import componentTest from 'helpers/component-test'; moduleForComponent('select-box', { integration: true }); componentTest('updating the content refreshes the list', { template: '{{select-box value=1 content=content}}', beforeEach() { this.set("content", [{ id: 1, text: "robin" }]); }, test(assert) { click(".select-box-header"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(find(".select-box-row .text").html().trim(), "robin"); this.set("content", [{ id: 1, text: "regis" }]); assert.equal(find(".select-box-row .text").html().trim(), "regis"); }); } }); componentTest('accepts a value by reference', { template: '{{select-box value=value content=content}}', beforeEach() { this.set("value", 1); this.set("content", [{ id: 1, text: "robin" }, { id: 2, text: "regis" }]); }, test(assert) { click(".select-box-header"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.$(" .text").html().trim(), "robin", "it highlights the row corresponding to the value" ); }); click(".select-box-row[title='robin']"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), 1, "it mutates the value"); }); } }); componentTest('select-box can be filtered', { template: '{{select-box filterable=true value=1 content=content}}', beforeEach() { this.set("content", [{ id: 1, text: "robin"}, { id: 2, text: "regis" }]); }, test(assert) { click(".select-box-header"); andThen(() => assert.equal(find(".filter-query").length, 1, "it has a search input")); fillIn(".filter-query", "regis"); triggerEvent('.filter-query', 'keyup'); andThen(() => assert.equal(find(".select-box-row").length, 1, "it filters results")); fillIn(".filter-query", ""); triggerEvent('.filter-query', 'keyup'); andThen(() => { assert.equal( find(".select-box-row").length, 2, "it returns to original content when filter is empty" ); }); } }); componentTest('no default icon', { template: '{{select-box}}', test(assert) { assert.equal(this.$(".select-box-header .icon").length, 0, "it doesn’t have an icon if not specified"); } }); componentTest('customisable icon', { template: '{{select-box icon="shower"}}', test(assert) { assert.equal(this.$(".select-box-header .icon").html().trim(), "", "it has a the correct icon"); } }); componentTest('default search icon', { template: '{{select-box filterable=true}}', test(assert) { click(".select-box-header"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(find(".select-box-filter .filter-icon").html().trim(), "", "it has a the correct icon"); }); } }); componentTest('with no search icon', { template: '{{select-box filterable=true searchIcon=null}}', test(assert) { click(".select-box-header"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(find(".search-icon").length, 0, "it has no icon"); }); } }); componentTest('custom search icon', { template: '{{select-box filterable=true filterIcon="shower"}}', test(assert) { click(".select-box-header"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(find(".select-box-filter .filter-icon").html().trim(), "", "it has a the correct icon"); }); } }); componentTest('not filterable by default', { template: '{{select-box}}', test(assert) { click(".select-box-header"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(find(".select-box-filter").length, 0); }); } }); componentTest('select-box is expandable', { template: '{{select-box}}', test(assert) { click(".select-box-header"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$(".select-box").hasClass("is-expanded"), true); }); click(".select-box-header"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$(".select-box").hasClass("is-expanded"), false); }); } }); componentTest('accepts custom id/text keys', { template: '{{select-box value=value content=content idKey="identifier" textKey="name"}}', beforeEach() { this.set("value", 1); this.set("content", [{ identifier: 1, name: "robin" }]); }, test(assert) { click(this.$(".select-box-header")); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$(" .text").html().trim(), "robin"); }); } }); componentTest('doesn’t render collection content before first expand', { template: '{{select-box value=1 content=content idKey="identifier" textKey="name"}}', beforeEach() { this.set("content", [{ identifier: 1, name: "robin" }]); }, test(assert) { assert.equal(this.$(".select-box-body .collection").length, 0); click(this.$(".select-box-header")); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$(".select-box-body .collection").length, 1); }); } }); componentTest('persists filter state when expandind/collapsing', { template: '{{select-box value=1 content=content filterable=true}}', beforeEach() { this.set("content", [{id:1, text:"robin"}, {id:2, text:"régis"}]); }, test(assert) { click(this.$(".select-box-header")); fillIn('.filter-query', 'rob'); triggerEvent('.filter-query', 'keyup'); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$(".select-box-row").length, 1); }); click(this.$(".select-box-header")); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$().hasClass("is-expanded"), false); }); click(this.$(".select-box-header")); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$(".select-box-row").length, 1); }); } }); componentTest('supports options to limit size', { template: '{{select-box maxWidth=100 maxCollectionHeight=20 content=content}}', beforeEach() { this.set("content", [{ id: 1, text: "robin" }]); }, test(assert) { assert.equal(this.$(".select-box-header").outerWidth(), 100, "it limits the width"); click(this.$(".select-box-header")); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$(".select-box-body").height(), 20, "it limits the height"); }); } });