import { click, visit } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import { skip } from "qunit"; import { acceptance, exists, visible, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; acceptance("Discourse Chat - Chat live pane collapse", function (needs) { needs.user({ username: "eviltrout", id: 1, can_chat: true, has_chat_enabled: true, }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true, }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { server.get("/chat/:chatChannelId/messages.json", () => helper.response({ meta: { can_chat: true, user_silenced: false, }, chat_messages: [ { id: 1, message: "", cooked: '<div class="youtube-onebox lazy-video-container" data-video-id="aOWkVdU4NH0" data-video-title="Picnic with my cat (shaved ice & lemonade)" data-provider-name="youtube"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener"> <img class="youtube-thumbnail" src="" title="Picnic with my cat (shaved ice & lemonade)"> </a> </div>', excerpt: '<a href="">[Picnic with my cat (shaved ice & lemonade…</a>', created_at: "2021-07-20T08:14:16.950Z", flag_count: 0, user: { avatar_template: "/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/t/a9a28c/{size}.png", id: 1, name: "Tomtom", username: "tomtom", }, }, { id: 2, message: "", cooked: "", excerpt: "", uploads: [ { id: 4, url: "/images/avatar.png", original_filename: "tomtom.jpeg", filesize: 93815, width: 480, height: 640, thumbnail_width: 375, thumbnail_height: 500, extension: "jpeg", retain_hours: null, human_filesize: "91.6 KB", }, ], user: { avatar_template: "/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/t/a9a28c/{size}.png", id: 1, name: "Tomtom", username: "tomtom", }, }, ], }) ); server.get("/chat/chat_channels.json", () => helper.response({ public_channels: [], direct_message_channels: [], message_bus_last_ids: { channel_metadata: 0, channel_edits: 0, channel_status: 0, new_channel: 0, user_tracking_state: 0, }, }) ); server.get("/chat/chat_channels/:chatChannelId", () => helper.response({ id: 1, title: "something" }) );"/uploads/lookup-urls", () => helper.response([ 200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, [ { url: "/images/avatar.png", }, ], ]) ); }); skip("can collapse and expand videos in chat", async function (assert) { const videoContainer = ".chat-message-container[data-id='1'] .lazy-video-container"; const expandImage = ".chat-message-container[data-id='1'] .chat-message-collapser-closed"; const collapseImage = ".chat-message-container[data-id='1'] .chat-message-collapser-opened"; await visit("/chat/c/cat/1"); assert.ok(visible(videoContainer)); assert.ok(visible(collapseImage), "the open arrow is shown"); assert.notOk(exists(expandImage), "the close arrow is hidden"); await click(collapseImage); assert.notOk(visible(videoContainer)); assert.ok(visible(expandImage), "the close arrow is shown"); assert.notOk(exists(collapseImage), "the open arrow is hidden"); await click(expandImage); assert.ok(visible(videoContainer)); assert.ok(visible(collapseImage), "the open arrow is shown again"); assert.notOk(exists(expandImage), "the close arrow is hidden again"); }); skip("lightbox shows up before and after expand and collapse", async function (assert) { const lightboxImage = ".mfp-img"; const image = ".chat-message-container[data-id='2'] .chat-img-upload"; const expandImage = ".chat-message-container[data-id='2'] .chat-message-collapser-closed"; const collapseImage = ".chat-message-container[data-id='2'] .chat-message-collapser-opened"; await visit("/chat/c/cat/1"); await click(image); assert.ok( exists(document.querySelector(lightboxImage)), "can see lightbox" ); await click(document.querySelector(".mfp-container")); await click(collapseImage); await click(expandImage); await click(image); assert.ok( exists(document.querySelector(lightboxImage)), "can see lightbox after collapse expand" ); await click(document.querySelector(".mfp-container")); }); });