# Deploying on Cloud 66 <a href="http://blog.cloud66.com/post/62900887610/introducing-cloud-66-easydeploy">  </a> Simply follow 7 steps on [building your stack](https://www.cloud66.com/help/first_stack), sign up for a Sendgrid account (for sending emails) and set the environment variables below to have your own fully functioning Discourse installation up and running. Note: Setting environment variables is done during step five, before you click 'deploy':  1. SMTP_ADDRESS = your SMTP host 2. SMTP_PORT = the port on your SMTP host 3. SMTP_DOMAIN = the domain you will be sending emails from 4. SMTP_USERNAME = your SMTP username 5. SMTP_PASSWORD = your SMTP password 6. HOST_NAME = the domain hosting your site