# frozen_string_literal: true require_dependency "rake_helpers" ## # This will create records in the new bookmarks table from PostAction # records. The task is idempotent, it will not create additional bookmark # records for PostActions that have already been created in the new table. # You can provide a sync_limit for a smaller batch run. # desc "migrates old PostAction bookmarks to the new Bookmark model & table" task "bookmarks:sync_to_table" => :environment do |_t, args| bookmarks_to_create = [] loop do # post action type id 1 is :bookmark. we do not need to OFFSET here for # paging because the WHERE bookmarks.id IS NULL clause handles this effectively, # because we do not get bookmarks back that have already been inserted post_action_bookmarks = DB.query( <<~SQL, type_id: 1 SELECT post_actions.id, post_actions.post_id, posts.topic_id, post_actions.user_id FROM post_actions INNER JOIN posts ON posts.id = post_actions.post_id LEFT JOIN bookmarks ON bookmarks.post_id = post_actions.post_id AND bookmarks.user_id = post_actions.user_id INNER JOIN topics ON topics.id = posts.topic_id INNER JOIN users ON users.id = post_actions.user_id WHERE bookmarks.id IS NULL AND post_action_type_id = :type_id AND post_actions.deleted_at IS NULL AND posts.deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT 2000 SQL ) break if post_action_bookmarks.count.zero? post_action_bookmarks.each do |pab| now = Time.zone.now bookmarks_to_create << "(#{pab.topic_id}, #{pab.post_id}, #{pab.user_id}, '#{now}', '#{now}')" end create_bookmarks(bookmarks_to_create) bookmarks_to_create = [] end # loop puts "Bookmark creation complete!" end def create_bookmarks(bookmarks_to_create) return if bookmarks_to_create.empty? # this will ignore conflicts in the bookmarks table so # if the user already has a post bookmarked in the new way, # then we don't error and keep on truckin' # # we shouldn't have duplicates here at any rate because of # the above LEFT JOIN but best to be safe knowing this # won't blow up # DB.exec( <<~SQL INSERT INTO bookmarks (topic_id, post_id, user_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES #{bookmarks_to_create.join(",\n")} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL ) end