require "rails_helper" require "email/receiver" describe Email::Receiver do before do SiteSetting.email_in = true SiteSetting.reply_by_email_address = "reply+%{reply_key}" end def email(email_name) fixture_file("emails/#{email_name}.eml") end def process(email_name)! end it "raises an EmptyEmailError when 'mail_string' is blank" do expect { }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmptyEmailError) expect {"") }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmptyEmailError) end it "raises and UserNotFoundError when staged users are disabled" do SiteSetting.enable_staged_users = false expect { process(:user_not_found) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::UserNotFoundError) end it "raises an AutoGeneratedEmailError when the mail is auto generated" do expect { process(:auto_generated_precedence) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::AutoGeneratedEmailError) expect { process(:auto_generated_header) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::AutoGeneratedEmailError) end it "raises a NoBodyDetectedError when the body is blank" do expect { process(:no_body) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::NoBodyDetectedError) end it "raises an InactiveUserError when the sender is inactive" do Fabricate(:user, email: "", active: false) expect { process(:inactive_sender) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::InactiveUserError) end it "raises a BlockedUserError when the sender has been blocked" do Fabricate(:user, email: "", blocked: true) expect { process(:blocked_sender) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::BlockedUserError) end skip "doesn't raise an InactiveUserError when the sender is staged" do Fabricate(:user, email: "", active: false, staged: true) expect { process(:staged_sender) }.not_to raise_error end it "raises a BadDestinationAddress when destinations aren't matching any of the incoming emails" do expect { process(:bad_destinations) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::BadDestinationAddress) end context "reply" do let(:reply_key) { "4f97315cc828096c9cb34c6f1a0d6fe8" } let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, email: "") } let(:topic) { create_topic(user: user) } let(:post) { create_post(topic: topic, user: user) } let!(:email_log) { Fabricate(:email_log, reply_key: reply_key, user: user, topic: topic, post: post) } it "uses MD5 of 'mail_string' there is no message_id" do mail_string = email(:missing_message_id) expect {! }.to change { IncomingEmail.count } expect(IncomingEmail.last.message_id).to eq(Digest::MD5.hexdigest(mail_string)) end it "raises a ReplyUserNotMatchingError when the email address isn't matching the one we sent the notification to" do expect { process(:reply_user_not_matching) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::ReplyUserNotMatchingError) end it "raises a TopicNotFoundError when the topic was deleted" do topic.update_columns(deleted_at: expect { process(:reply_user_matching) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::TopicNotFoundError) end it "raises a TopicClosedError when the topic was closed" do topic.update_columns(closed: true) expect { process(:reply_user_matching) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::TopicClosedError) end it "raises an InvalidPost when there was an error while creating the post" do expect { process(:too_small) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::InvalidPost) end it "raises an InvalidPost when there are too may mentions" do SiteSetting.max_mentions_per_post = 1 Fabricate(:user, username: "user1") Fabricate(:user, username: "user2") expect { process(:too_many_mentions) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::InvalidPost) end it "raises an InvalidPostAction when they aren't allowed to like a post" do topic.update_columns(archived: true) expect { process(:like) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::InvalidPostAction) end it "works" do expect { process(:text_reply) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("This is a text reply :)") expect(topic.posts.last.via_email).to eq(true) expect(topic.posts.last.cooked).not_to match(/
HTML reply ;)") expect { process(:hebrew_reply) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("שלום! מה שלומך היום?") expect { process(:chinese_reply) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("您好! 你今天好吗?") expect { process(:reply_with_weird_encoding) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("This is a reply with a weird encoding.") end it "prefers text over html" do expect { process(:text_and_html_reply) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("This is the *text* part.") end it "removes the 'on , wrote' quoting line" do expect { process(:on_date_contact_wrote) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("This is the actual reply.") end it "removes the 'Previous Replies' marker" do expect { process(:previous_replies) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("This will not include the previous discussion that is present in this email.") end it "handles multiple paragraphs" do expect { process(:paragraphs) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("Do you like liquorice?\n\nI really like them. One could even say that I am *addicted* to liquorice. Anf if\nyou can mix it up with some anise, then I'm in heaven ;)") end it "handles invalid from header" do expect { process(:invalid_from) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("This email was sent with an invalid from header field.") end describe 'Unsubscribing via email' do let(:last_email) { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last } describe 'unsubscribe_subject.eml' do it 'sends an email asking the user to confirm the unsubscription' do expect { process("unsubscribe_subject") }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count }.by(1) expect( eq 1 expect(last_email.from.length).to eq 1 expect(last_email.from).to include "noreply@#{Discourse.current_hostname}" expect( include "" expect(last_email.subject).to eq I18n.t(:"unsubscribe_mailer.subject_template").gsub("%{site_title}", SiteSetting.title) end it 'does nothing unless unsubscribe_via_email is turned on' do SiteSetting.stubs("unsubscribe_via_email").returns(false) before_deliveries = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count expect { process("unsubscribe_subject") }.to raise_error { Email::Receiver::BadDestinationAddress } expect(before_deliveries).to eq ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count end end describe 'unsubscribe_body.eml' do it 'sends an email asking the user to confirm the unsubscription' do expect { process("unsubscribe_body") }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count }.by(1) expect( eq 1 expect(last_email.from.length).to eq 1 expect(last_email.from).to include "noreply@#{Discourse.current_hostname}" expect( include "" expect(last_email.subject).to eq I18n.t(:"unsubscribe_mailer.subject_template").gsub("%{site_title}", SiteSetting.title) end it 'does nothing unless unsubscribe_via_email is turned on' do SiteSetting.stubs(:unsubscribe_via_email).returns(false) before_deliveries = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count expect { process("unsubscribe_body") }.to raise_error { Email::Receiver::InvalidPost } expect(before_deliveries).to eq ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count end end end it "handles inline reply" do expect { process(:inline_reply) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("> WAT November 28\n>\n> This is the previous post.\n\nAnd this is *my* reply :+1:") end it "retrieves the first part of multiple replies" do expect { process(:inline_mixed_replies) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("> WAT November 28\n>\n> This is the previous post.\n\nAnd this is *my* reply :+1:\n\n> This is another post.\n\nAnd this is **another** reply.") end it "strips mobile/webmail signatures" do expect { process(:iphone_signature) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("This is not the signature you're looking for.") end it "strips 'original message' context" do expect { process(:original_message) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("This is a reply :)") end it "add the 'elided' part of the original message only for private messages" do topic.update_columns(category_id: nil, archetype: Archetype.private_message) topic.allowed_users << user expect { process(:original_message) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq("This is a reply :)\n\n
\n···\n---Original Message---\nThis part should not be included\n
") end it "supports attached images" do expect { process(:no_body_with_image) }.to change { topic.posts.count } expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to match(/ :create_post) # raises an InvalidAccess when the user doesn't have the privileges to create a topic expect { process(:existing_user) }.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess) category.update_columns(email_in_allow_strangers: true) # allows new user to create a topic expect { process(:new_user) }.to change(Topic, :count) end end end