# frozen_string_literal: true require "rails_helper" describe Chat::ChatMessageCreator do fab!(:admin1) { Fabricate(:admin) } fab!(:admin2) { Fabricate(:admin) } fab!(:user1) { Fabricate(:user, group_ids: [Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:everyone]]) } fab!(:user2) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:user3) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:user4) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:admin_group) do Fabricate( :public_group, users: [admin1, admin2], mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone], ) end fab!(:user_group) do Fabricate( :public_group, users: [user1, user2, user3], mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone], ) end fab!(:user_without_memberships) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:public_chat_channel) { Fabricate(:category_channel) } fab!(:dm_chat_channel) do Fabricate( :direct_message_channel, chatable: Fabricate(:direct_message, users: [user1, user2, user3]), ) end let(:direct_message_channel) do Chat::DirectMessageChannelCreator.create!(acting_user: user1, target_users: [user1, user2]) end before do SiteSetting.chat_enabled = true SiteSetting.chat_allowed_groups = Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:everyone] SiteSetting.chat_duplicate_message_sensitivity = 0 # Create channel memberships [admin1, admin2, user1, user2, user3].each do |user| Fabricate(:user_chat_channel_membership, chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user) end Group.refresh_automatic_groups! direct_message_channel end describe "Integration tests with jobs running immediately" do before { Jobs.run_immediately! } it "errors when length is less than `chat_minimum_message_length`" do SiteSetting.chat_minimum_message_length = 10 creator = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "2 short", ) expect(creator.failed?).to eq(true) expect(creator.error.message).to match( I18n.t( "chat.errors.minimum_length_not_met", { count: SiteSetting.chat_minimum_message_length }, ), ) end it "errors when length is greater than `chat_maximum_message_length`" do SiteSetting.chat_maximum_message_length = 100 creator = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "a really long and in depth message that is just too detailed" * 100, ) expect(creator.failed?).to eq(true) expect(creator.error.message).to match( I18n.t("chat.errors.message_too_long", { count: SiteSetting.chat_maximum_message_length }), ) end it "allows message creation when length is less than `chat_minimum_message_length` when upload is present" do upload = Fabricate(:upload, user: user1) SiteSetting.chat_minimum_message_length = 10 expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "2 short", upload_ids: [upload.id], ) }.to change { ChatMessage.count }.by(1) end it "creates messages for users who can see the channel" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", ) }.to change { ChatMessage.count }.by(1) end it "updates the channel’s last message date" do previous_last_message_sent_at = public_chat_channel.last_message_sent_at Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", ) expect(previous_last_message_sent_at).to be < public_chat_channel.reload.last_message_sent_at end it "sets the last_editor_id to the user who created the message" do message = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", ).chat_message expect(message.last_editor_id).to eq(user1.id) end it "publishes a DiscourseEvent for new messages" do events = DiscourseEvent.track_events do Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", ) end expect(events.map { _1[:event_name] }).to include(:chat_message_created) end it "creates mention notifications for public chat" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a @#{user1.username} message with @system @mentions @#{user2.username} and @#{user3.username}", ) # Only 2 mentions are created because user mentioned themselves, system, and an invalid username. }.to change { ChatMention.count }.by(2).and not_change { user1.chat_mentions.count } end it "mentions are case insensitive" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "Hey @#{user2.username.upcase}", ) }.to change { user2.chat_mentions.count }.by(1) end it "notifies @all properly" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "@all", ) }.to change { ChatMention.count }.by(4) UserChatChannelMembership.where(user: user2, chat_channel: public_chat_channel).update_all( following: false, ) expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "again! @all", ) }.to change { ChatMention.count }.by(3) end it "notifies @here properly" do admin1.update(last_seen_at: 1.year.ago) admin2.update(last_seen_at: 1.year.ago) user1.update(last_seen_at: Time.now) user2.update(last_seen_at: Time.now) user3.update(last_seen_at: Time.now) expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "@here", ) }.to change { ChatMention.count }.by(2) end it "doesn't sent double notifications when '@here' is mentioned" do user2.update(last_seen_at: Time.now) expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "@here @#{user2.username}", ) }.to change { user2.chat_mentions.count }.by(1) end it "notifies @here plus other mentions" do admin1.update(last_seen_at: Time.now) admin2.update(last_seen_at: 1.year.ago) user1.update(last_seen_at: 1.year.ago) user2.update(last_seen_at: 1.year.ago) user3.update(last_seen_at: 1.year.ago) expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "@here plus @#{user3.username}", ) }.to change { user3.chat_mentions.count }.by(1) end it "doesn't create mention notifications for users without a membership record" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "hello @#{user_without_memberships.username}", ) }.not_to change { ChatMention.count } end it "doesn't create mention notifications for users who cannot chat" do new_group = Group.create SiteSetting.chat_allowed_groups = new_group.id expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "hi @#{user2.username} @#{user3.username}", ) }.not_to change { ChatMention.count } end it "doesn't create mention notifications for users with chat disabled" do user2.user_option.update(chat_enabled: false) expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "hi @#{user2.username}", ) }.not_to change { ChatMention.count } end it "creates only mention notifications for users with access in private chat" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: direct_message_channel, user: user1, content: "hello there @#{user2.username} and @#{user3.username}", ) # Only user2 should be notified }.to change { user2.chat_mentions.count }.by(1).and not_change { user3.chat_mentions.count } end it "creates a mention notifications for group users that are participating in private chat" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: direct_message_channel, user: user1, content: "hello there @#{user_group.name}", ) # Only user2 should be notified }.to change { user2.chat_mentions.count }.by(1).and not_change { user3.chat_mentions.count } end it "publishes inaccessible mentions when user isn't aren't a part of the channel" do ChatPublisher.expects(:publish_inaccessible_mentions).once Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: admin1, content: "hello @#{user4.username}", ) end it "publishes inaccessible mentions when user doesn't have chat access" do SiteSetting.chat_allowed_groups = Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:staff] ChatPublisher.expects(:publish_inaccessible_mentions).once Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: admin1, content: "hello @#{user3.username}", ) end it "doesn't publish inaccessible mentions when user is following channel" do ChatPublisher.expects(:publish_inaccessible_mentions).never Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: admin1, content: "hello @#{admin2.username}", ) end it "does not create mentions for suspended users" do user2.update(suspended_till: Time.now + 10.years) expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: direct_message_channel, user: user1, content: "hello @#{user2.username}", ) }.not_to change { user2.chat_mentions.count } end it "does not create @all mentions for users when ignore_channel_wide_mention is enabled" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "@all", ) }.to change { ChatMention.count }.by(4) user2.user_option.update(ignore_channel_wide_mention: true) expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "hi! @all", ) }.to change { ChatMention.count }.by(3) end it "does not create @here mentions for users when ignore_channel_wide_mention is enabled" do admin1.update(last_seen_at: 1.year.ago) admin2.update(last_seen_at: 1.year.ago) user1.update(last_seen_at: Time.now) user2.update(last_seen_at: Time.now) user2.user_option.update(ignore_channel_wide_mention: true) user3.update(last_seen_at: Time.now) expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "@here", ) }.to change { ChatMention.count }.by(1) end describe "replies" do fab!(:reply_message) do Fabricate(:chat_message, chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user2) end fab!(:unrelated_message_1) { Fabricate(:chat_message, chat_channel: public_chat_channel) } fab!(:unrelated_message_2) { Fabricate(:chat_message, chat_channel: public_chat_channel) } it "links the message that the user is replying to" do message = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: reply_message.id, ).chat_message expect(message.in_reply_to_id).to eq(reply_message.id) end it "creates a thread and includes the original message and the reply" do message = nil expect { message = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: reply_message.id, ).chat_message }.to change { ChatThread.count }.by(1) expect(message.reload.thread).not_to eq(nil) expect(message.in_reply_to.thread).to eq(message.thread) expect(message.thread.original_message).to eq(reply_message) expect(message.thread.original_message_user).to eq(reply_message.user) end context "when the thread_id is provided" do fab!(:existing_thread) { Fabricate(:chat_thread, channel: public_chat_channel) } it "does not create a thread when one is passed in" do message = nil expect { message = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", thread_id: existing_thread.id, ).chat_message }.not_to change { ChatThread.count } expect(message.reload.thread).to eq(existing_thread) end it "errors when the thread ID is for a different channel" do other_channel_thread = Fabricate(:chat_thread, channel: Fabricate(:chat_channel)) result = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", thread_id: other_channel_thread.id, ) expect(result.error.message).to eq(I18n.t("chat.errors.thread_invalid_for_channel")) end it "errors when the thread does not match the in_reply_to thread" do reply_message.update!(thread: existing_thread) result = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: reply_message.id, thread_id: Fabricate(:chat_thread, channel: public_chat_channel).id, ) expect(result.error.message).to eq(I18n.t("chat.errors.thread_does_not_match_parent")) end it "errors when the root message does not have a thread ID" do reply_message.update!(thread: nil) result = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: reply_message.id, thread_id: existing_thread.id, ) expect(result.error.message).to eq(I18n.t("chat.errors.thread_does_not_match_parent")) end end context "for missing root messages" do fab!(:original_message) do Fabricate( :chat_message, chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user2, created_at: 1.day.ago, ) end before { reply_message.update!(in_reply_to: original_message) } it "raises an error when the root message has been trashed" do original_message.trash! result = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: reply_message.id, ) expect(result.error.message).to eq(I18n.t("chat.errors.original_message_not_found")) end it "uses the next message in the chain as the root when the root is deleted" do original_message.destroy! Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: reply_message.id, ) expect(reply_message.reload.thread).not_to eq(nil) end end context "when there is an existing reply chain" do fab!(:old_message_1) do Fabricate( :chat_message, chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, created_at: 6.hours.ago, ) end fab!(:old_message_2) do Fabricate( :chat_message, chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user2, in_reply_to: old_message_1, created_at: 4.hours.ago, ) end fab!(:old_message_3) do Fabricate( :chat_message, chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, in_reply_to: old_message_2, created_at: 1.hour.ago, ) end before do reply_message.update!( created_at: old_message_3.created_at + 1.hour, in_reply_to: old_message_3, ) end it "creates a thread and updates all the messages in the chain" do thread_count = ChatThread.count message = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: reply_message.id, ).chat_message expect(ChatThread.count).to eq(thread_count + 1) expect(message.reload.thread).not_to eq(nil) expect(message.reload.in_reply_to.thread).to eq(message.thread) expect(old_message_1.reload.thread).to eq(message.thread) expect(old_message_2.reload.thread).to eq(message.thread) expect(old_message_3.reload.thread).to eq(message.thread) expect(message.thread.chat_messages.count).to eq(5) message = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: reply_message.id, ).chat_message end context "when a thread already exists and the thread_id is passed in" do let!(:last_message) do Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: reply_message.id, ).chat_message end let!(:existing_thread) { last_message.reload.thread } it "does not create a new thread" do thread_count = ChatThread.count message = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message again", in_reply_to_id: last_message.id, thread_id: existing_thread.id, ).chat_message expect(ChatThread.count).to eq(thread_count) expect(message.reload.thread).to eq(existing_thread) expect(message.reload.in_reply_to.thread).to eq(existing_thread) expect(message.thread.chat_messages.count).to eq(6) end it "errors when the thread does not match the root thread" do old_message_1.update!(thread: Fabricate(:chat_thread, channel: public_chat_channel)) result = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: reply_message.id, thread_id: existing_thread.id, ) expect(result.error.message).to eq(I18n.t("chat.errors.thread_does_not_match_parent")) end it "errors when the root message does not have a thread ID" do old_message_1.update!(thread: nil) result = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: reply_message.id, thread_id: existing_thread.id, ) expect(result.error.message).to eq(I18n.t("chat.errors.thread_does_not_match_parent")) end end context "when there are hundreds of messages in a reply chain already" do before do previous_message = nil 1000.times do |i| previous_message = Fabricate( :chat_message, chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: [user1, user2].sample, in_reply_to: previous_message, created_at: i.hours.ago, ) end @last_message_in_chain = previous_message end xit "works" do thread_count = ChatThread.count message = nil puts Benchmark.measure { message = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: @last_message_in_chain.id, ).chat_message } expect(ChatThread.count).to eq(thread_count + 1) expect(message.reload.thread).not_to eq(nil) expect(message.reload.in_reply_to.thread).to eq(message.thread) expect(message.thread.chat_messages.count).to eq(1001) end end context "if the root message alread had a thread" do fab!(:old_thread) { Fabricate(:chat_thread, original_message: old_message_1) } fab!(:incorrect_thread) { Fabricate(:chat_thread, channel: public_chat_channel) } before do old_message_1.update!(thread: old_thread) old_message_3.update!(thread: incorrect_thread) end it "does not change any messages in the chain, assumes they have the correct thread ID" do thread_count = ChatThread.count message = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "this is a message", in_reply_to_id: reply_message.id, ).chat_message expect(ChatThread.count).to eq(thread_count) expect(message.reload.thread).to eq(old_thread) expect(message.reload.in_reply_to.thread).to eq(old_thread) expect(old_message_1.reload.thread).to eq(old_thread) expect(old_message_2.reload.thread).to eq(old_thread) expect(old_message_3.reload.thread).to eq(incorrect_thread) expect(message.thread.chat_messages.count).to eq(4) end end end end describe "group mentions" do it "creates chat mentions for group mentions where the group is mentionable" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "hello @#{admin_group.name}", ) }.to change { admin1.chat_mentions.count }.by(1).and change { admin2.chat_mentions.count }.by(1) end it "doesn't mention users twice if they are direct mentioned and group mentioned" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "hello @#{admin_group.name} @#{admin1.username} and @#{admin2.username}", ) }.to change { admin1.chat_mentions.count }.by(1).and change { admin2.chat_mentions.count }.by(1) end it "creates chat mentions for group mentions and direct mentions" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "hello @#{admin_group.name} @#{user2.username}", ) }.to change { admin1.chat_mentions.count }.by(1).and change { admin2.chat_mentions.count }.by(1).and change { user2.chat_mentions.count }.by(1) end it "creates chat mentions for group mentions and direct mentions" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "hello @#{admin_group.name} @#{user_group.name}", ) }.to change { admin1.chat_mentions.count }.by(1).and change { admin2.chat_mentions.count }.by(1).and change { user2.chat_mentions.count }.by(1).and change { user3.chat_mentions.count }.by(1) end it "doesn't create chat mentions for group mentions where the group is un-mentionable" do admin_group.update(mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:nobody]) expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "hello @#{admin_group.name}", ) }.not_to change { ChatMention.count } end end describe "push notifications" do before do UserChatChannelMembership.where(user: user1, chat_channel: public_chat_channel).update( mobile_notification_level: UserChatChannelMembership::NOTIFICATION_LEVELS[:always], ) PresenceChannel.clear_all! end it "sends a push notification to watching users who are not in chat" do PostAlerter.expects(:push_notification).once Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user2, content: "Beep boop", ) end it "does not send a push notification to watching users who are in chat" do PresenceChannel.new("/chat/online").present(user_id: user1.id, client_id: 1) PostAlerter.expects(:push_notification).never Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user2, content: "Beep boop", ) end end describe "with uploads" do fab!(:upload1) { Fabricate(:upload, user: user1) } fab!(:upload2) { Fabricate(:upload, user: user1) } fab!(:private_upload) { Fabricate(:upload, user: user2) } it "can attach 1 upload to a new message" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "Beep boop", upload_ids: [upload1.id], ) }.to not_change { chat_upload_count([upload1]) }.and change { UploadReference.where(upload_id: upload1.id).count }.by(1) end it "can attach multiple uploads to a new message" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "Beep boop", upload_ids: [upload1.id, upload2.id], ) }.to not_change { chat_upload_count([upload1, upload2]) }.and change { UploadReference.where(upload_id: [upload1.id, upload2.id]).count }.by(2) end it "filters out uploads that weren't uploaded by the user" do expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "Beep boop", upload_ids: [private_upload.id], ) }.not_to change { chat_upload_count([private_upload]) } end it "doesn't attach uploads when `chat_allow_uploads` is false" do SiteSetting.chat_allow_uploads = false expect { Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "Beep boop", upload_ids: [upload1.id], ) }.to not_change { chat_upload_count([upload1]) }.and not_change { UploadReference.where(upload_id: upload1.id).count } end end end it "destroys draft after message was created" do ChatDraft.create!(user: user1, chat_channel: public_chat_channel, data: "{}") expect do Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "Hi @#{user2.username}", ) end.to change { ChatDraft.count }.by(-1) end describe "watched words" do fab!(:watched_word) { Fabricate(:watched_word) } it "errors when a blocked word is present" do creator = Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user1, content: "bad word - #{watched_word.word}", ) expect(creator.failed?).to eq(true) expect(creator.error.message).to match( I18n.t("contains_blocked_word", { word: watched_word.word }), ) end end describe "channel statuses" do def create_message(user) Chat::ChatMessageCreator.create( chat_channel: public_chat_channel, user: user, content: "test message", ) end context "when channel is closed" do before { public_chat_channel.update(status: :closed) } it "errors when trying to create the message for non-staff" do creator = create_message(user1) expect(creator.failed?).to eq(true) expect(creator.error.message).to eq( I18n.t("chat.errors.channel_new_message_disallowed.closed"), ) end it "does not error when trying to create a message for staff" do expect { create_message(admin1) }.to change { ChatMessage.count }.by(1) end end context "when channel is read_only" do before { public_chat_channel.update(status: :read_only) } it "errors when trying to create the message for all users" do creator = create_message(user1) expect(creator.failed?).to eq(true) expect(creator.error.message).to eq( I18n.t("chat.errors.channel_new_message_disallowed.read_only"), ) creator = create_message(admin1) expect(creator.failed?).to eq(true) expect(creator.error.message).to eq( I18n.t("chat.errors.channel_new_message_disallowed.read_only"), ) end end context "when channel is archived" do before { public_chat_channel.update(status: :archived) } it "errors when trying to create the message for all users" do creator = create_message(user1) expect(creator.failed?).to eq(true) expect(creator.error.message).to eq( I18n.t("chat.errors.channel_new_message_disallowed.archived"), ) creator = create_message(admin1) expect(creator.failed?).to eq(true) expect(creator.error.message).to eq( I18n.t("chat.errors.channel_new_message_disallowed.archived"), ) end end end # TODO (martin) Remove this when we remove ChatUpload completely, 2023-04-01 def chat_upload_count(uploads) DB.query_single( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chat_uploads WHERE upload_id IN (#{uploads.map(&:id).join(",")})", ).first end end