require 'digest/sha1' require 'open-uri' class S3Store @fog_loaded ||= require 'fog' def store_upload(file, upload) # path = "#{}#{upload.sha1}#{upload.extension}" # if this fails, it will throw an exception upload(file.tempfile, path, upload.original_filename, file.content_type) # returns the url of the uploaded file "#{absolute_base_url}/#{path}" end def store_optimized_image(file, optimized_image) # _x path = [, optimized_image.sha1, "_#{optimized_image.width}x#{optimized_image.height}", optimized_image.extension ].join # if this fails, it will throw an exception upload(file, path) # returns the url of the uploaded file "#{absolute_base_url}/#{path}" end def store_avatar(file, upload, size) # /avatars//200.jpg path = File.join( "avatars", upload.sha1, "#{size}#{upload.extension}" ) # if this fails, it will throw an exception upload(file, path) # returns the url of the avatar "#{absolute_base_url}/#{path}" end def remove_upload(upload) remove_file(upload.url) end def remove_optimized_image(optimized_image) remove_file(optimized_image.url) end def remove_avatars(upload) end def remove_file(url) remove File.basename(url) if has_been_uploaded?(url) end def has_been_uploaded?(url) url.start_with?(absolute_base_url) end def absolute_base_url "//#{s3_bucket}" end def external? true end def internal? !external? end def download(upload) temp_file =["discourse-s3", File.extname(upload.original_filename)]) url = (SiteSetting.use_ssl? ? "https:" : "http:") + upload.url, "wb") do |f| f.write open(url, "rb", read_timeout: 20).read end temp_file end private def s3_bucket SiteSetting.s3_upload_bucket.downcase end def check_missing_site_settings raise"s3_upload_bucket") if SiteSetting.s3_upload_bucket.blank? raise"s3_access_key_id") if SiteSetting.s3_access_key_id.blank? raise"s3_secret_access_key") if SiteSetting.s3_secret_access_key.blank? end def get_or_create_directory(bucket) check_missing_site_settings fog = s3_options directory = fog.directories.get(bucket) directory = fog.directories.create(key: bucket) unless directory directory end def s3_options options = { provider: 'AWS', aws_access_key_id: SiteSetting.s3_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key: SiteSetting.s3_secret_access_key, } options[:region] = SiteSetting.s3_region unless SiteSetting.s3_region.empty? options end def upload(file, unique_filename, filename=nil, content_type=nil) args = { key: unique_filename, public: true, body: file } args[:content_disposition] = "attachment; filename=\"#{filename}\"" if filename args[:content_type] = content_type if content_type get_or_create_directory(s3_bucket).files.create(args) end def remove(unique_filename) fog = s3_options fog.delete_object(s3_bucket, unique_filename) end end