/*eslint no-console: ["error", { allow: ["log", "error"] }] */ // Chrome QUnit Test Runner // Author: David Taylor // Requires chrome-launcher and chrome-remote-interface from npm // An up-to-date version of chrome is also required let args = process.argv.slice(2); if (args.length < 1 || args.length > 3) { console.log("Usage: node run-qunit.js "); process.exit(1); } const chromeLauncher = require("chrome-launcher"); const CDP = require("chrome-remote-interface"); const QUNIT_RESULT = args[2]; const fs = require("fs"); if (QUNIT_RESULT) { (async () => { await fs.stat(QUNIT_RESULT, (err, stats) => { if (stats && stats.isFile()) { fs.unlink(QUNIT_RESULT, (unlinkErr) => { if (unlinkErr) { console.log("Error deleting " + QUNIT_RESULT + " " + unlinkErr); } }); } }); })(); } async function runAllTests() { function launchChrome() { const options = { chromeFlags: [ "--disable-gpu", "--headless", "--no-sandbox", "--disable-dev-shm-usage", "--mute-audio", "--window-size=1440,900", ], }; if (process.env.REMOTE_DEBUG) { options.port = 9222; } return chromeLauncher.launch(options); } let chrome = await launchChrome(); let protocol = null; let connectAttempts = 0; while (!protocol) { // Workaround for intermittent CI error caused by // https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-launcher/issues/145 try { protocol = await CDP({ port: chrome.port }); } catch (e) { if (e.message === "No inspectable targets" && connectAttempts < 50) { connectAttempts++; console.log( "Unable to establish connection to chrome target - trying again..." ); // eslint-disable-next-line await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); } else { throw e; } } } const { Inspector, Page, Runtime, Log } = protocol; // eslint-disable-next-line await Promise.all([ Inspector.enable(), Page.enable(), Runtime.enable(), Log.enable(), ]); // Documentation https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Log/#type-LogEntry Log.entryAdded(({ entry }) => { let message = `${new Date(entry.timestamp).toISOString()} - (type: ${ entry.source }/${entry.level}) message: ${entry.text}`; if (entry.url) { message += `, url: ${entry.url}`; } console.log(message); }); Inspector.targetCrashed((entry) => { console.log("Chrome target crashed:"); console.log(entry); }); Runtime.exceptionThrown((exceptionInfo) => { console.log(exceptionInfo.exceptionDetails.exception.description); }); Runtime.consoleAPICalled((response) => { const message = response["args"][0].value; // Not finished yet, don't add a newline if (message && message.startsWith && message.startsWith("↪")) { process.stdout.write(message); } else if ( message && message.startsWith && message.startsWith("AUTOSPEC:") ) { fs.appendFileSync(QUNIT_RESULT, `${message.slice(10)}\n`); } else { console.log(message); } }); let url = args[0] + "&qunit_disable_auto_start=1"; const apiKey = process.env.ADMIN_API_KEY; const apiUsername = process.env.ADMIN_API_USERNAME; if (apiKey && apiUsername) { const { Fetch } = protocol; await Fetch.enable(); const urlObj = new URL(url); Fetch.requestPaused((data) => { const requestURL = new URL(data.request.url); if (requestURL.hostname != urlObj.hostname) { Fetch.continueRequest({ requestId: data.requestId, }); return; } Fetch.continueRequest({ requestId: data.requestId, headers: [ { name: "Api-Key", value: apiKey }, { name: "Api-Username", value: apiUsername }, ], }); }); } console.log("navigate to ", url); Page.navigate({ url }); Page.loadEventFired(async () => { let qff = process.env.QUNIT_FAIL_FAST; await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: `const QUNIT_FAIL_FAST = ` + (qff === "1" || qff === "true").toString() + ";", }); await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: `(${qunit_script})();`, }); if (args[0].indexOf("report_requests=1") > -1) { await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: "QUnit.config.logAllRequests = true", }); } const timeout = parseInt(args[1] || 300000, 10); let start = Date.now(); let interval; let runTests = async function () { if (Date.now() > start + timeout) { console.error("\n\nTests timed out\n"); protocol.close(); chrome.kill(); process.exit(124); } let numFails = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: `(${check_script})()`, }); if (numFails && numFails.result && numFails.result.type !== "undefined") { clearInterval(interval); protocol.close(); chrome.kill(); if (numFails.result.value > 0) { process.exit(1); } else { process.exit(); } } }; interval = setInterval(runTests, 250); }); } runAllTests().catch((e) => { console.log("Failed to run tests: " + e); process.exit(1); }); // The following functions are converted to strings // And then sent to chrome to be evaluated function logQUnit() { let testErrors = []; let assertionErrors = []; console.log("\nRunning: " + JSON.stringify(QUnit.urlParams) + "\n"); QUnit.config.testTimeout = 10000; let durations = {}; let inTest = false; QUnit.testStart(function (context) { console.log("↪ " + context.module + "::" + context.name); inTest = true; }); QUnit.testDone(function (context) { durations[context.module + "::" + context.name] = context.runtime; if (context.failed) { const msg = " Test Failed: " + context.name + assertionErrors.join(" ") + "\n" + context.source; testErrors.push(msg); assertionErrors = []; // Pass QUNIT_FAIL_FAST on the command line to quit after the first failure // eslint-disable-next-line if (QUNIT_FAIL_FAST) { QUnit.config.queue.length = 0; } if (inTest) { console.log(" [✘]"); } } else { if (inTest) { console.log(" [✔]"); } } inTest = false; }); QUnit.log(function (context) { if (context.result) { return; } let msg = "\n Assertion Failed:"; if (context.message) { msg += " " + context.message; } if (context.expected) { msg += "\n Expected: " + context.expected + ", Actual: " + context.actual; } assertionErrors.push(msg); }); QUnit.done(function (context) { console.log("\n"); console.log("Slowest tests"); console.log("----------------------------------------------"); let ary = Object.keys(durations).map((key) => ({ key: key, value: durations[key], })); ary.sort((p1, p2) => p2.value - p1.value); ary.slice(0, 30).forEach((pair) => { console.log(pair.key + ": " + pair.value + "ms"); }); console.log("\n"); if (testErrors.length) { console.log("Test Errors"); console.log("----------------------------------------------"); testErrors.forEach((e) => { console.error(e); }); console.log("\n"); } let stats = [ "Time: " + context.runtime + "ms", "Total: " + context.total, "Passed: " + context.passed, "Failed: " + context.failed, ]; console.log(stats.join(", ")); if (context.failed) { console.log("\nUse this filter to run in the same order:"); console.log( "QUNIT_FAIL_FAST=1 QUNIT_SEED=" + QUnit.config.seed + " rake qunit:test\n" ); console.log("If you have a web environment running, you can visit:"); console.log( "http://localhost:3000/qunit?hidepassed&seed=" + QUnit.config.seed + "\n\n" ); } window.qunitDone = context; }); QUnit.start(); } let qunit_script = logQUnit.toString(); if (QUNIT_RESULT) { qunit_script = qunit_script.replace( "/* QUNIT_RESULT */", "console.log(`AUTOSPEC: ${context.module}:::${context.testId}:::${context.name}`);" ); } function check() { if (window.qunitDone) { return window.qunitDone.failed; } } const check_script = check.toString();