# frozen_string_literal: true GEOLITE_DBS ||= %w[GeoLite2-City GeoLite2-ASN] desc "downloads MaxMind's GeoLite2-City databases" task "maxminddb:get" => "environment" do GEOLITE_DBS.each do |name| puts "Downloading MaxMindDb's #{name}..." DiscourseIpInfo.mmdb_download(name) end end def get_mmdb_time(root_path) mmdb_time = nil GEOLITE_DBS.each do |name| path = File.join(root_path, "#{name}.mmdb") if File.exist?(path) mmdb_time = File.mtime(path) else mmdb_time = nil break end end mmdb_time end def copy_maxmind(from_path, to_path) puts "Copying MaxMindDB from #{from_path} to #{to_path}" GEOLITE_DBS.each do |name| from = File.join(from_path, "#{name}.mmdb") to = File.join(to_path, "#{name}.mmdb") FileUtils.cp(from, to, preserve: true) end end maxmind_thread = nil task "maxminddb:refresh": "environment" do refresh_days = GlobalSetting.refresh_maxmind_db_during_precompile_days next if refresh_days.to_i <= 0 mmdb_time = get_mmdb_time(DiscourseIpInfo.path) if GlobalSetting.maxmind_backup_path.present? backup_mmdb_time = get_mmdb_time(GlobalSetting.maxmind_backup_path) mmdb_time ||= backup_mmdb_time end if backup_mmdb_time && backup_mmdb_time >= mmdb_time copy_maxmind(GlobalSetting.maxmind_backup_path, DiscourseIpInfo.path) mmdb_time = backup_mmdb_time end next if mmdb_time && mmdb_time >= refresh_days.days.ago puts "Downloading MaxMindDB..." maxmind_thread = Thread.new do name = "unknown" begin GEOLITE_DBS.each do |db| name = db DiscourseIpInfo.mmdb_download(db) end if GlobalSetting.maxmind_backup_path.present? copy_maxmind(DiscourseIpInfo.path, GlobalSetting.maxmind_backup_path) end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => e STDERR.puts("*" * 100) STDERR.puts("MaxMindDB (#{name}) could not be downloaded: #{e}") STDERR.puts("*" * 100) Rails.logger.warn("MaxMindDB (#{name}) could not be downloaded: #{e}") end end at_exit { maxmind_thread.join } end