# using this script to try figure out why Ruby 2 is slower that 1.9 # require 'flamegraph' Flamegraph.generate('test.html', fidelity: 2) do require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__) end exit require 'memory_profiler' result = MemoryProfiler.report do require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__) end result.pretty_print exit require 'benchmark' def profile_allocations(name) GC.disable initial_size = ObjectSpace.count_objects yield changes = ObjectSpace.count_objects changes.each do |k, _| changes[k] -= initial_size[k] end puts "#{name} changes" changes.sort{|a,b| b[1] <=> a[1]}.each do |a,b| next if b <= 0 # 1 extra hash for tracking puts "#{a} #{a == :T_HASH ? b-1 : b}" end GC.enable end def profile(name, &block) puts "Profiling all object allocation for #{name}" GC.start GC.disable items = [] objs = [] ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations do block.call ObjectSpace.each_object do |o| objs << o end objs.each do |o| g = ObjectSpace.allocation_generation(o) if g l = ObjectSpace.allocation_sourceline(o) f = ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(o) c = ObjectSpace.allocation_class_path(o) m = ObjectSpace.allocation_method_id(o) items << "Allocated #{c} in #{m} #{f}:#{l}" end end end items.group_by{|x| x}.sort{|a,b| b[1].length <=> a[1].length}.each do |row, group| puts "#{row} x #{group.length}" end GC.enable profile_allocations(name, &block) end def stuff u = User.first r = TopicQuery.new(u, {}).list_latest r.topics.to_a end stuff profile_allocations "stuff" do stuff end # Benchmark.bmbm do |x| # # x.report("find") do # 100.times{stuff} # end # # end # # x.report("grab 10 users id") do # 100.times{User.limit(10).select(:id).to_a} # end # # x.report("grab 10 users") do # 100.times{User.limit(10).to_a} # end # # profile("topic query") do # r = TopicQuery.new(u, {}).list_latest # r.topics.to_a # end # # RubyProf.start # # r = TopicQuery.new(u, {}).list_latest # r.topics.to_a # # result = RubyProf.stop # printer = RubyProf::GraphPrinter.new(result) # # printer = RubyProf::FlatPrinter.new(result) # printer.print(STDOUT, :min_percent => 2) # # exit # # # User.limit(10).to_a # User.limit(10).select(:created_at).to_a # # profile("limit 10") do # User.limit(10).select(:created_at).to_a # end # # exit # User.limit(10).to_a # exit # # User.select('id, 2 bob').first # Benchmark.bmbm do |x| # # x.report("find") do # 100.times{User.find(1)} # end # # x.report("grab 10 users created_at") do # 100.times{User.limit(10).select(:created_at).to_a} # end # # x.report("grab 10 users id") do # 100.times{User.limit(10).select(:id).to_a} # end # # x.report("grab 10 users") do # 100.times{User.limit(10).to_a} # end # # # x.report("pg direct grab 10 users") do # 100.times do # r = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection.async_exec("select * from users limit 10") # r.fields.each_with_index do |f,i| # r.ftype(i) # end # r.each_row do |x| # x # end # end # end # # end # # profile("find") do # User.find(1) # end # puts # profile("where") do # User.where(id: 1).first # end