import EmberObject from "@ember/object"; import { discourseModule, currentUser } from "helpers/qunit-helpers"; import AppEvents from "discourse/services/app-events"; import { EDIT, REPLY, CREATE_TOPIC, PRIVATE_MESSAGE, } from "discourse/models/composer"; import Post from "discourse/models/post"; import createStore from "helpers/create-store"; discourseModule("model:composer"); function createComposer(opts) { opts = opts || {}; opts.user = opts.user || currentUser(); opts.appEvents = AppEvents.create(); return createStore().createRecord("composer", opts); } function openComposer(opts) { const composer = createComposer(opts);; return composer; } QUnit.test("replyLength", (assert) => { const replyLength = function (val, expectedLength) { const composer = createComposer({ reply: val }); assert.equal(composer.get("replyLength"), expectedLength); }; replyLength("basic reply", 11, "basic reply length"); replyLength(" \nbasic reply\t", 11, "trims whitespaces"); replyLength("ba sic\n\nreply", 12, "count only significant whitespaces"); replyLength( "1[quote=]not counted[/quote]2[quote=]at all[/quote]3", 3, "removes quotes" ); replyLength( "1[quote=]not[quote=]counted[/quote]yay[/quote]2", 2, "handles nested quotes correctly" ); }); QUnit.test("missingReplyCharacters", function (assert) { this.siteSettings.min_first_post_length = 40; const missingReplyCharacters = function ( val, isPM, isFirstPost, expected, message ) { let action = REPLY; if (isPM) { action = PRIVATE_MESSAGE; } if (isFirstPost) { action = CREATE_TOPIC; } const composer = createComposer({ reply: val, action }); assert.equal(composer.get("missingReplyCharacters"), expected, message); }; missingReplyCharacters( "hi", false, false, this.siteSettings.min_post_length - 2, "too short public post" ); missingReplyCharacters( "hi", false, true, this.siteSettings.min_first_post_length - 2, "too short first post" ); missingReplyCharacters( "hi", true, false, this.siteSettings.min_personal_message_post_length - 2, "too short private message" ); const link = ""; this.siteSettings.topic_featured_link_enabled = true; this.siteSettings.topic_featured_link_allowed_category_ids = 12345; const composer = createComposer({ title: link, categoryId: 12345, featuredLink: link, action: CREATE_TOPIC, reply: link, }); assert.equal( composer.get("missingReplyCharacters"), 0, "don't require any post content" ); }); QUnit.test("missingTitleCharacters", function (assert) { const missingTitleCharacters = function (val, isPM, expected, message) { const composer = createComposer({ title: val, action: isPM ? PRIVATE_MESSAGE : REPLY, }); assert.equal(composer.get("missingTitleCharacters"), expected, message); }; missingTitleCharacters( "hi", false, this.siteSettings.min_topic_title_length - 2, "too short post title" ); missingTitleCharacters( "z", true, this.siteSettings.min_personal_message_title_length - 1, "too short pm title" ); }); QUnit.test("replyDirty", (assert) => { const composer = createComposer(); assert.ok(!composer.get("replyDirty"), "by default it's false"); composer.setProperties({ originalText: "hello", reply: "hello", }); assert.ok( !composer.get("replyDirty"), "it's false when the originalText is the same as the reply" ); composer.set("reply", "hello world"); assert.ok(composer.get("replyDirty"), "it's true when the reply changes"); }); QUnit.test("appendText", (assert) => { const composer = createComposer(); assert.blank(composer.get("reply"), "the reply is blank by default"); composer.appendText("hello"); assert.equal(composer.get("reply"), "hello", "it appends text to nothing"); composer.appendText(" world"); assert.equal( composer.get("reply"), "hello world", "it appends text to existing text" ); composer.clearState(); composer.appendText("a\n\n\n\nb"); composer.appendText("c", 3, { block: true }); assert.equal(composer.get("reply"), "a\n\nc\n\nb"); composer.clearState(); composer.appendText("ab"); composer.appendText("c", 1, { block: true }); assert.equal(composer.get("reply"), "a\n\nc\n\nb"); composer.clearState(); composer.appendText("\nab"); composer.appendText("c", 0, { block: true }); assert.equal(composer.get("reply"), "c\n\nab"); }); QUnit.test("prependText", (assert) => { const composer = createComposer(); assert.blank(composer.get("reply"), "the reply is blank by default"); composer.prependText("hello"); assert.equal(composer.get("reply"), "hello", "it prepends text to nothing"); composer.prependText("world "); assert.equal( composer.get("reply"), "world hello", "it prepends text to existing text" ); composer.prependText("before new line", { new_line: true }); assert.equal( composer.get("reply"), "before new line\n\nworld hello", "it prepends text with new line to existing text" ); }); QUnit.test("Title length for regular topics", function (assert) { this.siteSettings.min_topic_title_length = 5; this.siteSettings.max_topic_title_length = 10; const composer = createComposer(); composer.set("title", "asdf"); assert.ok(!composer.get("titleLengthValid"), "short titles are not valid"); composer.set("title", "this is a long title"); assert.ok(!composer.get("titleLengthValid"), "long titles are not valid"); composer.set("title", "just right"); assert.ok(composer.get("titleLengthValid"), "in the range is okay"); }); QUnit.test("Title length for private messages", function (assert) { this.siteSettings.min_personal_message_title_length = 5; this.siteSettings.max_topic_title_length = 10; const composer = createComposer({ action: PRIVATE_MESSAGE }); composer.set("title", "asdf"); assert.ok(!composer.get("titleLengthValid"), "short titles are not valid"); composer.set("title", "this is a long title"); assert.ok(!composer.get("titleLengthValid"), "long titles are not valid"); composer.set("title", "just right"); assert.ok(composer.get("titleLengthValid"), "in the range is okay"); }); QUnit.test( "Post length for private messages with non human users", (assert) => { const composer = createComposer({ topic: EmberObject.create({ pm_with_non_human_user: true }), }); assert.equal(composer.get("minimumPostLength"), 1); } ); QUnit.test("editingFirstPost", (assert) => { const composer = createComposer(); assert.ok(!composer.get("editingFirstPost"), "it's false by default"); const post = Post.create({ id: 123, post_number: 2 }); composer.setProperties({ post: post, action: EDIT }); assert.ok( !composer.get("editingFirstPost"), "it's false when not editing the first post" ); post.set("post_number", 1); assert.ok( composer.get("editingFirstPost"), "it's true when editing the first post" ); }); QUnit.test("clearState", (assert) => { const composer = createComposer({ originalText: "asdf", reply: "asdf2", post: Post.create({ id: 1 }), title: "wat", }); composer.clearState(); assert.blank(composer.get("originalText")); assert.blank(composer.get("reply")); assert.blank(composer.get("post")); assert.blank(composer.get("title")); }); QUnit.test("initial category when uncategorized is allowed", function (assert) { this.siteSettings.allow_uncategorized_topics = true; const composer = openComposer({ action: CREATE_TOPIC, draftKey: "asfd", draftSequence: 1, }); assert.ok(!composer.get("categoryId"), "Uncategorized by default"); }); QUnit.test("initial category when uncategorized is not allowed", function ( assert ) { this.siteSettings.allow_uncategorized_topics = false; const composer = openComposer({ action: CREATE_TOPIC, draftKey: "asfd", draftSequence: 1, }); assert.ok( !composer.get("categoryId"), "Uncategorized by default. Must choose a category." ); }); QUnit.test("open with a quote", (assert) => { const quote = '[quote="neil, post:5, topic:413"]\nSimmer down you two.\n[/quote]'; const newComposer = function () { return openComposer({ action: REPLY, draftKey: "asfd", draftSequence: 1, quote: quote, }); }; assert.equal( newComposer().get("originalText"), quote, "originalText is the quote" ); assert.equal( newComposer().get("replyDirty"), false, "replyDirty is initally false with a quote" ); }); QUnit.test("Title length for static page topics as admin", function (assert) { this.siteSettings.min_topic_title_length = 5; this.siteSettings.max_topic_title_length = 10; const composer = createComposer(); const post = Post.create({ id: 123, post_number: 2, static_doc: true, }); composer.setProperties({ post: post, action: EDIT }); composer.set("title", "asdf"); assert.ok(composer.get("titleLengthValid"), "admins can use short titles"); composer.set("title", "this is a long title"); assert.ok(composer.get("titleLengthValid"), "admins can use long titles"); composer.set("title", "just right"); assert.ok(composer.get("titleLengthValid"), "in the range is okay"); composer.set("title", ""); assert.ok( !composer.get("titleLengthValid"), "admins must set title to at least 1 character" ); }); QUnit.test("title placeholder depends on what you're doing", function (assert) { let composer = createComposer({ action: CREATE_TOPIC }); assert.equal( composer.get("titlePlaceholder"), "composer.title_placeholder", "placeholder for normal topic" ); composer = createComposer({ action: PRIVATE_MESSAGE }); assert.equal( composer.get("titlePlaceholder"), "composer.title_placeholder", "placeholder for private message" ); this.siteSettings.topic_featured_link_enabled = true; composer = createComposer({ action: CREATE_TOPIC }); assert.equal( composer.get("titlePlaceholder"), "composer.title_or_link_placeholder", "placeholder invites you to paste a link" ); composer = createComposer({ action: PRIVATE_MESSAGE }); assert.equal( composer.get("titlePlaceholder"), "composer.title_placeholder", "placeholder for private message with topic links enabled" ); }); QUnit.test("allows featured link before choosing a category", function ( assert ) { this.siteSettings.topic_featured_link_enabled = true; this.siteSettings.allow_uncategorized_topics = false; let composer = createComposer({ action: CREATE_TOPIC }); assert.equal( composer.get("titlePlaceholder"), "composer.title_or_link_placeholder", "placeholder invites you to paste a link" ); assert.ok(composer.get("canEditTopicFeaturedLink"), "can paste link"); }); QUnit.test("targetRecipientsArray contains types", (assert) => { let composer = createComposer({ targetRecipients: "test,codinghorror,staff,", }); assert.ok(composer.targetRecipientsArray, [ { type: "group", name: "test" }, { type: "user", name: "codinghorror" }, { type: "group", name: "staff" }, { type: "email", name: "" }, ]); });