import { click, render } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile"; import { module, test } from "qunit"; import { setupRenderingTest } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test"; import { query, queryAll, visible, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; const youtubeCooked = "

written text

" + '
Vid 1
' + "

more written text

" + '
Vid 2
' + "

and even more

"; const animatedImageCooked = "

written text

" + '

' + "

more written text

" + '

' + "

and even more

"; const externalImageCooked = "

written text

" + '

' + "

more written text

" + '

' + "

and even more

"; const imageCooked = "

written text

" + '

shows alt

' + "

more written text

" + '

' + "

and even more

" + '

'; const galleryCooked = "

written text

" + '
' + '' + 'Le tomtom album' + '' + "" + "
" + "

more written text

"; const evilString = ""; const evilStringEscaped = "<script>someeviltitle</script>"; module("Discourse Chat | Component | chat message collapser", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test("escapes uploads header", async function (assert) { this.set("uploads", [{ original_filename: evilString }]); await render(hbs``); assert.true( query(".chat-message-collapser-link-small").innerHTML.includes( evilStringEscaped ) ); }); }); module( "Discourse Chat | Component | chat message collapser youtube", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test("escapes youtube header", async function (assert) { this.set( "cooked", youtubeCooked.replace( "", `${evilString}` ) ); await render(hbs``); assert.true( query(".chat-message-collapser-link").href.includes( "%3Cscript%3Esomeeviltitle%3C/script%3E" ) ); }); test("shows youtube link in header", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", youtubeCooked); await render(hbs``); const link = queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-link"); assert.strictEqual(link.length, 2, "two youtube links rendered"); assert.strictEqual(link[0].href, ""); assert.strictEqual(link[1].href, ""); }); test("shows all user written text", async function (assert) { youtubeCooked.youtubeid; this.set("cooked", youtubeCooked); await render(hbs``); const text = queryAll(".chat-message-collapser p"); assert.strictEqual(text.length, 3, "shows all written text"); assert.strictEqual( text[0].innerText, "written text", "first line of written text" ); assert.strictEqual( text[1].innerText, "more written text", "third line of written text" ); assert.strictEqual( text[2].innerText, "and even more", "fifth line of written text" ); }); test("collapses and expands cooked youtube", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", youtubeCooked); await render(hbs``); const youtubeDivs = queryAll(".youtube-onebox"); assert.strictEqual( youtubeDivs.length, 2, "two youtube previews rendered" ); await click( queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-opened")[0], "close first preview" ); assert.false( visible(".youtube-onebox[data-video-id='ytId1']"), "first youtube preview hidden" ); assert.true( visible(".youtube-onebox[data-video-id='ytId2']"), "second youtube preview still visible" ); await click(".chat-message-collapser-closed"); assert.strictEqual( youtubeDivs.length, 2, "two youtube previews rendered" ); await click( queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-opened")[1], "close second preview" ); assert.true( visible(".youtube-onebox[data-video-id='ytId1']"), "first youtube preview still visible" ); assert.false( visible(".youtube-onebox[data-video-id='ytId2']"), "second youtube preview hidden" ); await click(".chat-message-collapser-closed"); assert.strictEqual( youtubeDivs.length, 2, "two youtube previews rendered" ); }); } ); module( "Discourse Chat | Component | chat message collapser images", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); const imageTextCooked = "

A picture of Tomtom

"; test("shows filename for one image", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", imageTextCooked); this.set("uploads", [{ original_filename: "tomtom.jpeg" }]); await render( hbs`` ); assert.true( query(".chat-message-collapser-link-small").innerText.includes( "tomtom.jpeg" ) ); }); test("shows number of files for multiple images", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", imageTextCooked); this.set("uploads", [{}, {}]); await render( hbs`` ); assert.true( query(".chat-message-collapser-link-small").innerText.includes( "2 files" ) ); }); test("collapses and expands images", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", imageTextCooked); this.set("uploads", [{ original_filename: "tomtom.png" }]); await render( hbs`` ); const uploads = ".chat-uploads"; const chatImageUpload = ".chat-img-upload"; assert.true(visible(uploads)); assert.true(visible(chatImageUpload)); await click(".chat-message-collapser-opened"); assert.false(visible(uploads)); assert.false(visible(chatImageUpload)); await click(".chat-message-collapser-closed"); assert.true(visible(uploads)); assert.true(visible(chatImageUpload)); }); } ); module( "Discourse Chat | Component | chat message collapser animated image", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test("shows links for animated image", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", animatedImageCooked); await render(hbs``); const links = queryAll(""); assert.true(links[0].innerText.trim().includes("avatar.png")); assert.true(links[0].href.includes("avatar.png")); assert.true( links[1].innerText.trim().includes("d-logo-sketch-small.png") ); assert.true(links[1].href.includes("d-logo-sketch-small.png")); }); test("shows all user written text", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", animatedImageCooked); await render(hbs``); const text = queryAll(".chat-message-collapser p"); assert.strictEqual(text.length, 5, "shows all written text"); assert.strictEqual(text[0].innerText, "written text"); assert.strictEqual(text[2].innerText, "more written text"); assert.strictEqual(text[4].innerText, "and even more"); }); test("collapses and expands animated image onebox", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", animatedImageCooked); await render(hbs``); const animatedOneboxes = queryAll(".animated.onebox"); assert.strictEqual(animatedOneboxes.length, 2, "two oneboxes rendered"); await click( queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-opened")[0], "close first preview" ); assert.false( visible(".onebox[src='/images/avatar.png']"), "first onebox hidden" ); assert.true( visible(".onebox[src='/images/d-logo-sketch-small.png']"), "second onebox still visible" ); await click(".chat-message-collapser-closed"); assert.strictEqual(animatedOneboxes.length, 2, "two oneboxes rendered"); await click( queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-opened")[1], "close second preview" ); assert.true( visible(".onebox[src='/images/avatar.png']"), "first onebox still visible" ); assert.false( visible(".onebox[src='/images/d-logo-sketch-small.png']"), "second onebox hidden" ); await click(".chat-message-collapser-closed"); assert.strictEqual(animatedOneboxes.length, 2, "two oneboxes rendered"); }); } ); module( "Discourse Chat | Component | chat message collapser external image onebox", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test("shows links for animated image", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", externalImageCooked); await render(hbs``); const links = queryAll(""); assert.true(links[0].innerText.trim().includes("")); assert.true(links[0].href.includes("")); assert.true(links[1].innerText.trim().includes("")); assert.true(links[1].href.includes("")); }); test("shows all user written text", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", externalImageCooked); await render(hbs``); const text = queryAll(".chat-message-collapser p"); assert.strictEqual(text.length, 5, "shows all written text"); assert.strictEqual(text[0].innerText, "written text"); assert.strictEqual(text[2].innerText, "more written text"); assert.strictEqual(text[4].innerText, "and even more"); }); test("collapses and expands image oneboxes", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", externalImageCooked); await render(hbs``); const imageOneboxes = queryAll(".onebox"); assert.strictEqual(imageOneboxes.length, 2, "two oneboxes rendered"); await click( queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-opened")[0], "close first preview" ); assert.false( visible(".onebox[href='']"), "first onebox hidden" ); assert.true( visible(".onebox[href='']"), "second onebox still visible" ); await click(".chat-message-collapser-closed"); assert.strictEqual(imageOneboxes.length, 2, "two oneboxes rendered"); await click( queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-opened")[1], "close second preview" ); assert.true( visible(".onebox[href='']"), "first onebox still visible" ); assert.false( visible(".onebox[href='']"), "second onebox hidden" ); await click(".chat-message-collapser-closed"); assert.strictEqual(imageOneboxes.length, 2, "two oneboxes rendered"); }); } ); module( "Discourse Chat | Component | chat message collapser images", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test("escapes link", async function (assert) { this.set( "cooked", imageCooked .replace("shows alt", evilString) .replace("/images/d-logo-sketch-small.png", evilString) ); await render(hbs``); assert.true( queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-link-small")[0].innerHTML.includes( evilStringEscaped ) ); assert.true( queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-link-small")[1].innerHTML.includes( "%3Cscript%3Esomeeviltitle%3C/script%3E" ) ); }); test("shows alt or links (if no alt) for linked image", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", imageCooked); await render(hbs``); const links = queryAll(""); assert.true(links[0].innerText.trim().includes("shows alt")); assert.true(links[0].href.includes("/images/avatar.png")); assert.true( links[1].innerText.trim().includes("/images/d-logo-sketch-small.png") ); assert.true(links[1].href.includes("/images/d-logo-sketch-small.png")); }); test("shows all user written text", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", imageCooked); await render(hbs``); const text = queryAll(".chat-message-collapser p"); assert.strictEqual(text.length, 6, "shows all written text"); assert.strictEqual(text[0].innerText, "written text"); assert.strictEqual(text[2].innerText, "more written text"); assert.strictEqual(text[4].innerText, "and even more"); }); test("collapses and expands images", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", imageCooked); await render(hbs``); const images = queryAll("img"); assert.strictEqual(images.length, 3); await click( queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-opened")[0], "close first preview" ); assert.false( visible("img[src='/images/avatar.png']"), "first image hidden" ); assert.true( visible("img[src='/images/d-logo-sketch-small.png']"), "second image still visible" ); await click(".chat-message-collapser-closed"); assert.strictEqual(images.length, 3); await click( queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-opened")[1], "close second preview" ); assert.true( visible("img[src='/images/avatar.png']"), "first image still visible" ); assert.false( visible("img[src='/images/d-logo-sketch-small.png']"), "second image hidden" ); await click(".chat-message-collapser-closed"); assert.strictEqual(images.length, 3); }); test("does not show collapser for emoji images", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", imageCooked); await render(hbs``); const links = queryAll(""); const images = queryAll("img"); const collapser = queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-opened"); assert.strictEqual(links.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(images.length, 3, "shows images and emoji"); assert.strictEqual(collapser.length, 2); }); } ); module( "Discourse Chat | Component | chat message collapser galleries", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test("escapes title/link", async function (assert) { this.set( "cooked", galleryCooked .replace("", evilString) .replace("Le tomtom album", evilString) ); await render(hbs``); assert.true( query(".chat-message-collapser-link-small").href.includes( "%3Cscript%3Esomeeviltitle%3C/script%3E" ) ); assert.strictEqual( query(".chat-message-collapser-link-small").innerHTML.trim(), "someeviltitle" ); }); test("removes album title overlay", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", galleryCooked); await render(hbs``); assert.false(visible(".album-title"), "album title removed"); }); test("shows gallery link", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", galleryCooked); await render(hbs``); assert.true( query(".chat-message-collapser-link-small").innerText.includes( "Le tomtom album" ) ); }); test("shows all user written text", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", galleryCooked); await render(hbs``); const text = queryAll(".chat-message-collapser p"); assert.strictEqual(text.length, 2, "shows all written text"); assert.strictEqual(text[0].innerText, "written text"); assert.strictEqual(text[1].innerText, "more written text"); }); test("collapses and expands images", async function (assert) { this.set("cooked", galleryCooked); await render(hbs``); assert.true(visible("img"), "image visible initially"); await click( queryAll(".chat-message-collapser-opened")[0], "close preview" ); assert.false(visible("img"), "image hidden"); await click(".chat-message-collapser-closed"); assert.true(visible("img"), "image visible initially"); }); } );