require "nokogiri" require "htmlentities" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") # class ImportScripts::JiveApi < ImportScripts::Base USER_COUNT ||= 1000 POST_COUNT ||= 100 STAFF_GUARDIAN ||= TO_IMPORT ||= [ ############################# # WHOLE CATEGORY OF CONTENT # ############################# # Announcement & News { jive_object: { type: 37, id: 1004 }, filters: { created_after: 1.year.ago, type: "post" }, category_id: 7 }, # Questions & Answers / General Discussions { jive_object: { type: 14, id: 2006 }, filters: { created_after: 6.months.ago, type: "discussion" }, category: { |c| c["question"] ? 5 : 21 } }, # Anywhere beta { jive_object: { type: 14, id: 2052 }, filters: { created_after: 6.months.ago, type: "discussion" }, category_id: 22 }, # Tips & Tricks { jive_object: { type: 37, id: 1284 }, filters: { type: "post" }, category_id: 6 }, { jive_object: { type: 37, id: 1319 }, filters: { type: "post" }, category_id: 6 }, { jive_object: { type: 37, id: 1177 }, filters: { type: "post" }, category_id: 6 }, { jive_object: { type: 37, id: 1165 }, filters: { type: "post" }, category_id: 6 }, # Ambassadors { jive_object: { type: 700, id: 1001 }, filters: { type: "discussion" }, authenticated: true, category_id: 8 }, # Experts { jive_object: { type: 700, id: 1034 }, filters: { type: "discussion" }, authenticated: true, category_id: 15 }, # Feature Requests { jive_object: { type: 14, id: 2015 }, filters: { type: "idea" }, category_id: 31 }, #################### # SELECTED CONTENT # #################### # Announcement & News { jive_object: { type: 37, id: 1004 }, filters: { entities: { 38 => [1345, 1381, 1845, 2046, 2060, 2061] } }, category_id: 7 }, # Problem Solving { jive_object: { type: 14, id: 2006 }, filters: { entities: { 2 => [116685, 160745, 177010, 223482, 225036, 233228, 257882, 285103, 292297, 345243, 363250, 434546] } }, category_id: 10 }, # General Discussions { jive_object: { type: 14, id: 2006 }, filters: { entities: { 2 => [178203, 188350, 312734] } }, category_id: 21 }, # Questions & Answers { jive_object: { type: 14, id: 2006 }, filters: { entities: { 2 => [418811] } }, category_id: 5 }, ] def initialize super @base_uri = ENV["BASE_URI"] @username = ENV["USERNAME"] @password = ENV["PASSWORD"] @htmlentities = end def execute update_existing_users import_users import_contents import_bookmarks mark_topics_as_solved end def update_existing_users puts "", "updating existing users..." # we just need to do this once return if User.human_users.limit(101).count > 100 User.human_users.find_each do |user| people = get("people/email/#{}?fields=initialLogin,-resources", true) if people && people["initialLogin"].present? created_at = DateTime.parse(people["initialLogin"]) if user.created_at > created_at user.update_columns(created_at: created_at) end end end end def import_users puts "", "importing users..." imported_users = 0 start_index = [0, UserCustomField.where(name: "import_id").count - USER_COUNT].max loop do users = get("people/@all?fields=initialLogin,emails,displayName,mentionName,thumbnailUrl,-resources&count=#{USER_COUNT}&startIndex=#{start_index}", true) create_users(users["list"], offset: imported_users) do |user| { id: user["id"], created_at: user["initialLogin"], email: user["emails"].find { |email| email["primary"] }["value"], username: user["mentionName"], name: user["displayName"], avatar_url: user["thumbnailUrl"], } end break if users["list"].size < USER_COUNT || users.dig("links", "next").blank? imported_users += users["list"].size break unless start_index = users["links"]["next"][/startIndex=(\d+)/, 1] end end def import_contents puts "", "importing contents..." TO_IMPORT.each do |to_import| puts entity = to_import[:jive_object] places = get("places?fields=placeID,name,-resources&filter=entityDescriptor(#{entity[:type]},#{entity[:id]})", to_import[:authenticated]) import_place_contents(places["list"][0], to_import) if places && places["list"].present? end end def import_place_contents(place, to_import) puts "", "importing contents for '#{place["name"]}'..." start_index = 0 if to_import.dig(:filters, :entities).present? path = "contents" entities = to_import[:filters][:entities].flat_map { |type, ids| { |id| "#{type},#{id}" } } filters = "filter=entityDescriptor(#{entities.join(",")})" else path = "places/#{place["placeID"]}/contents" filters = "filter=status(published)" if to_import[:filters] filters << "&filter=type(#{to_import[:filters][:type]})" if to_import[:filters][:type].present? filters << "&filter=creationDate(null,#{to_import[:filters][:created_after].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%TZ")})" if to_import[:filters][:created_after].present? end end loop do contents = get("#{path}?#{filters}&sort=dateCreatedAsc&count=#{POST_COUNT}&startIndex=#{start_index}", to_import[:authenticated]) contents["list"].each do |content| content_id = content["contentID"].presence || "#{content["type"]}_#{content["id"]}" custom_fields = { import_id: content_id } custom_fields[:import_permalink] = content["permalink"] if content["permalink"].present? topic = { id: content_id, created_at: content["published"], title: @htmlentities.decode(content["subject"]), raw: process_raw(content["content"]["text"]), user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(content["author"]["id"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, views: content["viewCount"], custom_fields: custom_fields, } if to_import[:category] topic[:category] = to_import[:category].call(content) else topic[:category] = to_import[:category_id] end post_id = post_id_from_imported_post_id(topic[:id]) parent_post = post_id ? Post.unscoped.find_by(id: post_id) : create_post(topic, topic[:id]) if parent_post&.id && parent_post&.topic_id resources = content["resources"] import_likes(resources["likes"]["ref"], if content["likeCount"].to_i > 0 && resources.dig("likes", "ref").present? if content["replyCount"].to_i > 0 import_comments(resources["comments"]["ref"], parent_post.topic_id, to_import) if resources.dig("comments", "ref").present? import_messages(resources["messages"]["ref"], parent_post.topic_id, to_import) if resources.dig("messages", "ref").present? end end end break if contents["list"].size < POST_COUNT || contents.dig("links", "next").blank? break unless start_index = contents["links"]["next"][/startIndex=(\d+)/, 1] end end def import_likes(url, post_id) start_index = 0 loop do likes = get("#{url}?&count=#{USER_COUNT}&startIndex=#{start_index}", true) break if likes["error"] likes["list"].each do |like| next unless user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(like["id"]) next if PostAction.exists?(user_id: user_id, post_id: post_id, post_action_type_id: PostActionType.types[:like]) PostAction.act(User.find(user_id), Post.find(post_id), PostActionType.types[:like]) end break if likes["list"].size < USER_COUNT || likes.dig("links", "next").blank? break unless start_index = likes["links"]["next"][/startIndex=(\d+)/, 1] end end def import_comments(url, topic_id, to_import) start_index = 0 loop do comments = get("#{url}?hierarchical=false&count=#{POST_COUNT}&startIndex=#{start_index}", to_import[:authenticated]) break if comments["error"] comments["list"].each do |comment| next if post_id_from_imported_post_id(comment["id"]) post = { id: comment["id"], created_at: comment["published"], topic_id: topic_id, user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(comment["author"]["id"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, raw: process_raw(comment["content"]["text"]), custom_fields: { import_id: comment["id"] }, } if (parent_post_id = comment["parentID"]).to_i > 0 if parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(parent_post_id) post[:reply_to_post_number] = parent[:post_number] end end if created_post = create_post(post, post[:id]) if comment["likeCount"].to_i > 0 && comment.dig("resources", "likes", "ref").present? import_likes(comment["resources"]["likes"]["ref"], end end end break if comments["list"].size < POST_COUNT || comments.dig("links", "next").blank? break unless start_index = comments["links"]["next"][/startIndex=(\d+)/, 1] end end def import_messages(url, topic_id, to_import) start_index = 0 loop do messages = get("#{url}?hierarchical=false&count=#{POST_COUNT}&startIndex=#{start_index}", to_import[:authenticated]) break if messages["error"] messages["list"].each do |message| next if post_id_from_imported_post_id(message["id"]) post = { id: message["id"], created_at: message["published"], topic_id: topic_id, user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(message["author"]["id"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, raw: process_raw(message["content"]["text"]), custom_fields: { import_id: message["id"] }, } post[:custom_fields][:is_accepted_answer] = true if message["answer"] if (parent_post_id = message["parentID"].to_i) > 0 if parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(parent_post_id) post[:reply_to_post_number] = parent[:post_number] end end if created_post = create_post(post, post[:id]) if message["likeCount"].to_i > 0 && message.dig("resources", "likes", "ref").present? import_likes(message["resources"]["likes"]["ref"], end end end break if messages["list"].size < POST_COUNT || messages.dig("links", "next").blank? break unless start_index = messages["links"]["next"][/startIndex=(\d+)/, 1] end end def create_post(options, import_id) post = super(options, import_id) if Post === post add_post(import_id, post) add_topic(post) end post end def import_bookmarks puts "", "importing bookmarks..." start_index = 0 fields = ",,-resources,-author.resources,-favoriteObject.resources" filter = "&filter=creationDate(null,2016-01-01T00:00:00Z)" loop do favorites = get("contents?#{fields}&filter=type(favorite)#{filter}&sort=dateCreatedAsc&count=#{POST_COUNT}&startIndex=#{start_index}") favorites["list"].each do |favorite| next unless user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(favorite["author"]["id"]) next unless post_id = post_id_from_imported_post_id(favorite["favoriteObject"]["id"]) next if PostAction.exists?(user_id: user_id, post_id: post_id, post_action_type_id: PostActionType.types[:bookmark]) PostAction.act(User.find(user_id), Post.find(post_id), PostActionType.types[:bookmark]) end break if favorites["list"].size < POST_COUNT || favorites.dig("links", "next").blank? break unless start_index = favorites["links"]["next"][/startIndex=(\d+)/, 1] end end def process_raw(raw) doc = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(raw) # convert emoticon doc.css("span.emoticon-inline").each do |span| name = span["class"][/emoticon_(\w+)/, 1]&.downcase name && Emoji.exists?(name) ? span.replace(":#{name}:") : span.remove end # convert mentions doc.css("a.jive-link-profile-small").each { |a| a.replace("@#{a.content}") } # fix links doc.css("a[href]").each do |a| if a["href"]["#{@base_uri}/docs/DOC-"] a["href"] = a["href"][/#{Regexp.escape(@base_uri)}\/docs\/DOC-\d+/] elsif a["href"][@base_uri] a.replace(a.inner_html) end end html =".jive-rendered-content").to_html, keep_img_tags: true).to_markdown end def mark_topics_as_solved puts "", "Marking topics as solved..." DB.exec <<~SQL INSERT INTO topic_custom_fields (name, value, topic_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT 'accepted_answer_post_id', pcf.post_id, p.topic_id, p.created_at, p.created_at FROM post_custom_fields pcf JOIN posts p ON = pcf.post_id WHERE = 'is_accepted_answer' SQL end def get(url_or_path, authenticated = false) tries ||= 3 command = ["curl", "--silent"] command << "--user \"#{@username}:#{@password}\"" if !!authenticated command << (url_or_path.start_with?("http") ? "\"#{url_or_path}\"" : "\"#{@base_uri}/api/core/v3/#{url_or_path}\"") puts command.join(" ") if ENV["VERBOSE"] == "1" JSON.parse `#{command.join(" ")}` rescue retry if (tries -= 1) >= 0 end end