# This script pulls translation files from Transifex and ensures they are in the format we need. # You need the Transifex client installed. # http://docs.transifex.com/developer/client/setup # # Don't use this script to create pull requests. Do translations in Transifex. The Discourse # team will pull them in. require 'open3' require_relative '../lib/locale_file_walker' if `which tx`.strip.empty? puts '', 'The Transifex client needs to be installed to use this script.' puts 'Instructions are here: http://docs.transifex.com/client/setup/' puts '', 'On Mac:', '' puts ' sudo easy_install pip' puts ' sudo pip install transifex-client', '' exit 1 end languages = Dir.glob(File.expand_path('../../config/locales/client.*.yml', __FILE__)) .map { |x| x.split('.')[-2] }.select { |x| x != 'en' }.sort puts 'Pulling new translations...', '' command = "tx pull --mode=developer --language=#{languages.join(',')} #{ARGV.include?('force') ? '-f' : ''}" Open3.popen2e(command) do |stdin, stdout_err, wait_thr| while (line = stdout_err.gets) puts line end end puts '' unless $?.success? puts 'Something failed. Check the output above.', '' exit $?.exitstatus end YML_FILE_COMMENTS = <<END # encoding: utf-8 # # Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/ END YML_DIRS = ['config/locales', 'plugins/poll/config/locales', 'vendor/gems/discourse_imgur/lib/discourse_imgur/locale'] YML_FILE_PREFIXES = ['server', 'client'] def yml_path(dir, prefix, language) path = "../../#{dir}/#{prefix}.#{language}.yml" path = File.expand_path(path, __FILE__) File.exists?(path) ? path : nil end # Add comments to the top of files and replace the language (first key in YAML file) def update_file_header(filename, language) lines = File.readlines(filename) lines.collect! { |line| line =~ /^[a-z_]+:$/i ? "#{language}:" : line } File.open(filename, 'w+') do |f| f.puts(YML_FILE_COMMENTS, '') unless lines[0][0] == '#' f.puts(lines) end end class YamlAliasFinder < LocaleFileWalker def initialize @anchors = {} @aliases = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } end def parse_file(filename) document = Psych.parse_file(filename) handle_document(document) {anchors: @anchors, aliases: @aliases} end private def handle_alias(node, depth, parents) @aliases[node.anchor] << parents.dup end def handle_mapping(node, depth, parents) if node.anchor @anchors[parents.dup] = node.anchor end end end class YamlAliasSynchronizer < LocaleFileWalker def initialize(original_alias_data) @anchors = original_alias_data[:anchors] @aliases = original_alias_data[:aliases] @used_anchors = Set.new calculate_required_keys end def add_to(filename) stream = Psych.parse_stream(File.read(filename)) stream.children.each { |document| handle_document(document) } add_aliases write_yaml(stream, filename) end private def calculate_required_keys @required_keys = {} @aliases.each_value do |key_sets| key_sets.each do |keys| until keys.empty? add_needed_node(keys) keys = keys.dup keys.pop end end end add_needed_node([]) unless @required_keys.empty? end def add_needed_node(keys) @required_keys[keys] = {mapping: nil, scalar: nil, alias: nil} end def write_yaml(stream, filename) yaml = stream.to_yaml(nil, {:line_width => -1}) File.open(filename, 'w') do |file| file.write(yaml) end end def handle_scalar(node, depth, parents) super(node, depth, parents) if @required_keys.has_key?(parents) @required_keys[parents][:scalar] = node end end def handle_alias(node, depth, parents) if @required_keys.has_key?(parents) @required_keys[parents][:alias] = node end end def handle_mapping(node, depth, parents) if @anchors.has_key?(parents) node.anchor = @anchors[parents] @used_anchors.add(node.anchor) end if @required_keys.has_key?(parents) @required_keys[parents][:mapping] = node end end def add_aliases @used_anchors.each do |anchor| @aliases[anchor].each do |keys| parents = [] parent_node = @required_keys[[]] keys.each_with_index do |key, index| parents << key current_node = @required_keys[parents] is_last = index == keys.size - 1 add_node(current_node, parent_node, key, is_last ? anchor : nil) parent_node = current_node end end end end def add_node(node, parent_node, scalar_name, anchor) parent_mapping = parent_node[:mapping] parent_mapping.children ||= [] if node[:scalar].nil? node[:scalar] = Psych::Nodes::Scalar.new(scalar_name) parent_mapping.children << node[:scalar] end if anchor.nil? if node[:mapping].nil? node[:mapping] = Psych::Nodes::Mapping.new parent_mapping.children << node[:mapping] end elsif node[:alias].nil? parent_mapping.children << Psych::Nodes::Alias.new(anchor) end end end def get_english_alias_data(dir, prefix) filename = yml_path(dir, prefix, 'en') filename ? YamlAliasFinder.new.parse_file(filename) : nil end def add_anchors_and_aliases(english_alias_data, filename) if english_alias_data YamlAliasSynchronizer.new(english_alias_data).add_to(filename) end end def fix_invalid_yml_keys(filename) lines = File.readlines(filename) # fix YAML keys which are on the wrong line lines.each { |line| line.gsub!(/^(.*(?:'|"))(\s*\S*:)$/, "\\1\n\\2") } File.open(filename, 'w+') do |f| f.puts(lines) end end def fix_invalid_yml(filename) lines = File.readlines(filename) lines.each_with_index do |line, i| if line =~ /^\s+#.*$/i # remove comments lines[i] = nil elsif line.strip.empty? # remove empty lines lines[i] = nil elsif line =~ /^\s+.*: (?:""|''|)$/i # remove lines which contain empty string values lines[i] = nil elsif line =~ /^(\s)*.*: \|$/i next_line = i + 1 < lines.size ? lines[i + 1] : nil if next_line.nil? || line[/^\s*/].size + 2 != next_line[/^\s*/].size # remove lines which contain the value | without a string in the next line lines[i] = nil end end end.compact! loop do lines.each_with_index do |line, i| if line =~ /^\s+\w*:\s*$/i next_line = i + 1 < lines.size ? lines[i + 1] : nil if next_line.nil? || line[/^\s*/].size >= next_line[/^\s*/].size # remove lines which have an empty value and are not followed # by a key on the next level lines[i] = nil end end end break if lines.compact!.nil? end File.open(filename, 'w+') do |f| f.puts(lines) end end YML_DIRS.each do |dir| YML_FILE_PREFIXES.each do |prefix| english_alias_data = get_english_alias_data(dir, prefix) languages.each do |language| filename = yml_path(dir, prefix, language) if filename # The following methods were added to handle a bug in Transifex's yml. Should not be needed now. # fix_invalid_yml_keys(filename) # fix_invalid_yml(filename) # TODO check if this is still needed with recent Transifex changes add_anchors_and_aliases(english_alias_data, filename) update_file_header(filename, language) end end end end