# frozen_string_literal: true require_dependency "db_helper" module BackupRestore class RestoreDisabledError < RuntimeError; end class FilenameMissingError < RuntimeError; end class Restorer attr_reader :success def self.pg_produces_portable_dump?(version) # anything pg 11 or above will produce a non-portable dump return false if version.to_i >= 11 # below 11, the behaviour was changed in multiple different minor # versions depending on major release line - we list those versions below gem_version = Gem::Version.new(version) %w{ 10.3 9.6.8 9.5.12 9.4.17 9.3.22 }.each do |unportable_version| return false if Gem::Dependency.new("", "~> #{unportable_version}").match?("", gem_version) end true end def initialize(user_id, opts = {}) @user_id = user_id @client_id = opts[:client_id] @filename = opts[:filename] @publish_to_message_bus = opts[:publish_to_message_bus] || false @disable_emails = opts.fetch(:disable_emails, true) ensure_restore_is_enabled ensure_no_operation_is_running ensure_we_have_a_user ensure_we_have_a_filename initialize_state end def run log "[STARTED]" log "'#{@user_info[:username]}' has started the restore!" mark_restore_as_running listen_for_shutdown_signal ensure_directory_exists(@tmp_directory) copy_archive_to_tmp_directory unzip_archive extract_metadata validate_metadata extract_dump create_missing_discourse_functions if !can_restore_into_different_schema? log "Cannot restore into different schema, restoring in-place" enable_readonly_mode pause_sidekiq wait_for_sidekiq BackupRestore.move_tables_between_schemas("public", "backup") @db_was_changed = true restore_dump else log "Restoring into 'backup' schema" restore_dump enable_readonly_mode pause_sidekiq wait_for_sidekiq switch_schema! end migrate_database reconnect_database reload_site_settings clear_emoji_cache disable_readonly_mode clear_theme_cache extract_uploads after_restore_hook rescue SystemExit log "Restore process was cancelled!" rollback rescue => ex log "EXCEPTION: " + ex.message log ex.backtrace.join("\n") rollback else @success = true ensure clean_up notify_user log "Finished!" @success ? log("[SUCCESS]") : log("[FAILED]") end protected def ensure_restore_is_enabled raise BackupRestore::RestoreDisabledError unless Rails.env.development? || SiteSetting.allow_restore? end def ensure_no_operation_is_running raise BackupRestore::OperationRunningError if BackupRestore.is_operation_running? end def ensure_we_have_a_user user = User.find_by(id: @user_id) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:user_id) unless user # keep some user data around to check them against the newly restored database @user_info = { id: user.id, username: user.username, email: user.email } end def ensure_we_have_a_filename raise BackupRestore::FilenameMissingError if @filename.nil? end def initialize_state @success = false @store = BackupRestore::BackupStore.create @db_was_changed = false @current_db = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db @current_version = BackupRestore.current_version @timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S") @tmp_directory = File.join(Rails.root, "tmp", "restores", @current_db, @timestamp) @archive_filename = File.join(@tmp_directory, @filename) @tar_filename = @archive_filename[0...-3] @meta_filename = File.join(@tmp_directory, BackupRestore::METADATA_FILE) @is_archive = !(@filename =~ /.sql.gz$/) @logs = [] @readonly_mode_was_enabled = Discourse.readonly_mode? @created_functions_for_table_columns = [] end def listen_for_shutdown_signal Thread.new do while BackupRestore.is_operation_running? exit if BackupRestore.should_shutdown? sleep 0.1 end end end def mark_restore_as_running log "Marking restore as running..." BackupRestore.mark_as_running! end def enable_readonly_mode return if @readonly_mode_was_enabled log "Enabling readonly mode..." Discourse.enable_readonly_mode end def pause_sidekiq log "Pausing sidekiq..." Sidekiq.pause! end def wait_for_sidekiq log "Waiting for sidekiq to finish running jobs..." iterations = 1 while sidekiq_has_running_jobs? log "Waiting for sidekiq to finish running jobs... ##{iterations}" sleep 5 iterations += 1 raise "Sidekiq did not finish running all the jobs in the allowed time!" if iterations > 6 end end def sidekiq_has_running_jobs? Sidekiq::Workers.new.each do |_, _, worker| payload = worker.try(:payload) return true if payload.try(:all_sites) return true if payload.try(:current_site_id) == @current_db end false end def copy_archive_to_tmp_directory if @store.remote? log "Downloading archive to tmp directory..." failure_message = "Failed to download archive to tmp directory." else log "Copying archive to tmp directory..." failure_message = "Failed to copy archive to tmp directory." end @store.download_file(@filename, @archive_filename, failure_message) end def unzip_archive return unless @is_archive log "Unzipping archive, this may take a while..." FileUtils.cd(@tmp_directory) do Discourse::Utils.execute_command('gzip', '--decompress', @archive_filename, failure_message: "Failed to unzip archive.") end end def extract_metadata @metadata = if system('tar', '--list', '--file', @tar_filename, BackupRestore::METADATA_FILE) log "Extracting metadata file..." FileUtils.cd(@tmp_directory) do Discourse::Utils.execute_command( 'tar', '--extract', '--file', @tar_filename, BackupRestore::METADATA_FILE, failure_message: "Failed to extract metadata file." ) end data = Oj.load_file(@meta_filename) raise "Failed to load metadata file." if !data data else log "No metadata file to extract." if @filename =~ /-#{BackupRestore::VERSION_PREFIX}(\d{14})/ { "version" => Regexp.last_match[1].to_i } else raise "Migration version is missing from the filename." end end end def validate_metadata log "Validating metadata..." log " Current version: #{@current_version}" raise "Metadata has not been extracted correctly." if !@metadata log " Restored version: #{@metadata["version"]}" error = "You're trying to restore a more recent version of the schema. You should migrate first!" raise error if @metadata["version"] > @current_version end def extract_dump @dump_filename = if @is_archive # For backwards compatibility if system('tar', '--list', '--file', @tar_filename, BackupRestore::OLD_DUMP_FILE) File.join(@tmp_directory, BackupRestore::OLD_DUMP_FILE) else File.join(@tmp_directory, BackupRestore::DUMP_FILE) end else File.join(@tmp_directory, @filename) end return unless @is_archive log "Extracting dump file..." FileUtils.cd(@tmp_directory) do Discourse::Utils.execute_command( 'tar', '--extract', '--file', @tar_filename, File.basename(@dump_filename), failure_message: "Failed to extract dump file." ) end end def get_dumped_by_version output = Discourse::Utils.execute_command( File.extname(@dump_filename) == '.gz' ? 'zgrep' : 'grep', '-m1', @dump_filename, '-e', "-- Dumped by pg_dump version", failure_message: "Failed to check version of pg_dump used to generate the dump file" ) output.match(/version (\d+(\.\d+)+)/)[1] end def can_restore_into_different_schema? self.class.pg_produces_portable_dump?(get_dumped_by_version) end def restore_dump_command if File.extname(@dump_filename) == '.gz' "gzip -d < #{@dump_filename} | #{sed_command} | #{psql_command} 2>&1" else "#{psql_command} 2>&1 < #{@dump_filename}" end end def restore_dump log "Restoring dump file... (can be quite long)" logs = Queue.new psql_running = true has_error = false Thread.new do RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement::establish_connection(db: @current_db) while psql_running message = logs.pop.strip has_error ||= (message =~ /ERROR:/) log(message) unless message.blank? end end IO.popen(restore_dump_command) do |pipe| begin while line = pipe.readline logs << line end rescue EOFError # finished reading... ensure psql_running = false logs << "" end end # psql does not return a valid exit code when an error happens raise "psql failed" if has_error end def psql_command db_conf = BackupRestore.database_configuration password_argument = "PGPASSWORD='#{db_conf.password}'" if db_conf.password.present? host_argument = "--host=#{db_conf.host}" if db_conf.host.present? port_argument = "--port=#{db_conf.port}" if db_conf.port.present? username_argument = "--username=#{db_conf.username}" if db_conf.username.present? [ password_argument, # pass the password to psql (if any) "psql", # the psql command "--dbname='#{db_conf.database}'", # connect to database *dbname* "--single-transaction", # all or nothing (also runs COPY commands faster) host_argument, # the hostname to connect to (if any) port_argument, # the port to connect to (if any) username_argument # the username to connect as (if any) ].join(" ") end def sed_command # in order to limit the downtime when restoring as much as possible # we force the restoration to happen in the "restore" schema # during the restoration, this make sure we # - drop the "restore" schema if it exists # - create the "restore" schema # - prepend the "restore" schema into the search_path regexp = "SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;" replacement = [ "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS restore CASCADE;", "CREATE SCHEMA restore;", "SET search_path = restore, public, pg_catalog;", ].join(" ") # we only want to replace the VERY first occurence of the search_path command expression = "1,/^#{regexp}$/s/#{regexp}/#{replacement}/" "sed -e '#{expression}'" end def switch_schema! log "Switching schemas... try reloading the site in 5 minutes, if successful, then reboot and restore is complete." sql = [ "BEGIN;", BackupRestore.move_tables_between_schemas_sql("public", "backup"), BackupRestore.move_tables_between_schemas_sql("restore", "public"), "COMMIT;" ].join("\n") @db_was_changed = true DB.exec(sql) end def migrate_database log "Migrating the database..." if Discourse.skip_post_deployment_migrations? ENV["SKIP_POST_DEPLOYMENT_MIGRATIONS"] = "0" Rails.application.config.paths['db/migrate'] << Rails.root.join( Discourse::DB_POST_MIGRATE_PATH ).to_s end Discourse::Application.load_tasks ENV["VERSION"] = @current_version.to_s DB.exec("SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;") Rake::Task["db:migrate"].invoke end def reconnect_database log "Reconnecting to the database..." RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement::establish_connection(db: @current_db) end def reload_site_settings log "Reloading site settings..." SiteSetting.refresh! DiscourseEvent.trigger(:site_settings_restored) if @disable_emails && SiteSetting.disable_emails == 'no' log "Disabling outgoing emails for non-staff users..." user = User.find_by_email(@user_info[:email]) || Discourse.system_user SiteSetting.set_and_log(:disable_emails, 'non-staff', user) end end def clear_emoji_cache log "Clearing emoji cache..." Emoji.clear_cache end def extract_uploads if system('tar', '--exclude=*/*', '--list', '--file', @tar_filename, 'uploads') log "Extracting uploads..." FileUtils.cd(@tmp_directory) do Discourse::Utils.execute_command( 'tar', '--extract', '--keep-newer-files', '--file', @tar_filename, 'uploads/', failure_message: "Failed to extract uploads." ) end public_uploads_path = File.join(Rails.root, "public") FileUtils.cd(public_uploads_path) do FileUtils.mkdir_p("uploads") tmp_uploads_path = Dir.glob(File.join(@tmp_directory, "uploads", "*")).first previous_db_name = BackupMetadata.value_for("db_name") || File.basename(tmp_uploads_path) current_db_name = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db optimized_images_exist = File.exist?(File.join(tmp_uploads_path, 'optimized')) Discourse::Utils.execute_command( 'rsync', '-avp', '--safe-links', "#{tmp_uploads_path}/", "uploads/#{current_db_name}/", failure_message: "Failed to restore uploads." ) remap_uploads(previous_db_name, current_db_name) if SiteSetting.Upload.enable_s3_uploads migrate_to_s3 remove_local_uploads(File.join(public_uploads_path, "uploads/#{current_db_name}")) end generate_optimized_images unless optimized_images_exist end end end def remap_uploads(previous_db_name, current_db_name) log "Remapping uploads..." was_multisite = BackupMetadata.value_for("multisite") == "t" uploads_folder = was_multisite ? "/" : "/uploads/#{current_db_name}/" if (old_base_url = BackupMetadata.value_for("base_url")) && old_base_url != Discourse.base_url remap(old_base_url, Discourse.base_url) end current_s3_base_url = SiteSetting.Upload.enable_s3_uploads ? SiteSetting.Upload.s3_base_url : nil if (old_s3_base_url = BackupMetadata.value_for("s3_base_url")) && old_base_url != current_s3_base_url remap("#{old_s3_base_url}/", uploads_folder) end current_s3_cdn_url = SiteSetting.Upload.enable_s3_uploads ? SiteSetting.Upload.s3_cdn_url : nil if (old_s3_cdn_url = BackupMetadata.value_for("s3_cdn_url")) && old_s3_cdn_url != current_s3_cdn_url base_url = SiteSetting.Upload.enable_s3_uploads ? SiteSetting.Upload.s3_cdn_url : Discourse.base_url remap("#{old_s3_cdn_url}/", UrlHelper.schemaless("#{base_url}#{uploads_folder}")) old_host = URI.parse(old_s3_cdn_url).host new_host = URI.parse(base_url).host remap(old_host, new_host) end if (old_cdn_url = BackupMetadata.value_for("cdn_url")) && old_cdn_url != Discourse.asset_host base_url = Discourse.asset_host || Discourse.base_url remap("#{old_cdn_url}/", UrlHelper.schemaless("#{base_url}/")) old_host = URI.parse(old_cdn_url).host new_host = URI.parse(base_url).host remap(old_host, new_host) end if previous_db_name != current_db_name remap("uploads/#{previous_db_name}", "uploads/#{current_db_name}") end rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while remapping uploads.", ex end def remap(from, to) puts "Remapping '#{from}' to '#{to}'" DbHelper.remap(from, to, verbose: true, excluded_tables: ["backup_metadata"]) end def migrate_to_s3 log "Migrating uploads to S3..." ENV["SKIP_FAILED"] = "1" ENV["MIGRATE_TO_MULTISITE"] = "1" if Rails.configuration.multisite Rake::Task["uploads:migrate_to_s3"].invoke Jobs.run_later! end def remove_local_uploads(directory) log "Removing local uploads directory..." FileUtils.rm_rf(directory) if Dir[directory].present? rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while removing the following uploads directory: #{directory}", ex end def generate_optimized_images log 'Optimizing site icons...' DB.exec("TRUNCATE TABLE optimized_images") SiteIconManager.ensure_optimized! log 'Posts will be rebaked by a background job in sidekiq. You will see missing images until that has completed.' log 'You can expedite the process by manually running "rake posts:rebake_uncooked_posts"' DB.exec(<<~SQL) UPDATE posts SET baked_version = NULL WHERE id IN (SELECT post_id FROM post_uploads) SQL User.where("uploaded_avatar_id IS NOT NULL").find_each do |user| Jobs.enqueue(:create_avatar_thumbnails, upload_id: user.uploaded_avatar_id) end end def rollback log "Trying to rollback..." if @db_was_changed && BackupRestore.can_rollback? log "Rolling back..." BackupRestore.move_tables_between_schemas("backup", "public") else log "There was no need to rollback" end end def notify_user if user = User.find_by_email(@user_info[:email]) log "Notifying '#{user.username}' of the end of the restore..." status = @success ? :restore_succeeded : :restore_failed SystemMessage.create_from_system_user(user, status, logs: Discourse::Utils.pretty_logs(@logs) ) else log "Could not send notification to '#{@user_info[:username]}' (#{@user_info[:email]}), because the user does not exists..." end rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while notifying user.", ex end def create_missing_discourse_functions log "Creating missing functions in the discourse_functions schema" all_readonly_table_columns = [] Dir[Rails.root.join(Discourse::DB_POST_MIGRATE_PATH, "*.rb")].each do |path| require path class_name = File.basename(path, ".rb").sub(/^\d+_/, "").camelize migration_class = class_name.constantize if migration_class.const_defined?(:DROPPED_TABLES) migration_class::DROPPED_TABLES.each do |table_name| all_readonly_table_columns << [table_name] end end if migration_class.const_defined?(:DROPPED_COLUMNS) migration_class::DROPPED_COLUMNS.each do |table_name, column_names| column_names.each do |column_name| all_readonly_table_columns << [table_name, column_name] end end end end existing_function_names = Migration::BaseDropper.existing_discourse_function_names.map { |name| "#{name}()" } all_readonly_table_columns.each do |table_name, column_name| function_name = Migration::BaseDropper.readonly_function_name(table_name, column_name, with_schema: false) if !existing_function_names.include?(function_name) Migration::BaseDropper.create_readonly_function(table_name, column_name) @created_functions_for_table_columns << [table_name, column_name] end end end def clean_up log "Cleaning stuff up..." drop_created_discourse_functions remove_tmp_directory unpause_sidekiq disable_readonly_mode if Discourse.readonly_mode? mark_restore_as_not_running end def remove_tmp_directory log "Removing tmp '#{@tmp_directory}' directory..." FileUtils.rm_rf(@tmp_directory) if Dir[@tmp_directory].present? rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while removing the following tmp directory: #{@tmp_directory}", ex end def unpause_sidekiq log "Unpausing sidekiq..." Sidekiq.unpause! rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while unpausing Sidekiq.", ex end def clear_theme_cache log "Clear theme cache" ThemeField.force_recompilation! Theme.expire_site_cache! Stylesheet::Manager.cache.clear end def drop_created_discourse_functions log "Dropping function from the discourse_functions schema" @created_functions_for_table_columns.each do |table_name, column_name| Migration::BaseDropper.drop_readonly_function(table_name, column_name) end rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while dropping functions from the discourse_functions schema", ex end def disable_readonly_mode return if @readonly_mode_was_enabled log "Disabling readonly mode..." Discourse.disable_readonly_mode rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while disabling readonly mode.", ex end def mark_restore_as_not_running log "Marking restore as finished..." BackupRestore.mark_as_not_running! rescue => ex log "Something went wrong while marking restore as finished.", ex end def ensure_directory_exists(directory) log "Making sure #{directory} exists..." FileUtils.mkdir_p(directory) end def after_restore_hook log "Executing the after_restore_hook..." DiscourseEvent.trigger(:restore_complete) end def log(message, ex = nil) timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") puts(message) publish_log(message, timestamp) save_log(message, timestamp) Rails.logger.error("#{ex}\n" + ex.backtrace.join("\n")) if ex end def publish_log(message, timestamp) return unless @publish_to_message_bus data = { timestamp: timestamp, operation: "restore", message: message } MessageBus.publish(BackupRestore::LOGS_CHANNEL, data, user_ids: [@user_id], client_ids: [@client_id]) end def save_log(message, timestamp) @logs << "[#{timestamp}] #{message}" end end end