#mixin for all guardian methods dealing with topic permisions module TopicGuardian def can_remove_allowed_users?(topic) is_staff? end # Creating Methods def can_create_topic?(parent) is_staff? || (user && user.trust_level >= SiteSetting.min_trust_to_create_topic.to_i && can_create_post?(parent)) end def can_create_topic_on_category?(category) can_create_topic?(nil) && (!category || Category.topic_create_allowed(self).where(id: category.id).count == 1) end def can_create_post_on_topic?(topic) # No users can create posts on deleted topics return false if topic.trashed? is_staff? || (authenticated? && user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[4])) || (not(topic.closed? || topic.archived? || topic.trashed?) && can_create_post?(topic)) end # Editing Method def can_edit_topic?(topic) return false if Discourse.static_doc_topic_ids.include?(topic.id) && !is_admin? return false unless can_see?(topic) return true if is_staff? # TL4 users can edit archived topics, but can not edit private messages return true if (topic.archived && !topic.private_message? && user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[4]) && can_create_post?(topic)) # TL3 users can not edit archived topics and private messages return true if (!topic.archived && !topic.private_message? && user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[3]) && can_create_post?(topic)) return false if topic.archived is_my_own?(topic) && !topic.edit_time_limit_expired? end # Recovery Method def can_recover_topic?(topic) is_staff? end def can_delete_topic?(topic) !topic.trashed? && is_staff? && !(Category.exists?(topic_id: topic.id)) && !Discourse.static_doc_topic_ids.include?(topic.id) end def can_reply_as_new_topic?(topic) authenticated? && topic && not(topic.private_message?) && @user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[1]) end def can_see_deleted_topics? is_staff? end def can_see_topic?(topic) return false unless topic # Admins can see everything return true if is_admin? # Deleted topics return false if topic.deleted_at && !can_see_deleted_topics? if topic.private_message? return authenticated? && topic.all_allowed_users.where(id: @user.id).exists? end # not secure, or I can see it !topic.read_restricted_category? || can_see_category?(topic.category) end def can_see_topic_if_not_deleted?(topic) return false unless topic # Admins can see everything return true if is_admin? # Deleted topics # return false if topic.deleted_at && !can_see_deleted_topics? if topic.private_message? return authenticated? && topic.all_allowed_users.where(id: @user.id).exists? end # not secure, or I can see it !topic.read_restricted_category? || can_see_category?(topic.category) end def filter_allowed_categories(records) unless is_admin? allowed_ids = allowed_category_ids if allowed_ids.length > 0 records = records.where('topics.category_id IS NULL or topics.category_id IN (?)', allowed_ids) else records = records.where('topics.category_id IS NULL') end records = records.references(:categories) end records end end