# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ sl: js: admin: site_settings: chat_separate_sidebar_mode: always: "Vedno" never: "Nikoli" chat: create: "Ustvari" cancel: "Prekliči" channel_settings: edit: "Uredi" add: "Dodaj" join: "Pridruži se" leave: "Zapusti" close: "Zapri" delete: "Izbriši" edited: "urejen" muted: "utišani" joined: "pridružen" email_frequency: never: "Nikoli" header_indicator_preference: never: "Nikoli" flag: "Prijavi" join: "Pridruži se" last_visit: "zadnji obisk" mention_warning: dismiss: "opusti" reply: "Odgovori" edit: "Uredi" rebake_message: "Obnovi HTML" bookmark_message: "Zaznamek" save: "Shrani" sounds: none: "Brez" exit: "nazaj" channel_status: closed: "Zaprto" open: "Odpri" browse: back: "Nazaj" filter_all: Vse filter_closed: Zaprto chat_message_separator: today: Danes yesterday: Včeraj about_view: title: Naziv name: Ime description: Opis channel_info: back_to_channel: "Nazaj" tabs: about: O nas members: Člani settings: Nastavitve direct_message_creator: title: Novo zasebno sporočilo prefix: "Do:" create_channel: type: "Tip" types: category: "Kategorija" topic: "Tema" composer: italic_text: "poudarjeno" bold_text: "krepko" notification_levels: never: "Nikoli" settings: follow: "Pridruži se" followed: "Pridružen" threading_enabled: "Vključeno" threading_disabled: "Onemogočeno" notifications: "Obvestila" preview: "Predogled" save: "Shrani" saved: "Shranjeno" unfollow: "Zapusti" admin_title: "Admin" incoming_webhooks: back: "Nazaj" description: "Opis" delete: "Izbriši" emoji: "Emoji" name: "Ime" save: "Shrani" edit: "Uredi" system: "sistem" url: "URL" username: "Uporabniško ime" selection: cancel: "Prekliči" copy: "Kopiraj" new_topic: title: "Prestavi v novo temo" existing_topic: title: "Prestavi v obstoječo temo" new_message: title: "Prestavi v novo ZS" emoji_picker: objects: "Stvari" activities: "Dejavnosti" flags: "Zastave" symbols: "Simboli" thread: title: "Naziv" replies: one: "%{count} odgovor" two: "%{count} odgovora" few: "%{count} odgovori" other: "%{count} odgovorov" settings: "Nastavitve" last_reply: "zadnji odgovor" notifications: regular: title: "Običajna" tracking: title: "Sledim" participants_other_count: one: "+%{count}" two: "+%{count}" few: "+%{count}" other: "+%{count}" draft_channel_screen: header: "Novo zasebno sporočilo" cancel: "Prekliči" notifications: chat_quoted: "%{username} %{description}" discourse_automation: scriptables: send_chat_message: fields: message: label: Opozorilo