# frozen_string_literal: true class PostMover attr_reader :original_topic, :destination_topic, :user, :post_ids def self.move_types @move_types ||= Enum.new(:new_topic, :existing_topic) end def initialize(original_topic, user, post_ids, move_to_pm: false) @original_topic = original_topic @user = user @post_ids = post_ids @move_to_pm = move_to_pm end def to_topic(id, participants: nil, chronological_order: false) @move_type = PostMover.move_types[:existing_topic] @chronological_order = chronological_order topic = Topic.find_by_id(id) if topic.archetype != @original_topic.archetype && [@original_topic.archetype, topic.archetype].include?(Archetype.private_message) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters end Topic.transaction { move_posts_to topic } add_allowed_users(participants) if participants.present? && @move_to_pm enqueue_jobs(topic) topic end def to_new_topic(title, category_id = nil, tags = nil) @move_type = PostMover.move_types[:new_topic] post = Post.find_by(id: post_ids.first) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters unless post archetype = @move_to_pm ? Archetype.private_message : Archetype.default topic = Topic.transaction do new_topic = Topic.create!( user: post.user, title: title, category_id: category_id, created_at: post.created_at, archetype: archetype, ) DiscourseTagging.tag_topic_by_names(new_topic, Guardian.new(user), tags) move_posts_to new_topic watch_new_topic update_topic_excerpt new_topic new_topic end enqueue_jobs(topic) topic end private def update_topic_excerpt(topic) topic.update_excerpt(topic.first_post.excerpt_for_topic) end def move_posts_to(topic) Guardian.new(user).ensure_can_see! topic @destination_topic = topic # when a topic contains some posts after moving posts to another topic we shouldn't close it # two types of posts should prevent a topic from closing: # 1. regular posts # 2. almost all whispers # we should only exclude whispers with action_code: 'split_topic' # because we use such whispers as a small-action posts when moving posts to the secret message # (in this case we don't want everyone to see that posts were moved, that's why we use whispers) original_topic_posts_count = @original_topic .posts .where( "post_type = ? or (post_type = ? and action_code != 'split_topic')", Post.types[:regular], Post.types[:whisper], ) .count moving_all_posts = original_topic_posts_count == posts.length @first_post_number_moved = posts.first.is_first_post? ? posts[1]&.post_number : posts.first.post_number create_temp_table move_each_post handle_moved_references create_moderator_post_in_original_topic update_statistics update_user_actions update_last_post_stats update_upload_security_status update_bookmarks close_topic_and_schedule_deletion if moving_all_posts destination_topic.reload destination_topic end def create_temp_table DB.exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS moved_posts") if Rails.env.test? DB.exec <<~SQL CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE moved_posts ( old_topic_id INTEGER, old_post_id INTEGER, old_post_number INTEGER, new_topic_id INTEGER, new_topic_title VARCHAR, new_post_id INTEGER, new_post_number INTEGER ) ON COMMIT DROP; CREATE INDEX moved_posts_old_post_number ON moved_posts(old_post_number); CREATE INDEX moved_posts_old_post_id ON moved_posts(old_post_id); SQL end def handle_moved_references move_incoming_emails move_notifications update_reply_counts update_quotes move_first_post_replies delete_post_replies copy_shifted_post_timings_to_temp delete_invalid_post_timings copy_shifted_post_timings_from_temp move_post_timings copy_first_post_timings copy_topic_users end def move_each_post if @chronological_order move_each_post_chronological else move_each_post_sequential end end def move_each_post_sequential max_post_number = destination_topic.max_post_number + 1 @post_creator = nil @move_map = {} @reply_count = {} posts.each_with_index do |post, offset| @move_map[post.post_number] = offset + max_post_number if post.reply_to_post_number.present? @reply_count[post.reply_to_post_number] = (@reply_count[post.reply_to_post_number] || 0) + 1 end end posts.each do |post| metadata = movement_metadata(post, new_post_number: @move_map[post.post_number]) new_post = post.is_first_post? ? create_first_post(post) : move(post) store_movement(metadata, new_post) if @move_to_pm && !destination_topic.topic_allowed_users.exists?(user_id: post.user_id) destination_topic.topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: post.user_id) end end end def move_each_post_chronological destination_posts = destination_topic.ordered_posts.with_deleted # drops posts from destination_topic until it finds one that was created after posts.first min_created_at = posts.first.created_at moved_posts = destination_posts.drop_while { |post| post.created_at <= min_created_at } # if no post in destination_topic was created after posts.first it's equal to sequential if moved_posts.empty? initial_post_number = destination_topic.max_post_number + 1 else initial_post_number = moved_posts.first.post_number end last_index = 0 posts.each do |post| while last_index < moved_posts.length && moved_posts[last_index].created_at <= post.created_at last_index += 1 end moved_posts.insert(last_index, post) end @post_creator = nil @move_map = {} @shift_map = {} @reply_count = {} next_post_number = initial_post_number moved_posts.each do |post| if post.topic_id == destination_topic.id # avoid shifting to a lower post number next_post_number = post.post_number if post.post_number > next_post_number @shift_map[post.post_number] = next_post_number else @move_map[post.post_number] = next_post_number if post.reply_to_post_number.present? @reply_count[post.reply_to_post_number] = (@reply_count[post.reply_to_post_number] || 0) + 1 end end next_post_number += 1 end moved_posts.reverse_each do |post| if post.topic_id == destination_topic.id metadata = movement_metadata(post, new_post_number: @shift_map[post.post_number]) new_post = move_same_topic(post) else metadata = movement_metadata(post, new_post_number: @move_map[post.post_number]) new_post = post.is_first_post? ? create_first_post(post) : move(post) if @move_to_pm && !destination_topic.topic_allowed_users.exists?(user_id: post.user_id) destination_topic.topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: post.user_id) end end store_movement(metadata, new_post) end # change topic owner if there's a new first post destination_topic.update_column(:user_id, posts.first.user_id) if initial_post_number == 1 end def create_first_post(post) @post_creator = PostCreator.new( post.user, raw: post.raw, topic_id: destination_topic.id, acting_user: user, cook_method: post.cook_method, via_email: post.via_email, raw_email: post.raw_email, skip_validations: true, created_at: post.created_at, guardian: Guardian.new(user), skip_jobs: true, ) new_post = @post_creator.create! move_email_logs(post, new_post) PostAction.copy(post, new_post) attrs_to_update = { reply_count: @reply_count[1] || 0 } if new_post.post_number != @move_map[post.post_number] attrs_to_update[:post_number] = @move_map[post.post_number] attrs_to_update[:sort_order] = @move_map[post.post_number] end new_post.update_columns(attrs_to_update) new_post.custom_fields = post.custom_fields new_post.save_custom_fields DiscourseEvent.trigger(:post_moved, new_post, original_topic.id) # we don't want to keep the old topic's OP bookmarked when we are # moving it into a new topic Bookmark.where(bookmarkable: post).update_all(bookmarkable_id: new_post.id) new_post end def move(post) update = { reply_count: @reply_count[post.post_number] || 0, post_number: @move_map[post.post_number], reply_to_post_number: @move_map[post.reply_to_post_number], topic_id: destination_topic.id, sort_order: @move_map[post.post_number], baked_version: nil, } update[:reply_to_user_id] = nil unless @move_map[post.reply_to_post_number] post.attributes = update post.save(validate: false) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:post_moved, post, original_topic.id) # Move any links from the post to the new topic post.topic_links.update_all(topic_id: destination_topic.id) post end def move_same_topic(post) update = { post_number: @shift_map[post.post_number], sort_order: @shift_map[post.post_number], baked_version: nil, } if @shift_map[post.reply_to_post_number] update[:reply_to_post_number] = @shift_map[post.reply_to_post_number] end post.attributes = update post.save(validate: false) post end def movement_metadata(post, new_post_number: nil) { old_topic_id: post.topic_id, old_post_id: post.id, old_post_number: post.post_number, new_topic_id: destination_topic.id, new_post_number: new_post_number, new_topic_title: destination_topic.title, } end def store_movement(metadata, new_post) metadata[:new_post_id] = new_post.id DB.exec(<<~SQL, metadata) INSERT INTO moved_posts(old_topic_id, old_post_id, old_post_number, new_topic_id, new_topic_title, new_post_id, new_post_number) VALUES (:old_topic_id, :old_post_id, :old_post_number, :new_topic_id, :new_topic_title, :new_post_id, :new_post_number) SQL end def move_incoming_emails DB.exec <<~SQL UPDATE incoming_emails ie SET topic_id = mp.new_topic_id, post_id = mp.new_post_id FROM moved_posts mp WHERE ie.topic_id = mp.old_topic_id AND ie.post_id = mp.old_post_id AND mp.old_topic_id <> mp.new_topic_id SQL end def move_email_logs(old_post, new_post) EmailLog.where(post_id: old_post.id).update_all(post_id: new_post.id) end def move_notifications DB.exec <<~SQL UPDATE notifications n SET topic_id = mp.new_topic_id, post_number = mp.new_post_number, data = (data :: JSONB || jsonb_strip_nulls( jsonb_build_object( 'topic_title', CASE WHEN data :: JSONB ->> 'topic_title' IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE mp.new_topic_title END ) )) :: JSON FROM moved_posts mp WHERE n.topic_id = mp.old_topic_id AND n.post_number = mp.old_post_number AND n.notification_type <> #{Notification.types[:watching_first_post]} SQL end def update_reply_counts DB.exec <<~SQL UPDATE posts p SET reply_count = GREATEST(0, reply_count - x.moved_reply_count) FROM ( SELECT r.post_id, mp.new_topic_id, COUNT(1) AS moved_reply_count FROM moved_posts mp JOIN post_replies r ON (mp.old_post_id = r.reply_post_id) GROUP BY r.post_id, mp.new_topic_id ) x WHERE x.post_id = p.id AND x.new_topic_id <> p.topic_id SQL end def update_quotes DB.exec <<~SQL UPDATE posts p SET raw = REPLACE(p.raw, ', post:' || mp.old_post_number || ', topic:' || mp.old_topic_id, ', post:' || mp.new_post_number || ', topic:' || mp.new_topic_id), baked_version = NULL FROM moved_posts mp, quoted_posts qp WHERE p.id = qp.post_id AND mp.old_post_id = qp.quoted_post_id SQL end def move_first_post_replies DB.exec <<~SQL UPDATE post_replies pr SET post_id = mp.new_post_id FROM moved_posts mp WHERE mp.old_post_id <> mp.new_post_id AND pr.post_id = mp.old_post_id AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM moved_posts mr WHERE mr.new_post_id = pr.reply_post_id) SQL end def delete_post_replies DB.exec <<~SQL DELETE FROM post_replies pr USING moved_posts mp WHERE (SELECT topic_id FROM posts WHERE id = pr.post_id) <> (SELECT topic_id FROM posts WHERE id = pr.reply_post_id) AND (pr.reply_post_id = mp.old_post_id OR pr.post_id = mp.old_post_id) SQL end def copy_shifted_post_timings_to_temp DB.exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_post_timings") if Rails.env.test? # copy post_timings for shifted posts to a temp table using the new_post_number # they'll be copied back after delete_invalid_post_timings makes room for them DB.exec <<~SQL CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_post_timings ON COMMIT DROP AS ( SELECT pt.topic_id, mp.new_post_number as post_number, pt.user_id, pt.msecs FROM post_timings pt JOIN moved_posts mp ON mp.old_topic_id = pt.topic_id AND mp.old_post_number = pt.post_number AND mp.old_topic_id = mp.new_topic_id ) SQL end def copy_shifted_post_timings_from_temp DB.exec <<~SQL INSERT INTO post_timings (topic_id, user_id, post_number, msecs) SELECT topic_id, user_id, post_number, msecs FROM temp_post_timings SQL end def copy_first_post_timings DB.exec <<~SQL INSERT INTO post_timings (topic_id, user_id, post_number, msecs) SELECT mp.new_topic_id, pt.user_id, mp.new_post_number, pt.msecs FROM post_timings pt JOIN moved_posts mp ON (pt.topic_id = mp.old_topic_id AND pt.post_number = mp.old_post_number) WHERE mp.old_post_id <> mp.new_post_id ON CONFLICT (topic_id, post_number, user_id) DO UPDATE SET msecs = GREATEST(post_timings.msecs, excluded.msecs) SQL end def delete_invalid_post_timings DB.exec <<~SQL DELETE FROM post_timings pt USING moved_posts mp WHERE pt.topic_id = mp.new_topic_id AND pt.post_number = mp.new_post_number SQL end def move_post_timings DB.exec <<~SQL UPDATE post_timings pt SET topic_id = mp.new_topic_id, post_number = mp.new_post_number FROM moved_posts mp WHERE pt.topic_id = mp.old_topic_id AND pt.post_number = mp.old_post_number AND mp.old_post_id = mp.new_post_id AND mp.old_topic_id <> mp.new_topic_id SQL end def copy_topic_users params = { old_topic_id: original_topic.id, new_topic_id: destination_topic.id, old_highest_post_number: destination_topic.highest_post_number, old_highest_staff_post_number: destination_topic.highest_staff_post_number, } DB.exec(<<~SQL, params) INSERT INTO topic_users(user_id, topic_id, posted, last_read_post_number, last_emailed_post_number, first_visited_at, last_visited_at, notification_level, notifications_changed_at, notifications_reason_id) SELECT tu.user_id, :new_topic_id AS topic_id, EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM posts p WHERE p.topic_id = :new_topic_id AND p.user_id = tu.user_id LIMIT 1 ) AS posted, ( SELECT MAX(lr.new_post_number) FROM moved_posts lr WHERE lr.old_topic_id = tu.topic_id AND lr.old_post_number <= tu.last_read_post_number AND lr.old_topic_id <> lr.new_topic_id ) AS last_read_post_number, ( SELECT MAX(le.new_post_number) FROM moved_posts le WHERE le.old_topic_id = tu.topic_id AND le.old_post_number <= tu.last_emailed_post_number AND le.old_topic_id <> le.new_topic_id ) AS last_emailed_post_number, GREATEST(tu.first_visited_at, t.created_at) AS first_visited_at, GREATEST(tu.last_visited_at, t.created_at) AS last_visited_at, tu.notification_level, tu.notifications_changed_at, tu.notifications_reason_id FROM topic_users tu JOIN topics t ON (t.id = :new_topic_id) WHERE tu.topic_id = :old_topic_id AND GREATEST( tu.last_read_post_number, tu.last_emailed_post_number ) >= (SELECT MIN(mp.old_post_number) FROM moved_posts mp WHERE mp.old_topic_id <> mp.new_topic_id) ON CONFLICT (topic_id, user_id) DO UPDATE SET posted = excluded.posted, last_read_post_number = CASE WHEN topic_users.last_read_post_number = :old_highest_staff_post_number OR ( :old_highest_post_number < :old_highest_staff_post_number AND topic_users.last_read_post_number = :old_highest_post_number AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM users u WHERE u.id = topic_users.user_id AND (admin OR moderator)) ) THEN GREATEST(topic_users.last_read_post_number, excluded.last_read_post_number) ELSE topic_users.last_read_post_number END, last_emailed_post_number = CASE WHEN topic_users.last_emailed_post_number = :old_highest_staff_post_number OR ( :old_highest_post_number < :old_highest_staff_post_number AND topic_users.last_emailed_post_number = :old_highest_post_number AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM users u WHERE u.id = topic_users.user_id AND (admin OR moderator)) ) THEN GREATEST(topic_users.last_emailed_post_number, excluded.last_emailed_post_number) ELSE topic_users.last_emailed_post_number END, first_visited_at = LEAST(topic_users.first_visited_at, excluded.first_visited_at), last_visited_at = GREATEST(topic_users.last_visited_at, excluded.last_visited_at) SQL end def update_statistics destination_topic.update_statistics original_topic.update_statistics TopicUser.update_post_action_cache( topic_id: [original_topic.id, destination_topic.id], post_id: @post_ids, ) end def update_user_actions UserAction.synchronize_target_topic_ids(posts.map(&:id)) end def create_moderator_post_in_original_topic move_type_str = PostMover.move_types[@move_type].to_s move_type_str.sub!("topic", "message") if @move_to_pm message = I18n.with_locale(SiteSetting.default_locale) do I18n.t( "move_posts.#{move_type_str}_moderator_post", count: posts.length, topic_link: ( if posts.first.is_first_post? "[#{destination_topic.title}](#{destination_topic.relative_url})" else "[#{destination_topic.title}](#{posts.first.url})" end ), ) end post_type = @move_to_pm ? Post.types[:whisper] : Post.types[:small_action] original_topic.add_moderator_post( user, message, post_type: post_type, action_code: "split_topic", post_number: @first_post_number_moved, ) end def posts @posts ||= begin Post .where(topic: @original_topic, id: post_ids) .where.not(post_type: Post.types[:small_action]) .where.not(raw: "") .order(:created_at) .tap { |posts| raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:post_ids) if posts.empty? } end end def update_last_post_stats post = destination_topic.ordered_posts.where.not(post_type: Post.types[:whisper]).last if post && post_ids.include?(post.id) attrs = {} attrs[:last_posted_at] = post.created_at attrs[:last_post_user_id] = post.user_id attrs[:bumped_at] = Time.now attrs[:updated_at] = Time.now destination_topic.update_columns(attrs) end end def update_upload_security_status DB.after_commit { Jobs.enqueue(:update_topic_upload_security, topic_id: @destination_topic.id) } end def update_bookmarks DB.after_commit do Jobs.enqueue(:sync_topic_user_bookmarked, topic_id: @original_topic.id) Jobs.enqueue(:sync_topic_user_bookmarked, topic_id: @destination_topic.id) end end def watch_new_topic if @destination_topic.archetype == Archetype.private_message if @original_topic.archetype == Archetype.private_message notification_levels = TopicUser .where(topic_id: @original_topic.id, user_id: posts.pluck(:user_id)) .pluck(:user_id, :notification_level) .to_h else notification_levels = posts .pluck(:user_id) .uniq .map { |user_id| [user_id, TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]] } .to_h end else notification_levels = [[@destination_topic.user_id, TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]]] end notification_levels.each do |user_id, notification_level| TopicUser.change( user_id, @destination_topic.id, notification_level: notification_level, notifications_reason_id: TopicUser.notification_reasons[ destination_topic.user_id == user_id ? :created_topic : :created_post ], ) end end def add_allowed_users(usernames) return unless usernames.present? names = usernames.split(",").flatten User .where(username: names) .find_each do |user| unless destination_topic.topic_allowed_users.where(user_id: user.id).exists? destination_topic.topic_allowed_users.build(user_id: user.id) end end destination_topic.save! end def enqueue_jobs(topic) @post_creator.enqueue_jobs if @post_creator Jobs.enqueue(:notify_moved_posts, post_ids: post_ids, moved_by_id: user.id) Jobs.enqueue(:delete_inaccessible_notifications, topic_id: topic.id) end def close_topic_and_schedule_deletion @original_topic.update_status("closed", true, @user) days_to_deleting = SiteSetting.delete_merged_stub_topics_after_days if days_to_deleting > 0 @original_topic.set_or_create_timer( TopicTimer.types[:delete], days_to_deleting * 24, by_user: @user, ) end end end