# frozen_string_literal: true class UserStat < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user after_save :trigger_badges # TODO(2021-05-13): Remove self.ignored_columns = ["topic_reply_count"] def self.ensure_consistency!(last_seen = 1.hour.ago) reset_bounce_scores update_distinct_badge_count update_view_counts(last_seen) update_first_unread(last_seen) update_first_unread_pm(last_seen) end UPDATE_UNREAD_MINUTES_AGO = 10 UPDATE_UNREAD_USERS_LIMIT = 10_000 def self.update_first_unread_pm(last_seen, limit: UPDATE_UNREAD_USERS_LIMIT) DB.exec(<<~SQL, archetype: Archetype.private_message, now: UPDATE_UNREAD_MINUTES_AGO.minutes.ago, last_seen: last_seen, limit: limit) UPDATE user_stats us SET first_unread_pm_at = COALESCE(Z.min_date, :now) FROM ( SELECT Y.user_id, Y.min_date FROM ( SELECT u1.id user_id, X.min_date FROM users u1 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT tau.user_id, MIN(t.updated_at) min_date FROM topic_allowed_users tau INNER JOIN topics t ON t.id = tau.topic_id INNER JOIN users u ON u.id = tau.user_id LEFT JOIN topic_users tu ON t.id = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = tau.user_id WHERE t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.archetype = :archetype AND tu.last_read_post_number < CASE WHEN u.admin OR u.moderator THEN t.highest_staff_post_number ELSE t.highest_post_number END AND (COALESCE(tu.notification_level, 1) >= 2) GROUP BY tau.user_id ) AS X ON X.user_id = u1.id ) AS Y WHERE Y.user_id IN ( SELECT id FROM users WHERE last_seen_at IS NOT NULL AND last_seen_at > :last_seen ORDER BY last_seen_at DESC LIMIT :limit ) ) AS Z WHERE us.user_id = Z.user_id SQL end def self.update_first_unread(last_seen, limit: UPDATE_UNREAD_USERS_LIMIT) DB.exec(<<~SQL, min_date: last_seen, limit: limit, now: UPDATE_UNREAD_MINUTES_AGO.minutes.ago) UPDATE user_stats us SET first_unread_at = COALESCE(Y.min_date, :now) FROM ( SELECT u1.id user_id, X.min min_date FROM users u1 LEFT JOIN (SELECT u.id AS user_id, min(topics.updated_at) min FROM users u LEFT JOIN topic_users tu ON tu.user_id = u.id LEFT JOIN topics ON tu.topic_id = topics.id JOIN user_stats AS us ON us.user_id = u.id JOIN user_options AS uo ON uo.user_id = u.id JOIN categories c ON c.id = topics.category_id WHERE u.id IN ( SELECT id FROM users WHERE last_seen_at IS NOT NULL AND last_seen_at > :min_date ORDER BY last_seen_at DESC LIMIT :limit ) AND topics.archetype <> 'private_message' AND (("topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND tu.last_read_post_number < CASE WHEN u.admin OR u.moderator THEN topics.highest_staff_post_number ELSE topics.highest_post_number END AND COALESCE(tu.notification_level, 1) >= 2) OR (1=0)) AND (topics.visible OR u.admin OR u.moderator) AND topics.deleted_at IS NULL AND (NOT c.read_restricted OR u.admin OR category_id IN (SELECT c2.id FROM categories c2 JOIN category_groups cg ON cg.category_id = c2.id JOIN group_users gu ON gu.user_id = u.id AND cg.group_id = gu.group_id WHERE c2.read_restricted )) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM category_users cu WHERE last_read_post_number IS NULL AND cu.user_id = u.id AND cu.category_id = topics.category_id AND cu.notification_level = 0) GROUP BY u.id, u.username) AS X ON X.user_id = u1.id WHERE u1.id IN ( SELECT id FROM users WHERE last_seen_at IS NOT NULL AND last_seen_at > :min_date ORDER BY last_seen_at DESC LIMIT :limit ) ) Y WHERE Y.user_id = us.user_id SQL end def self.reset_bounce_scores UserStat.where("reset_bounce_score_after < now()") .where("bounce_score > 0") .update_all(bounce_score: 0) end # Updates the denormalized view counts for all users def self.update_view_counts(last_seen = 1.hour.ago) # NOTE: we only update the counts for users we have seen in the last hour # this avoids a very expensive query that may run on the entire user base # we also ensure we only touch the table if data changes # Update denormalized topics_entered DB.exec(<<~SQL, seen_at: last_seen) UPDATE user_stats SET topics_entered = X.c FROM (SELECT v.user_id, COUNT(topic_id) AS c FROM topic_views AS v WHERE v.user_id IN ( SELECT u1.id FROM users u1 where u1.last_seen_at > :seen_at ) GROUP BY v.user_id) AS X WHERE X.user_id = user_stats.user_id AND X.c <> topics_entered SQL # Update denormalized posts_read_count DB.exec(<<~SQL, seen_at: last_seen) UPDATE user_stats SET posts_read_count = X.c FROM (SELECT pt.user_id, COUNT(*) AS c FROM users AS u JOIN post_timings AS pt ON pt.user_id = u.id JOIN topics t ON t.id = pt.topic_id WHERE u.last_seen_at > :seen_at AND t.archetype = 'regular' AND t.deleted_at IS NULL GROUP BY pt.user_id) AS X WHERE X.user_id = user_stats.user_id AND X.c <> posts_read_count SQL end def self.update_distinct_badge_count(user_id = nil) sql = <<~SQL UPDATE user_stats SET distinct_badge_count = x.distinct_badge_count FROM ( SELECT users.id user_id, COUNT(distinct user_badges.badge_id) distinct_badge_count FROM users LEFT JOIN user_badges ON user_badges.user_id = users.id AND (user_badges.badge_id IN (SELECT id FROM badges WHERE enabled)) GROUP BY users.id ) x WHERE user_stats.user_id = x.user_id AND user_stats.distinct_badge_count <> x.distinct_badge_count SQL sql = sql + " AND user_stats.user_id = #{user_id.to_i}" if user_id DB.exec sql end def update_distinct_badge_count self.class.update_distinct_badge_count(self.user_id) end # topic_reply_count is a count of posts in other users' topics def calc_topic_reply_count!(start_time = nil) sql = <<~SQL SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT posts.topic_id) AS count FROM posts INNER JOIN topics ON topics.id = posts.topic_id WHERE posts.user_id = ? AND topics.user_id <> posts.user_id AND posts.deleted_at IS NULL AND topics.deleted_at IS NULL AND topics.archetype <> 'private_message' #{start_time.nil? ? '' : 'AND posts.created_at > ?'} SQL if start_time.nil? DB.query_single(sql, self.user_id).first else DB.query_single(sql, self.user_id, start_time).first end end def any_posts user.posts.exists? end MAX_TIME_READ_DIFF = 100 # attempt to add total read time to user based on previous time this was called def self.update_time_read!(id) if last_seen = last_seen_cached(id) diff = (Time.now.to_f - last_seen.to_f).round if diff > 0 && diff < MAX_TIME_READ_DIFF update_args = ["time_read = time_read + ?", diff] UserStat.where(user_id: id).update_all(update_args) UserVisit.where(user_id: id, visited_at: Time.zone.now.to_date).update_all(update_args) end end cache_last_seen(id, Time.now.to_f) end def update_time_read! UserStat.update_time_read!(id) end def reset_bounce_score! update_columns(reset_bounce_score_after: nil, bounce_score: 0) end def self.last_seen_key(id) # frozen -"user-last-seen:#{id}" end def self.last_seen_cached(id) Discourse.redis.get(last_seen_key(id)) end def self.cache_last_seen(id, val) Discourse.redis.setex(last_seen_key(id), MAX_TIME_READ_DIFF, val) end protected def trigger_badges BadgeGranter.queue_badge_grant(Badge::Trigger::UserChange, user: self.user) end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: user_stats # # user_id :integer not null, primary key # topics_entered :integer default(0), not null # time_read :integer default(0), not null # days_visited :integer default(0), not null # posts_read_count :integer default(0), not null # likes_given :integer default(0), not null # likes_received :integer default(0), not null # new_since :datetime not null # read_faq :datetime # first_post_created_at :datetime # post_count :integer default(0), not null # topic_count :integer default(0), not null # bounce_score :float default(0.0), not null # reset_bounce_score_after :datetime # flags_agreed :integer default(0), not null # flags_disagreed :integer default(0), not null # flags_ignored :integer default(0), not null # first_unread_at :datetime not null # distinct_badge_count :integer default(0), not null # first_unread_pm_at :datetime not null # digest_attempted_at :datetime #