en: site_settings: chat_enabled: "Enable the chat plugin." chat_allowed_groups: "Users in these groups can chat. Note that staff can always access chat." chat_channel_retention_days: "Chat messages in regular channels will be retained for this many days. Set to '0' to retain messages forever." chat_dm_retention_days: "Chat messages in personal chat channels will be retained for this many days. Set to '0' to retain messages forever." chat_auto_silence_duration: "Number of minutes that users will be silenced for when they exceed the chat message creation rate limit. Set to '0' to disable auto-silencing." chat_allowed_messages_for_trust_level_0: "Number of messages that trust level 0 users is allowed to send in 30 seconds. Set to '0' to disable limit." chat_allowed_messages_for_other_trust_levels: "Number of messages that users with trust levels 1-4 is allowed to send in 30 seconds. Set to '0' to disable limit." chat_silence_user_sensitivity: "The likelihood that a user flagged in chat will be automatically silenced." chat_auto_silence_from_flags_duration: "Number of minutes that users will be silenced for when they are automatically silenced due to flagged chat messages." chat_default_channel_id: "The chat channel that will be opened by default when a user has no unread messages or mentions in other channels." chat_duplicate_message_sensitivity: "The likelihood that a duplicate message by the same sender will be blocked in a short period. Decimal number between 0 and 1.0, with 1.0 being the highest setting (blocks messages more frequently in a shorter amount of time). Set to `0` to allow duplicate messages." chat_minimum_message_length: "Minimum number of characters for a chat message." chat_allow_uploads: "Allow uploads in public chat channels and direct message channels." chat_archive_destination_topic_status: "The status that the destination topic should be once a channel archive is completed. This only applies when the destination topic is a new topic, not an existing one." default_emoji_reactions: "Default emoji reactions for chat messages. Add up to 5 emojis for quick reaction." direct_message_enabled_groups: "Allow users within these groups to create user-to-user Personal Chats. Note: staff can always create Personal Chats, and users will be able to reply to Personal Chats initiated by users who have permission to create them." chat_message_flag_allowed_groups: "Users in these groups are allowed to flag chat messages." max_mentions_per_chat_message: "Maximum number of @name notifications a user can use in a chat message." chat_max_direct_message_users: "Users cannot add more than this number of other users when creating a new direct message. Set to 0 to only allow messages to oneself. Staff are exempt from this setting." chat_allow_archiving_channels: "Allow staff to archive messages to a topic when closing a channel." errors: chat_default_channel: "The default chat channel must be a public channel." direct_message_enabled_groups_invalid: "You must specify at least one group for this setting. If you do not want anyone except staff to send direct messages, choose the staff group." chat_upload_not_allowed_secure_uploads: "Chat uploads are not allowed when secure uploads site setting is enabled." system_messages: chat_channel_archive_complete: title: "Chat Channel Archive Complete" subject_template: "Chat channel archive completed successfully" text_body_template: | Archiving the chat channel %{channel_hashtag_or_name} has been completed successfully. The messages were copied into the topic [%{topic_title}](%{topic_url}). chat_channel_archive_failed: title: "Chat Channel Archive Failed" subject_template: "Chat channel archive failed" text_body_template: | Archiving the chat channel %{channel_hashtag_or_name} has failed. %{messages_archived} messages have been archived. Partially archived messages were copied into the topic [%{topic_title}](%{topic_url}). Visit the channel at %{channel_url} to retry. chat_channel_archive_failed_no_topic: title: "Chat Channel Archive Failed" subject_template: "Chat channel archive failed" text_body_template: | Archiving the chat channel %{channel_hashtag_or_name} has failed. No messages have been archived. The topic was not created successfully for the following reasons: %{topic_validation_errors} Visit the channel at %{channel_url} to retry. chat: deleted_chat_username: deleted errors: channel_exists_for_category: "A channel already exists for this category and name" channel_new_message_disallowed: "The channel is %{status}, no new messages can be sent" channel_modify_message_disallowed: "The channel is %{status}, no messages can be edited or deleted" user_cannot_send_message: "You cannot send messages at this time." rate_limit_exceeded: "Exceeded the limit of chat messages that can be sent within 30 seconds" auto_silence_from_flags: "Chat message flagged with score high enough to silence user." channel_cannot_be_archived: "The channel cannot be archived at this time, it must be either closed or open to archive." duplicate_message: "You posted an identical message too recently." delete_channel_failed: "Delete channel failed, please try again." minimum_length_not_met: "Message is too short, must have a minimum of %{minimum} characters." message_too_long: "Message is too long, messages must be a maximum of %{maximum} characters." max_reactions_limit_reached: "New reactions are not allowed on this message." message_move_invalid_channel: "The source and destination channel must be public channels." message_move_no_messages_found: "No messages were found with the provided message IDs." cant_update_direct_message_channel: "Direct message channel properties like name and description can’t be updated." not_accepting_dms: "Sorry, %{username} is not accepting messages at the moment." actor_ignoring_target_user: "You are ignoring %{username}, so you cannot send messages to them." actor_muting_target_user: "You are muting %{username}, so you cannot send messages to them." actor_disallowed_dms: "You have chosen to prevent users from sending you private and direct messages, so you cannot create new direct messages." actor_preventing_target_user_from_dm: "You have chosen to prevent %{username} from sending you private and direct messages, so you cannot create new direct messages to them." user_cannot_send_direct_messages: "Sorry, you cannot send direct messages." over_chat_max_direct_message_users: one: "You can only create a direct message with yourself." other: "You can't create a direct message with more than %{count} other users." reviewables: message_already_handled: "Thanks, but we've already reviewed this message and determined it does not need to be flagged again." actions: agree: title: "Agree..." agree_and_keep_message: title: "Keep Message" description: "Agree with flag and keep the message unchanged." agree_and_keep_deleted: title: "Keep Message Deleted" description: "Agree with flag and leave the message deleted." agree_and_suspend: title: "Suspend User" description: "Agree with flag and suspend the user." agree_and_silence: title: "Silence User" description: "Agree with flag and silence the user." agree_and_restore: title: "Restore Message" description: "Restore the message so that users can see it." agree_and_delete: title: "Delete Message" description: "Delete the message so that users cannot see it." delete_and_agree: title: "Delete Message" disagree_and_restore: title: "Disagree and Restore Message" description: "Restore the message so that all users can see it." disagree: title: "Disagree" ignore: title: "Ignore" direct_messages: transcript_title: "Transcript of previous messages in %{channel_name}" transcript_body: "To give you more context, we included a transcript of the previous messages in this conversation (up to ten):\n\n%{transcript}" channel: statuses: read_only: "Read Only" archived: "Archived" closed: "Closed" open: "Open" archive: first_post_raw: "This topic is an archive of the [%{channel_name}](%{channel_url}) chat channel." messages_moved: one: "@%{acting_username} moved a message to the [%{channel_name}](%{first_moved_message_url}) channel." other: "@%{acting_username} moved %{count} messages to the [%{channel_name}](%{first_moved_message_url}) channel." dm_title: single_user: "%{user}" multi_user: "%{users}" multi_user_truncated: "%{users} and %{leftover} others" category_channel: errors: slug_contains_non_ascii_chars: "contains non-ascii characters" is_already_in_use: "is already in use" bookmarkable: notification_title: "message in %{channel_name}" personal_chat: "personal chat" onebox: inline_to_message: "Message #%{message_id} by %{username} – #%{chat_channel}" inline_to_channel: "Chat #%{chat_channel}" inline_to_topic_channel: "Chat for Topic %{topic_title}" x_members: one: "%{count} member" other: "%{count} members" and_x_others: one: "and %{count} other" other: "and %{count} others" discourse_push_notifications: popup: chat_mention: direct: '%{username} mentioned you in "%{channel}"' other_type: '%{username} mentioned %{identifier} in "%{channel}"' direct_message_chat_mention: direct: "%{username} mentioned you in personal chat" other_type: "%{username} mentioned %{identifier} in personal chat" new_chat_message: '%{username} sent a message in "%{channel}"' new_direct_chat_message: "%{username} sent a message in personal chat" discourse_automation: scriptables: send_chat_message: title: Send chat message reviewable_score_types: needs_review: title: "Needs Review" notify_user: chat_pm_title: 'Your chat message in "%{channel_name}"' chat_pm_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}" notify_moderators: chat_pm_title: 'A chat message in "%{channel_name}" requires staff attention' chat_pm_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}" reviewables: reasons: chat_message_queued_by_staff: "A staff member thinks this chat message needs review." user_notifications: chat_summary: deleted_user: "Deleted user" description: one: "You have a new chat message" other: "You have new chat messages" from: "%{site_name}" subject: direct_message_from_1: "[%{email_prefix}] New message from %{username}" direct_message_from_2: "[%{email_prefix}] New message from %{username1} and %{username2}" direct_message_from_more: one: "[%{email_prefix}] New message from %{username} and %{count} other" other: "[%{email_prefix}] New message from %{username} and %{count} others" chat_channel_1: "[%{email_prefix}] New message in %{channel}" chat_channel_2: "[%{email_prefix}] New message in %{channel1} and %{channel2}" chat_channel_more: one: "[%{email_prefix}] New message in %{channel} and %{count} other" other: "[%{email_prefix}] New message in %{channel} and %{count} others" chat_channel_and_direct_message: "[%{email_prefix}] New message in %{channel} and from %{username}" unsubscribe: "This chat summary is sent from %{site_link} when you are away. Change your %{email_preferences_link}, or %{unsubscribe_link} to unsubscribe." unsubscribe_no_link: "This chat summary is sent from %{site_link} when you are away. Change your %{email_preferences_link}." view_messages: one: "View message" other: "View %{count} messages" view_more: one: "View %{count} more message" other: "View %{count} more messages" your_chat_settings: "chat email frequency preference" unsubscribe: chat_summary: select_title: "Set chat summary emails frequency to:" never: Never when_away: Only when away category: cannot_delete: has_chat_channels: "Can't delete this category because it has chat channels."