require "file_store/base_store" require_dependency "s3_helper" require_dependency "file_helper" require_dependency "file_store/local_store" module FileStore class S3Store < BaseStore TOMBSTONE_PREFIX ||= "tombstone/" def initialize(s3_helper=nil) @s3_helper = s3_helper ||, TOMBSTONE_PREFIX) end def store_upload(file, upload, content_type=nil) path = get_path_for_upload(file, upload) store_file(file, path, filename: upload.original_filename, content_type: content_type, cache_locally: true) end def store_optimized_image(file, optimized_image) path = get_path_for_optimized_image(file, optimized_image) store_file(file, path) end def remove_upload(upload) remove_file(upload.url) end def remove_optimized_image(optimized_image) remove_file(optimized_image.url) end def has_been_uploaded?(url) return false if url.blank? return true if url.start_with?(absolute_base_url) return true if SiteSetting.s3_cdn_url.present? && url.start_with?(SiteSetting.s3_cdn_url) false end def absolute_base_url @absolute_base_url ||= "//#{s3_bucket}.s3-#{s3_region}" end def external? true end def internal? !external? end def download(upload) return unless has_been_uploaded?(upload.url) DistributedMutex.synchronize("s3_download_#{upload.sha1}") do filename = "#{upload.sha1}#{File.extname(upload.original_filename)}" file = get_from_cache(filename) if !file url = SiteSetting.scheme + ":" + upload.url file =, SiteSetting.max_file_size_kb, "discourse-s3", true) cache_file(file, filename) end file end end def purge_tombstone(grace_period) @s3_helper.update_tombstone_lifecycle(grace_period) end def path_for(upload) url = upload.url if url && url[0] == "/" && url[1] != "/" end end private def get_path_for_upload(file, upload) get_path_for("original".freeze, upload.sha1, upload.extension) end def get_path_for_optimized_image(file, optimized_image) extension = "_#{optimized_image.width}x#{optimized_image.height}#{optimized_image.extension}" get_path_for("optimized".freeze, optimized_image.sha1, extension) end def get_path_for(type, sha, extension) "#{type}/#{sha[0]}/#{sha[1]}/#{sha}#{extension}" end # options # - filename # - content_type # - cache_locally def store_file(file, path, opts={}) filename = opts[:filename].presence content_type = opts[:content_type].presence # cache file locally when needed cache_file(file, File.basename(path)) if opts[:cache_locally] # stored uploaded are public by default options = { acl: "public-read" } # add a "content disposition" header for "attachments" options[:content_disposition] = "attachment; filename=\"#{filename}\"" if filename && !FileHelper.is_image?(filename) # add a "content type" header when provided options[:content_type] = content_type if content_type # if this fails, it will throw an exception @s3_helper.upload(file, path, options) # return the upload url "#{absolute_base_url}/#{path}" end def remove_file(url) return unless has_been_uploaded?(url) filename = File.basename(url) # copy the removed file to tombstone @s3_helper.remove(filename, true) end CACHE_DIR ||= "#{Rails.root}/tmp/s3_cache/" CACHE_MAXIMUM_SIZE ||= 500 def get_cache_path_for(filename) "#{CACHE_DIR}#{filename}" end def get_from_cache(filename) path = get_cache_path_for(filename) if File.exists?(path) end def cache_file(file, filename) path = get_cache_path_for(filename) dir = File.dirname(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless Dir[dir].present? FileUtils.cp(file.path, path) # keep up to 500 files `ls -tr #{CACHE_DIR} | head -n +#{CACHE_MAXIMUM_SIZE} | xargs rm -f` end def s3_bucket return @s3_bucket if @s3_bucket raise"s3_upload_bucket") if SiteSetting.s3_upload_bucket.blank? @s3_bucket = SiteSetting.s3_upload_bucket.downcase end def s3_region SiteSetting.s3_region end end end