Why are you signing up again? render json: {available: false, suggestion: User.suggest_username(params[:username])} else # Not available anywhere. render json: {available: false, suggestion: suggestion_from_discourse_hub} end end rescue RestClient::Forbidden render json: {errors: [I18n.t("discourse_hub.access_token_problem")]} end def create if params[:password_confirmation] != honeypot_value || params[:challenge] != challenge_value.try(:reverse) # Don't give any indication that we caught you in the honeypot return render(json: {success: true, active: false, message: I18n.t("login.activate_email", email: params[:email]) }) end user = = params[:name] = params[:email] user.password = params[:password] user.username = params[:username] auth = session[:authentication] if auth && auth[:email] == params[:email] && auth[:email_valid] = true end user.password_required! unless auth DiscourseHub.register_nickname( user.username, ) if user.valid? && SiteSetting.call_discourse_hub? if msg = nil active_result = if active_result # If the user is active (remote authorized email) if SiteSetting.must_approve_users? msg = I18n.t("login.wait_approval") active_result = false else log_on_user(user) user.enqueue_welcome_message('welcome_user') msg = I18n.t("") end else msg = I18n.t("login.activate_email", email: Jobs.enqueue(:user_email, type: :signup, user_id:, email_token: user.email_tokens.first.token) end # Create auth records if auth.present? if auth[:twitter_user_id] && auth[:twitter_screen_name] && TwitterUserInfo.find_by_twitter_user_id(auth[:twitter_user_id]).nil? TwitterUserInfo.create(user_id:, screen_name: auth[:twitter_screen_name], twitter_user_id: auth[:twitter_user_id]) end if auth[:facebook].present? && FacebookUserInfo.find_by_facebook_user_id(auth[:facebook][:facebook_user_id]).nil? FacebookUserInfo.create!(auth[:facebook].merge(user_id: end if auth[:github_user_id] && auth[:github_screen_name] && GithubUserInfo.find_by_github_user_id(auth[:github_user_id]).nil? GithubUserInfo.create(user_id:, screen_name: auth[:github_screen_name], github_user_id: auth[:github_user_id]) end end # Clear authentication session. session[:authentication] = nil # JSON result render json: {success: true, active: active_result, message: msg } else render json: {success: false, message: I18n.t("login.errors", errors: user.errors.full_messages.join("\n"))} end rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid render json: {success: false, message: I18n.t("login.something_already_taken")} rescue DiscourseHub::NicknameUnavailable render json: {success: false, message: I18n.t("login.errors", errors:I18n.t("login.not_available", suggestion: User.suggest_username(params[:username])) )} rescue RestClient::Forbidden render json: {errors: [I18n.t("discourse_hub.access_token_problem")]} end def get_honeypot_value render json: {value: honeypot_value, challenge: challenge_value} end # all avatars are funneled through here def avatar # TEMP to catch all missing spots # raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound user = params[:username].downcase).first if user # for now we only support gravatar in square (redirect cached for a day), later we can use x-sendfile and/or a cdn to serve local size = params[:size].to_i size = 64 if size == 0 size = 10 if size < 10 size = 128 if size > 128 url = user.avatar_template.gsub("{size}", size.to_s) expires_in redirect_to url else raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end end def password_reset expires_now() @user = EmailToken.confirm(params[:token]) if @user.blank? flash[:error] = I18n.t('password_reset.no_token') else if request.put? && params[:password].present? @user.password = params[:password] if if # Log in the user log_on_user(@user) flash[:success] = I18n.t('password_reset.success') else @requires_approval = true flash[:success] = I18n.t('password_reset.success_unapproved') end end end end render layout: 'no_js' end def change_email requires_parameter(:email) user = fetch_user_from_params guardian.ensure_can_edit!(user) # Raise an error if the email is already in use raise if User.where("lower(email) = ?", params[:email].downcase).exists? email_token = user.email_tokens.create(email: params[:email]) Jobs.enqueue(:user_email, to_address: params[:email], type: :authorize_email, user_id:, email_token: email_token.token) render nothing: true end def authorize_email expires_now() if @user = EmailToken.confirm(params[:token]) log_on_user(@user) else flash[:error] = I18n.t('change_email.error') end render layout: 'no_js' end def activate_account expires_now() if @user = EmailToken.confirm(params[:token]) # Log in the user unless they need to be approved if @user.enqueue_welcome_message('welcome_user') if @user.send_welcome_message log_on_user(@user) else @needs_approval = true end else flash[:error] = I18n.t('activation.already_done') end render layout: 'no_js' end def send_activation_email @user = fetch_user_from_params @email_token = if @user @email_token = @user.email_tokens.create(email: if @email_token.nil? Jobs.enqueue(:user_email, type: :signup, user_id:, email_token: @email_token.token) end render nothing: true end def search_users term = params[:term].to_s.strip topic_id = params[:topic_id] topic_id = topic_id.to_i if topic_id results = term, topic_id render json: { users: results.as_json( only: [ :username, :name ], methods: :avatar_template ) } end private def honeypot_value Digest::SHA1::hexdigest("#{Discourse.current_hostname}:#{Discourse::Application.config.secret_token}")[0,15] end def challenge_value '3019774c067cc2b' end def fetch_user_from_params username_lower = params[:username].downcase username_lower.gsub!(/\.json$/, '') user = User.where(username_lower: username_lower).first raise if user.blank? guardian.ensure_can_see!(user) user end end